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Everything posted by iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns

  1. Grad School. It is likely more administrative than anything else - but imagine my feelings when I see the school's name pop up in my inbox. I'm sure it means nothing. Nothing to see here. move along.
  2. I don't think there is an accepted Rhet/comp ranking consensus.
  3. A. I agree with you 99.9999% But B. I think you're reifying capitalism. Sure it feels like it's kicking me on my ass. Sure it feels more selfish. But these are all the results of people making "their own"* choices. People choose to kick us on our ass. People choose to be selfish. Folks choose to take a big bonus instead of helping others out. it's not neccesary capitalism that is guilty - it is the modern day capitalist. Soooo, I'm optimistic that folks can be educated and the rhetorical playing field can be leveled a bit - within capitalism. * - caveat here. how many of our choices are made without some form of manipulation? It's debatable, certainly.
  4. I received an email from a school that historically begins notifying rejections in a few days and accepts in a week. They're looking for my official transcripts. hmmm.
  5. I feel like I screwed up every app. I've had several folks contact me for corrected info. Oh well...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jl2782


      I agree with Academicat!! I had two institutions contact me regarding missing materials from my application and these are the same two institutions that invited me for interviews. If they're contacting you regarding missing materials it's a very good sign that they're interested. It's very promising!!!

    3. nugget


      Sounds like a very good sign to me! All the schools I've heard of hold errors against you and you certainly aren't given a chance to correct them after the deadline. Good luck!

    4. iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns


      THANKS! Seriously - I've been kicking myself. I hope it is good.

  6. Meditate. Call it what you want. Just find time to be with yourself. Let things go. And observe your state.
  7. I'd play cool. They'll call you when they're ready. Perhaps they're waiting for "Super Important Person" to have some time to speak to you directly. Perhaps they're waiting for the details of your funding. Yeah, I'd wait.
  8. I've got all sorts of advice for handling stress - but what is it. Certainly not a prescription. Not a magic pill. Just words. You've come from another country. You're finishing up your PhD. By most standards you're brilliant. And, you're here; presenting a mindful and cogent investigation of your stress. Perhaps someone else on this board or perhaps your therapist will be able to offer some solid advice. But from the little bit I've read here - I think you'll do just fine. I think you'll find a way to get through it and manage all the stress.
  9. I prefer the word "anticipated".
  10. I don't remember my scores... But I know I broke the 100 mark. Jeez guys.
  11. Oh certainly! I'll be honest: I'm rather calloused and rather distracted this semester so the waiting doesn't bug me. Hell. Say no. Say yes. I'll figure it out.
  12. Y'all- results may start trickling in by next week. Of course I'll be chill the entire time- I won't freak out if come the 14th and I haven't heard anything.
  13. Even you, Andrew! Someone loves you.
  14. To all the rejects: it'll get better. Somebody loves you - maybe that somebody is an admission committee... Or maybe not. But out there, still, somebody loves you.
  15. More employable. Am I playing this game right?
  16. It's a forced dichotomy promulgated by New York & Chicago. They fear the power of Detroit Style Pizza.
  17. "Safety" school. At least for the MA - I have certainly identified "safety" schools. But safetys aren't guarantees are they? I look at them like safety nets... sometimes you miss the net.
  18. Jazzy - I nearly downvoted you for your silly comment. But then I thought, "I can fix ignorance." Detroit Style Pizza - nom nom nom. Or Il Mondo in Boston. ooooooh Il Mondo...
  19. The results board & the calorie content of my waffle (... I'll just eat a small lunch).
  20. We're in the same boat. Welllllll not on the MSU thing. But on the C's thing. Best of luck on MSU! have you been there before? I'm an Mi native so if you have questions about MSU or Mi in general send me a shout.
  21. What courses do they offer? What course will you teach? Languages? Secondary Interests? most importantly - Is there a good pizza place in the area?
  22. Writing and Rhetoric? PhD? MSU requires an MA to apply for their PhD. Perhaps you'll get a better answer if you ask regarding your research interest - less general than writing but still less specific than your thesis title. Some schools are better equiped for Rhetoric and Writing research in computers and some are better set up for composition or even rhetoric and culture. Sooooo - if you could narrow your question a bit that would be helpful.
  23. I'm inclined to believe he just wants to feel important... Or feel more important than he is. A simple: "oh that won't be necessary I'm confident that I'm a competitive applicant. Thanks for the offer though!" Is what I would have done.
  24. Caveat: Not an alter-ego... not even an ego... can I still join the conversation? Dirty Jocko Window- does your dog put his nose on the window and smudge it up? Dogs like to do that. I didn't apply to Irvine but I'm rather clever. Info... I know Irvine is in California. They have a bear on their flag. I know some parts of California have earthquakes. As long as you stay away from the bears and the earthquakes you'll probably be safe. Oh, Kamisha Switter had some good info. I suppose you have to wait.
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