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Posts posted by TakeMyCoffeeBlack

  1. Fine, if you go around insisting we view great music and orchestrations as visual art with dots on lines. Cuz that's what it is and what explains it, right?


    Here's the problem with your analogy: theatre is visual performance just as much as it is text on a page. One can analyze opera from a strictly musical perspective (and many do). The best scholarship will not forget the performance part of its analysis, but that does not mean that it can only be examined as a performance piece. The same goes for theatre. Why is it that many playwrights are also poets and authors? Well, probably because they create their plays with attention paid to the literary elements, just as much as the staging potential.

  2. I'll hand you tubes of paint.


    Now go on, tell me how you know ALL ABOUT Picasso and Monet and Manet.


    C'mon, from the tubes of paint. Or better yet, an account of seeing their paintings in a museum from several centuries ago that tries to explain the experience to you. C'mon, tell me how you're an expert.


    For someone so sure of your own intelligence, you do take an awful lot of pride in an absurd comparison (e.g. having studied theatre history for four years - which by no means makes me an expert, nor would I ever claim as much! - vs. picking up tubes of paint). 

  3. The Kings Men wrote/published the first folio. Otherwise all there was were the foul papers which were used to produce the cue scripting.


    What you read today as "Shakespeare" in literature is a complete fabrication. No such written thing existed when the plays were performed.. and they were created to be performed. Acting as if the literary analysis divorced from the performance has any validity is just academic masturbation.


    There's a logical issue in your assertion. You're suggesting that what we read as Shakespeare "is a complete fabrication" (which is an absurd statement in itself, as 1.) there's evidence to suggest that the first folio is a compilation of cue scripts, actor's scripts/notes, and perhaps Shakespeare's own notes - and even if it were just a cue script and much of it were (is) fabricated, that does not make it a complete fabrication), which should then divorce it from performance (which is not what good Shakespearean scholarship does) and permit it to be evaluated on its own as a literary piece. 


    What about later theatre? I don't think anyone would have much trouble placing Arthur Miller or Tennessee Williams within their respective literary epochs. 


    I agree with you that written theatre needs to be evaluated within the context of the playwright's intention for it to be performed, but the idea that we can't consider theatre literature is a bit absurd, no?

  4. Actually in English you talk about Shakespeare in the present tense because you're discussing an active analysis of the text and the relationship between the reader and the attempt to convey meaning. Which really is a bit silly because Shakespeare wrote plays.. or rather, his plays weren't even written down at first. They were simply performed. Later they were scribbled down.. so the manner of conveyance (which dictates the meaning) is often entirely left out of literary analysis of his work. Bad lit major, bad bad lit majors! *newspaper across nose* Stop trying to make theater into literature!]


    They most certainly were, just likely not in a complete script (since that would take forever and cost a lot of money). They weren't just recorded twenty years later for posterity (well, they kind of were) based on memory, written pieces already existed. Shakespeare didn't dictate extemporaneously to the leads, and the leads, no matter how good their memories, did not just jump on stage having heard it from Shakespeare.

  5. 'you project confidence so you will definitely get in, that's what they like'... uh ok. I don't feel as confident as I apparently seem to be ... and I'm not sure how much that will really play in getting an offer... but sure!


    Ha! Don't you love all the graduate school experts who may not have even gone to graduate school, and most likely don't have a Ph.D. (or even know what that actually entails)? It's great that they try to comfort us, but... 

  6. Happy Birthday IRToni!! What will your birthday gift in March be? Perhaps an offer from Princeton PE?


    BTW, I am a big fan of German soccer, although I am afraid of mentioning the name of my team. It seems to me that while this team is famous internationally, it gets resented by many domestic soccer fans <_<



  7. Btw, with this whole 'introversion' thing, I have to say, seeing so many people encountering the same sort of problems that I am battling every day, makes me feel better.


    P.S. I do think though that it's funny that all these people (including me) are going for an academic career, which presupposes teaching. )))


    Audiences are easier than person to person interaction. I've had a lot of introverted professors and teachers in the past.

  8. I thought I am the only one who googles staff like that.))) And yeah, all my 'introversion' issues definitely come out and shine when it comes to applications, communicating professors/schools etc.


    Speaking of which, I want to ask you guys for an advice. I had a good interaction with one of my POIs, and he asked me to keep him posted when I apply. I did so in early December and received no response from him, which would acknowledge that he received my email and knows that I applied. I assumed it is pretty normal granted how busy professors are + I didn't want to be intrusive, so I never emailed him again. But now I am freaking out, as I am afraid that he might not get my email. Should I chill or should I email him again?


    One more issue of that sort. Another professor suggested that "we should schedule a phone conversation once the admission process is underway in December." I assumed that he would be the one to initiate the contact, once he sees my file and decides if he wants to interview me or not. Since he never contacted me in December, I am in doubts again. Should I contact him now?



    I wouldn't worry. I'm sure he saw the e-mail but was just busy. As for the other, do you still have the old e-mail? I'd respond directly to it and say something like: "I was wondering if you'd still have time to talk. Of course I haven't yet heard about whether I've been admitted, but..."

  9. Anyone else too scared to read over their submitted applications for a fear of discovering rogue commas or an affect/effect style grammatical error? Well this guy is... Maybe we should change the mood of this thread? Somebody must have a great story about getting admitted somewhere that defies the odds or is at least quirky and humorous. My good people, please share so I do not pull all my hair out before February! 


    Of course my situation is a bit odd. As many of you already know, I applied simultaneously for Ph.D. programs and a Fulbright last year. I won the Fulbright AND got into a program (unfunded). I've deferred with the program, but applied elsewhere in the event that money does not come through... Anyway:


    I applied to a dual program, where I'd receive a masters from another school at the uni simultaneously with the masters/Ph.D. in political science. A few weeks after the application deadline, I realized that the university required dual program applicants to submit TWO applications (application fee, materials and all). I called the masters part of the program, for which I had not officially applied, to see what could be done to correct course. They were very accommodating and just asked that I get it all in before the week's end, when the ad com would receive the materials (I got it in the same day - even though I needed a prof to fill out a supplementary form on a specific skill, etc.). 


    A week later, the master's program contacted me to let me know I'd got in! WOW! I was actually at Alcatraz Island when I got the e-mail on my phone and I was ecstatic! I had already been rejected from a few programs at that point. I e-mailed to ask about financial aid/scholarships for the master's program (i.e. when I'd hear), and they responded that they were awarding me their very highest scholarship. Talk about putting me in a good mood!


    About a week passed and I still hadn't heard from the Ph.D. program. Here on GradCafe, people were already reporting acceptances, and it seemed pretty clear I wasn't getting one. I reached out to the master's program to ask about whether I'd be able to apply to the Ph.D. program for the dual degree in my first year at the master's program, if I were to take that route. 


    The response I received really threw me off. It was something along the lines of: "I'm a little confused, because we had been told you were accepted. So I called the program and, congratulations, you have been!"


    Wow! Of course it turned out that the administrative assistant for the Ph.D. program just kind of forgot about my letter, and so when she sent it to me about an hour after the master's program from the other school contacted her, it had all sorts of wrong details meant for someone else (including - ouch - funding information).


    I hope this provides some comic relief for others. It certainly put me on a rollercoaster.



    Damn it why do we have to wait until Jan 19 to see even the first episode when the peeps across the ocean have already seen the entire season this does not make any sense whatsoever fml


    Tip: Hola Unblocker


    Tip: BBC One


    Tip: Get on it!


    But I only know this cause my gf is in love with Sherlock. I've been meaning to watch it. I've seen a couple episodes.

  11. Hello everyone!  I thought maybe I should quit lurking and register.  This waiting period is maybe the most stressful period of my life.


    If you haven't watched House of Cards already, that should distract you for at least a few days.


    I'm counting down to the next season. I'll be getting back from a conference in Brussels a day before it's available, and have about 3 weeks before I fly to the States for another conference. Should be a perfect time filler. :)

  12. I think you should go to sleep instead :P When I drink and realise I am talking about probability that's what I do in any case ^^


    It's Sunday so stores are closed. Fortunately for my health and reputation, I have just the end of a bottle (one glass) available for the evening (my gf's mother bought me a great wine sealing system, highly recommended to any oenophiles out there).

  13. are you a heavy-weight,  light-weight, or something in-between when it comes to alcohol tolerance? 


    Something in between. Let's say that I would never exceed a bottle and a half in a night if I were drinking solely wine (I think that's why beer is more dangerous for me, especially in Germany in social situations - there are fewer boundaries). Considering that some nights I'm just as happy with a cup of tea or a single glass of wine, the waiting period might certainly play a role. I wonder if anyone could quantify the probability that I will have more than one glass (and whether there might be a clear corollary, like how soon I should hear from programs).

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