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Everything posted by iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns

  1. I love you. Love you. Love you. I'm in a shitty commuter school (better gpa [but likely shittier school]) and you are my inspiration. Wellllll inspiration is a little dramatic- listen- you give me hope for 2014.
  2. I like my women like I like my scotch... 14 years old and mixed up with coke.
  3. Send me a private message, tell me how cute I am today in my little pastel shirts and fancy shoes.

  4. I was thought that it was rare to get a funded MA. I'd say take the position- apply for scholarship/fellowships and generally make learning worth your while.
  5. All the best kinds of pasta

  6. I'm so far ahead in planning I already know that I'm going to be accepted at UT and CMU and they'll fight over me. :-D
  7. can't join chat because we've got too many? Pff ya right, ya'll just hate what I talk about

    1. Quantum Buckyball

      Quantum Buckyball

      haters gonna hate!

  8. I up-voted you, bricheet, because you put up with my sarcasm with grace. You're truly a stronger person than I.
  9. Everyone else has some very good advice. But I'm concerned with why they (whom ever "they" are) only accept post-docs and grad students from a particular country of origin. Are there no other students who are qualified or interested in this lab? From an outsider looking in; it feels so wrong to compartmentalize a lab by country of origin.
  10. They're all the very best. I'd just pick the school that has the best color scheme. Future employers are very conscious of aesthetics.
  11. I've got no experience on this, and I'm certain my advice is useless. Sooo that's your caveat. I say option 3. (There is not enough information to answer this question). What would you be doing on your year off? How would a year off impact existing loans? Would taking time off depress you? Why do you want the PhD? Etc. I say do not pay for a PhD- if you can do something really cool on this year off. Travel, Research, Teach, anything. Not only will it help you grow as a person (touchy feely stuff there) but it'll make you more competitive for funding next year.
  12. Lucky you, Daylate. You've got an entire year to prepare- to work for yourself- to learn on your own agenda- pursue your own dream- learn a new hobby (pottery perhaps?). Those poor suckers that got accepted, chasing that carrot (the whip hand is strong).
  13. I've got several UNI reading lists on my home computer- I'll cross check and add a few. Off the top of my head; I'd recommend G. Olson and touching up on a little Toulmin.
  14. No hard feelings from me. Really don't let us stop you- this is an anonymous forum so feel free to vent. :-D P.S. Karma=action, Vipaka=result.
  15. I don't care about your father, I don't care about your choreography, I don't care that your lab always creates PhD student or your lack of moral support.You're acting immature. I glad you've found a place to vent. A lot of people (me included) might be turned off by your post- don't let us get in your way. This anger is a natural reaction; let it pass, observe it. No matter how hard you've worked there is always room for improvement. Don't be so quick to insult the masters degree; maybe it isn't for you, just don't imply it is a failure and insult the professionals that have the masters. Neil Armstrong walked on the moon but when he got home he still had to take out the trash.
  16. Well in a perfect world you'll have already read all of everything- I mean everything. Honestly I wouldn't worry much about it... Perhaps this is terrible advice, but just be yourself and try to get a sense if you can fit in personality wise.
  17. I haven't applied anywhere. I'm here a year early to get a feel for how much suffering is going on. Guyyys you've got me all, "I can't do it, I won't do it, I'll never make it." Someone cheer up and be an English-Rockstar
  18. I would- what have you got to hurt by doing it? I think it would be especially helpful to expand on a conversation you had in the interview.
  19. I got the baby in the king cake last week. Since then I've had my first acceptance to an international conference which is in my field and it just feels like a big deal for an undergrad. My co-workers have decorated my desk and I have my baby on display, so treat him right and he'll do you good.
  20. Guys I burnt (burned?) my finger taking the pizza out of the oven... Will this impact my chances of being a pirate king? Should I get a hook? Can we get back to plan b's and off the gre's Plz&thanku!
  21. I thought that was a zen circle, nope just a stain from a drink... deep.
  22. Intents and purposes, you mean? Unless you're only good at writing abstracts when the purpose is intensive... see that... intense face!
  23. My plan B. is to become a pirate king.
  24. Life is good, Life is good, One Love!

  25. Way to go ya'll! In unrelated news my first abstract was accepted today- the Uni is paying for my trip out west. Le sigh, now I have to do actual work.
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