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Everything posted by iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns

  1. I'm spread way too thin...

    1. VBD


      *patpats MrMr* Try to relax/breathing techniques it can make you feel worlds better. Also, you have company who can commiserate. Hang in there!

    2. uromastyx
  2. Kicked out of the chat room as soon as I enter... I must have really said some terrible things.

    1. Soleil ت

      Soleil ت

      I just got kicked too!

    2. iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns


      We're terrible people :-(

    3. t1racyjacks


      maybe chat just screwed up...

  3. So nice to see ya'll repping the rhet. I'm thinking happy thoughts for you folks!
  4. "Update" not applicable to me... Well I'll find out this weekend if my abstract is accepted or not...

  5. My magic eight ball says ask again later. But seriously, you may find that people on this forum are a wealth of knowledge and remarkably helpful. And I think you worded your query in a fair way but perhaps you should do some investigating yourself. If you're not applying this round contact some of the people at universities and ask them how your foreign GPA translates into a graduate program.
  6. You haven't fooled anyone. Honestly do you think you'd be capable of fooling so many people and not raising doubts? Rejection is not the end of your life, it may mean you need to see and experience more before locking yourself into a graduate program for an extended period of time. Although I'm certain the following advice isn't reflective of most people's opinions on here; Stop looking towards graduate school for meaning/fulfillment/means to an end/etc. It's none of those things, it's just another life experience. Think about why you want to go to a psychology PhD- why? To be a researcher? Why? etc, etc, just keep digging deeper until you get to some sort of action you can take right now pending acceptances.... It's not going to solve your problems, but it'll keep you busy
  7. I don't think it's relevant to your statement of purpose... Sure you want to get a PhD to land a tenure track (read: further your career). But is that the sort of behaviour and motivation that the Adcom is looking for? Especially considering how difficult it is to land that tenure track job... I think they'd want someone who is doing the PhD for a better reason. Apology if I've misread and misinterpreted your statement- Zzzzzz
  8. I generally recommend a period. It's all about telling a story- what ever your angle is.
  9. I agree with bearcat, but perhaps play it down a little too. "We're not well known, but we've had a bit of luck" or whatever...
  10. It's negative... just trying to be different. alright fine, neuter.
  11. Thought it was Friday for a moment... :-(

    1. amlobo


      Well... it's Friday now! Hooray!!!

    2. iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns
  12. I read about a call for papers at an NYU publication specifically dealing with Dr Seuss stuff... I think. I'll look it up at work tomorrow and get back to you. Look at me- ahead of schedule... and yet somehow behind http://www.nylslawreview.com/seussandsociety/ missed the deadline... but it's an idea right?
  13. You may want to place this in the "Applications"> "Statement of Purpose" section.
  14. Don't mind me- just coming in to make some noise.
  15. I'm a Nigerian prince.

    1. Quantum Buckyball
    2. iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns


      Why ya gotta call a man out?

    3. iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns


      Oh... well perhaps I'll need to find another way to pay for apps and tests. :-(

  16. I hope my mac warranty covers drool to keyboard accidents... fig, wine, pizza gahhh. I love going to pizza places and getting someone else's favorite pizza. Because ya really can't go wrong with pizza and it's fun to try new combinations /tangent/ I remember those sandwich commercials that say that there is some bajillion combinations to have your sandwich... how could I possibly think of a bajillion ways to make a pizza. Yeah- I'll have what she's having. Lord- I'm incoherent when hungry...
  17. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry- but I think you did poorly. There are several surface level errors and I think you did a poor job of analyzing the original statement. "...by studying some major cities of a society, one is able to understand its most important characteristics." The use of the word "some" implies that only a few of the major cities are studied- when the statement says "it's major cities" not "a few of" or "some of" or "one or two". You also wrongly assume that only contemporary societies are on topic- what pre-history societies? There are places where language fails here- "almost inconceivable" weak, what are you trying to say? "not a very indicator" simple typo, or a reflection of writing skills- I'm not the ETS but it would be hard to see past it. " interacting with a society in person" as opposed to interacting via teleconference? not sure what you mean by in person. "majorly populated cities such as Beijing lived very comfortably with fancy cars" first verb tense, people lived- do they know longer live there? Secondly, drop the very. Adding words like "very" only dilutes your essay. Thirdly- do they live with the fancy cars or are the fancy cars a sign of "very comfortable" living- the way it is written it sounds like they live comfortably despite sharing their homes with fancy cars. "poor people who commute more than an hour by bicycles." they commute by bicycle not bicycles... unless they use more than 1 to get where they're going. "In fact, cycling to work is more common than one would think since there are more than 3 billions of bicycles sold each year" A. The way this is written you are saying cycling to work is more common because there are a bunch of bicycles sold each year. Do you see the flaw in the logic here? Perhaps it is reversed and a bunch of bicycles are sold each year BECAUSE a lot of people cycle to work. B. "more than 3 billions of bicycles" Certainly you mean there are more than "3 billion bicycles" not 3 billions. Need I go on? The good news? You can always practice and I'm willing to give you a few pointers here and even point you in the direction of some very nice writing handbooks.
  18. First of all, how do you think you did?
  19. Mmm' that's a good idea. With a strong red wine to wash it all down.
  20. I appreciate that you posted in this thread and brought it to my attention. Perhaps this doesn't apply to 2much caffeine, but this certainly helps me. :-D
  21. I've only started to like mushrooms on my pizza. They've got to be thick and fresh cut, none of this canned bullshit. Amen, I make these delicious goat cheese, mushroom, and walnut torts. mmmm pastry.
  22. Incomplete life
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