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roadrunner_33 last won the day on April 17 2019

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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    PhD, AmSt & Eng

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  1. Eleventh hour acceptance off the UPenn waitlist on Monday!! Grateful. When I got the news, I was stranded in O'Hare after having been bumped from four (!) consecutive flights standby following Sunday's surprise snowstorm. I can now cross spending the night in the terminal off my bucket list. Eeks. The moral of the story is that this amazing news almost, almost made O'Hare tolerable. I forgot my GC pword for a while, but I want to say congrats to everyone--no matter what acceptances/waitlists/rejections you're left holding at the end of the cycle--bc this process is brutal and can be so heartwrecking. Last year at this time, I was bracing for another tenuous year of adjunct teaching. Academia is something, but it is not everything.
  2. Thank you! That's me. I thought for sure UPenn was an IR but emailed the grad coordinator bc I felt like the $90 app fee should entitle me to the dignity of a proper rejection. I have no info about the waitlist having not received Prof Eng's original email. But hopefully something soon.
  3. Definitely weird! I was wondering if they forgot about me?! I hope we hear soon, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up. Best of luck to you!
  4. Hiiii! Is anyone else still waiting to hear from UPenn (English PhD)? Still no email or decision posted on ApplyWeb. Waitlist? Implied rejection?
  5. Rejected by Yale & UPenn via email WITHIN THE SAME HOUR daymitttttt. Trying to figure out if I should try to find Brown's AmSt building while I'm on campus today & just ask....but maybe I'll get the email first.
  6. Ughhh. Another stressed AmSt Brown & Yale applicant here (also UPenn, but in Eng). Seems like all of my schools have notified at least the first round of acceptances...so I'm not holding my breath. I'll be on campus at Brown today, so I triple dawg dare them to notify me while I'm there. ha. Does anyone know whether admission decisions are actually posted to ApplyWeb (I'm guessing under "View Checklist")? So far I haven't seen any decisions posted and am now wondering if my constant refreshing is misguided. My Brown app status says "Complete" and UPenn says "Ready to Review." Hang in there! Fingers crossed for ev'rybodyyyy. These somewhat subjective admission decisions in no way should determine self-worth or intrinsic value. And don't despair: the job market is so terrible that not getting an acceptance may be dodging a bullet. Case in point: the campuses where I adjunct (I'm an English instructor w/ 2 masters degrees) are overwhelmed by PhD-wielding applicants right now, which is not a great sign. Big congrats to everyone who has an offer this round.
  7. @indefiniteintegral Well, still, congrats! @Therewillbeluke YDS/ISM is looking mighty fine right now. Not sure yet whether I will be able to make it to the admitted student visit days at either school, though. I hope your campus visits are illuminating.
  8. Thank you—and congrats to you as well! Also, the PC seminaries explanation does make sense; thanks for enlightening me. Do you have a clear favorite from your many acceptances?
  9. I'm in at YDS and HDS. I applied to PTS as well, and my app still says "under review by committee." (Sidenote: Does anyone know why PTS makes you take a $36 background check with your application? It seems kind of bizarre, considering I haven't even been accepted there yet. Their app was by far the most expensive one.) @Indefiniteintegral & @calmflare, did you get the funding you were hoping for at YDS? HDS offered me a grant (a little more than half tuition), but when I asked whether it was renewable, I got the "nothing's guaranteed, but if your financial situation doesn't change, it is likely" response. Props to their financial aid office for being so on top of their email, though. Fast responses—and very gracious. YDS offered me a scholarship for half of tuition that is renewable. Despite what people say about the Ides of March, it's been a pretty great week.
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