Well - luck is nice.
I agree with warm and helpful making a difference. I had a very long correspondence with someone at Louisville and the program has since grown on me. Here is to hoping I hear good news from them by the end of next week. :-D
Damn my silly tired fingers! I didn't mean to sow vote you. I wanted to up vote you. I wanted to give you all the internets!!! Here: take mine!
Damn damn damn
The semester could end right now and I'd be happy. If I don't get accepted I'll just travel for a bit, round-trip to Madrid is $1,100.
If I put away 300 from each paycheck...
I wouldn't expect YOU to know... They're sort of obscure- a little hole in the wall downtown/oldtown sells them... you've probably never heard of it.
Well thanks for asking y'all.
I'm working on getting some lunch.
I'm "working on" a few things: a three dimensional / visual approach to writing. A paper about Archer as an Espionage Epic and an Op-ed non-academic article about hipsters.
Dear Miami (Ohio),
It looks like you're starting to notify people.
I know I didn't treat you like you were my one and only but I'm a changed man. That pretty little program in the south meant nothing to me - pipe dreams! You're the place for me.
Please consider giving me a chance to prove it to you.
Thank you,
Well I can tell you about the City of San Diego.
It is awesome. I loved the weather. Loved the food. I could spend the rest of my life in a cave in San Diego and be happy.