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Everything posted by iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns

  1. Don't let me dissuade you. Perhaps the forum first and then we can begin to compile the list elsewhere. You can retain ownership of the resource and perhaps get it sponsored by your new home. Not too much unlike http://www.mdcwss.com/
  2. Yo. I'm certainly not against it but I think it needs to be something larger than this forum. Start a wordpress? Start a wiki? pm me I have a few professional skills / err a very particular set of skills...
  3. So listservs? Pretty cool and pretty normal right? Folks won't look at me weird for joining - the academics won't laugh at me, right? I'm generally pretty chill but (blame it on the app-season doubts) I'm hesitant to assume I can join these mailing lists.
  4. This thread is exploding! Awesome. Rhet folks are the best. I'm up in the air about C's I may just save my money and go to Bogota in May.
  5. "a mime having a stroke" cards against humanity?!?!?!?
  6. Man! Must be nice to upgrade to creep status 2.0. I'm stuck at creep level 1 - looking in from the outside.
  7. I dunno maybe it's because I'm worried I'll get rejected from everywhere but for whatever reason every time I glance at the title of this thread I can't help but think it says " Mcdonaldists, assemble!" Perhaps its a deep statement about the job market... perhaps I need some fresh air.
  8. I think you mispelled the word mime. Yes. Mime school indeed.
  9. No. Other majors have other deadlines and procedures. Perhaps you can send an email but I wouldn't because they haven't notified anyone in your program yet. If you do email them you'll want to be sure that the website doesn't say somewhere in it "you can expect to hear from us by early March" or something along those lines. Best of luck!
  10. Ah a fellow Mitten state. I had early submission bliss. I had swag in my work. I was happy. And I've taken a turn down. We'll get there. Right? It'll happen for us - we're good people.
  11. Hahah. Thankfully when I was denied from UT Austin I purged the thought of the place out of my mind. Not once have I thought what coulda shoulda been. I won't have that option with Purdue for some time now. Unless I get outright denies - and hey, that's possible... I'm coming from a school and program that doesn't send many people out to grad school. Sooo my folks are a little dated when it comes to evaluting profiles and potential. I felt really good about Purdue's MA until a prof of mine started talking about how exclusive their program was and how difficult it was to get into and what not. We shall see! I still feel good about Louisville but my confidence is slipping.
  12. Congrats! Good to hear it. I hope they give you everything you need to be a great scholar!
  13. Ya know - I understand that this is a difficult game to play for both parties... but I don't get the release in batch and no waiting list thing. I've read before (perhaps from C.B.ZN) about waitlist stigma and I dunno. If you're notified in April I think you can take a good guess. Sure there are folks that will find out mid-march and never really "know" for sure. If I'm waitlisted such is life. No knock on me as a person. No knock on me as a scholar.. its a difficult game to play. I'm forgetting something...
  14. Oh shoot! well I know I ought to cool my expectations a bit - what with that lengthy pseduo-waitlist... but... I've refreshed my email thrice now.
  15. Winter needs to end... I need fresh air. This whole process is backwards - come on it's miserable outside right now. If it were summer I'd be out kayaking. Or BBQ. Or pool parties. oh man. I could be doing soooo many fun things while waiting to hear back - instead I shovel snow. Dry my boots. lay on the chapstick. and suffer.
  16. Man I didn't get that email until today... guess that means they hate me. Oh well, always next year.
  17. On the topic of prestige: I want to believe that it's all on the individual. I certainly hope that is the case anyways. But if my life's worth of anecdotal evidence means anything (perhaps it doesn't) - systems outside of the individual matter and they matter a lot. The cards are occasionally stacked against you - I could give examples and hypotheticals but y'all know it. Yeah - but it doesn't matter to me. I'm applying to programs that can help me reach my goals. Don't care who ranks it where.
  18. I think it depends on your interests. This is a map of doctoral programs if you want to jump in the PhD http://batchgeo.com/map/1a491427ce89c24f0206905a57091e6e This is a map of master programs. http://www.mdcwss.com/map/ Some depts are in Comm. Some are in English. Some are in Education. Best of luck!
  19. Why read quick when you have a time machine that is bigger on the inside? I like to take my time. Annotate. Yeah... just make more time.
  20. So far I've been denied to one place I really would have loved... Sooo, I'm not far off. How y'all doing?
  21. In past years there have been - "Accepted" or "Decisions" threads. You could always create one... or, heaven forbid I get accepted somewhere, I could do it.
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