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    2018 Fall
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    History of Science/STS

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  1. Has anyone heard back from Duquesne about an interview yet?
  2. Has anyone heard back from Duquesne about an interview yet?
  3. Not sure if this is the right place for this, so please correct me if there's a more appropriate forum! I'm wondering how people have funded, or are planning to fund their moves if the offer they've accepted is quite a ways away. I'm moving from the midwest to the west coast in the fall, and I still have some work to finish up from my MA but have run out of my meager funding for the year so am living back with my parents. I'm working in the service industry as well, but I'm finding I need more time to dedicate to both finishing up my MA and preparing for my PhD in the fall (priorities, if possible), so I'm not going to be able to really work enough to fund the entire move. I also know that the first stipend can be a bit delayed, so I'm keeping that in mind as well. Basically, I'm wondering what people generally do in this situation. Credit cards? Bank loans (what are those, even)? Is it appropriate to email the administrator of my future department to ask about specific financial situations like this? For context, I can't borrow money from my family (they have none) and my stipend from my MA definitely wasn't enough to save anything, let alone really survive on ? Any tips/suggestions on either how you've moved/plan to move OR how to appropriately email a department about moving expenses would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Not sure if this is the right place for this, so please correct me if there's a more appropriate forum! I'm wondering how people have funded, or are planning to fund their moves if the offer they've accepted is quite a ways away. I'm moving from the midwest to the west coast in the fall, and I still have some work to finish up from my MA but have run out of my meager funding for the year so am living back with my parents. I'm working in the service industry as well, but I'm finding I need more time to dedicate to both finishing up my MA and preparing for my PhD in the fall (priorities, if possible), so I'm not going to be able to really work enough to fund the entire move. I also know that the first stipend can be a bit delayed, so I'm keeping that in mind as well. Basically, I'm wondering what people generally do in this situation. Credit cards? Bank loans (what are those, even)? Is it appropriate to email the administrator of my future department to ask about specific financial situations like this? For context, I can't borrow money from my family (they have none) and my stipend from my MA definitely wasn't enough to save anything, let alone really survive on ? Any tips/suggestions on either how you've moved/plan to move OR how to appropriately email a department about moving expenses would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hey! I was wondering if there are any people currently attending or who have been accepted to UMN’s Cultural Studies/Comp Lit department. How is the program? What is living in Minneapolis like?
  6. Hey! I do history of psychoanalysis and psychiatry (and their intersections) with a focus on how categories of disability are constructed, and additionally how psychoanalysis has developed in conversation with natural scientific discourses. I applied to five programs and have been accepted to two, still waiting on Chicago CHSS. Has anyone heard anything from them?
  7. Hi all, I'm a lurker but was accepted off of the waitlist at UMN for Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society today!!! I switched from Cultural Studies to History and Philosophy of Science (doing an HPS MA right now), but applied to UMN because the vibe of the program and people who work there have always been really attractive to me, so I figured I'd apply to one Cultural Studies program this time around. I truly didn't think I'd be accepted -- congrats to the other admits as well!
  8. Ok I also received news I was accepted to UCSD History + Science Studies today, I never thought I would have an actual decision to make. Now just waiting on Chicago CHSS. Good luck to everyone, hopefully we'll all get good news this week!
  9. In sort of unrelated positive news, I was just accepted off of the waitlist for Minnesota’s Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society PhD! It was the only “cultural studies” type program I applied to, which was my field before gravitating towards HoS/STS.
  10. @TheHessianHistorian Yeah that's true. I'm worried because there's one acceptance reported on the results board but it doesn't say if it's a POI or official acceptance. And from what people told me after I talked to them about the interview, it sounded like the interview itself may implied I had a good chance or would be admitted or something? I'm just freaking out, it's been radio silence since then. But I will hold off on asking them about the status of the application. At any rate I'll probably hear by next week for sure. :/
  11. If I had an extremely positive interview with my POI shortly after my application was received, is it okay at this point to check in to see when admissions decisions are expected to be rolling out? I don't want to be annoying, but they did tell me I could email them with any other questions I had at anytime. And realistically I should have asked during the interview but I was very nervous : p
  12. @TheHessianHistorian I should hire you to do my genealogy!
  13. @telkanuru is USN a mostly useless ranking? I ask because I’ve been freaking myself out with it. There’s a program I am thinking of attending that is rated -ok- on USN but I’d also not only be in the History department, but also in the interdisciplinary HPS/STS program which seems to consistently place its students well.
  14. Was anyone in this forum the UCSD admit? Was it an official admit or via a POI?
  15. Is it necessary to respond to an impersonal notification of being waitlisted? How would one go about wording that? I couldn't find any threads about this, I hope I'm not repeating an often-answered question.
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