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Everything posted by DerpTastic

  1. I feel like a lot of people are missing the, "relationship began before the class" part. What if someone told those of you in a relationship to just wait and start it back up after 15 weeks? A little odd, in my opinion. Although it should probably be brought up if anything unethical is going on (which I'm sure it's hard to determine this), and I don't really agree that it is a great situation, the fact that it started before the class eliminates some options of how to handle the situation.
  2. I would say not impossible, but most likely 99.999% unlikely. I would not send an email. They would have waitlisted you, as Mr. Bugle said. Just as an interesting story though... We actually had two students that applied to a school. Student A was accepted and agreed to attend, student B was denied shortly after. Student A received an out of the blue acceptance from somewhere, and quickly retracted his acceptance to the original school. Student B was then called not that long after and asked if he was still interested. However, this was at a school ranked extremely low, in fact, unranked in it's field. This would most likely never happen at a top school. They most likely were having trouble filling positions and had resorted to calling each person until they found someone who would accept.
  3. Just because the logic that, "It worked for me, so it must be good," kind of bugs me in a pet peeve kind of way, I'll reply to this. Just because you put something in and didn't get denied does not mean that it did not have a negative impact on your application. One of my letters of recommendation was sent in a few days late. I really can't say if this negatively affected my application or if it didn't make an impact. I was accepted to most of the programs I applied to, but that doesn't tell you whether or not it affected it. There are many small parts that make up your application. One small thing won't usually push them over the edge, but it still doesn't count as a positive thing in your application. (But perhaps you did make it work. I can't really say. In general it's best to avoid that though.) It's hard to tell just from an acceptance or denial whether one thing in your application made a difference. :S
  4. The, "I'm an idiot" person actually had three posts. ): Stanford rejection: "Such divas. Maybe I should have sent 3 copies of my transcripts instead of 2?" Stanford rejection: "hmmm...my plans to take over the world have been set back a bit, it seems. ah well, stripping it is." MIT rejection: "WOW. VERY FUN. MUCH REJECT." MIT rejection: "YOLO" Uni of Maryland: "overqualify?" Some acceptances I liked: "P.h.yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww" "Hep-ex. Faced some tough rejections, X-Files got me through it all." "Feelin' macho" "Dr. Sheldon Cooper!!! I am coming!!! Are you ready for a duel with a god? here I am, your rneternal rival! WOW" "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!! OMSDFNASIDFNSADIFSADFASDFSADF *Keeping my cool*"
  5. My laziness has increased and increased. I still am doing well, I just sit around way too much. c:
  6. I'm a huge fan of Chinese food. It doesn't even need to be high quality. I've never been one who needed quality food. I've lived on Ramen and cheap food for most of my life. I'm also a huge fan of sushi. Omnomnom.
  7. Use to run all the time. Now... no exercise. I intend to start again at some point.
  8. It is one thing that will get easier with time! I myself am super nervous about this as well. :S Me and public speaking... we're not friends.
  9. I think you're posting advice that seems like you're certain about things. If you have an experience, that's great, but to say things like, "Seems dumb to let something like that complicate a relationship." is fairly opinionated and useless advice. Not trying to rain on your parade, but you seem to have a, "It physically won't work out" view, when many people have amazing relationships, and make it work. It's good to share your experience with a long distance relationship, but not to let your experiences cloud your judgement of all long distance relationships. @.@ Edit: Did not see above post. :| Yarp.
  10. DerpTastic

    Rochester, NY

    I'm hoping if I decide on Rochester the weather won't be a true shock for me. I have been living quite near Erie, so lake effect is not something new to me, although Rochester does get more snow than us. I hope my training has paid off.
  11. I definitely plan on getting a cat, but I will also definitely wait a year or two. Perhaps two, depending on money issues. I'd prefer my cat to have a playmate.
  12. I always think it's funny when some guys don't like that girls get guys to buy drinks for them. This is guys buying girls drinks, not girls getting guys to buy them drinks. No one is forcing you to buy drinks for others.
  13. The weird thing I do is that I generally hate lined paper. I have a piece of lined paper that I traced over the lines in permanent marker. I usually put that behind a sheet of printer paper so the lines shine through and I can write straight. Generally this is for math/physics homework. But I also like it for notes. For some reason lined paper kind of bothers me, but I'm a little OCD about writing straight. Also, if I write in pen, it has to be those Pilot G-2 pens. I can't stand any other pens. D;
  14. This is true for me also. I won't rewear socks as much in summer. Also it depends on if your shoes smell. I had some old running shoes I would wear around sometimes, if I wore socks with them, they would absorb that nasty smell. xP In general, I don't see why anyone would find it gross, unless you have smelly feet.
  15. I won't usually reuse shirts, because generally I'll at least sweat a little during the day, and there is nothing in between your shirt and pits. Shirts are what allow me to reuse sweatshirts though. xP I'll occasionally reuse some t-shirts, but it's usually when I really need to do laundry.
  16. I do use pills on occasion because they're generally cheaper than any drinks that have caffeine. I'm a sucker for energy drinks because I love the taste.
  17. I reuse socks, bras, jeans, and sweatshirts. If my socks smell though, or it's a really hot day or something, then I won't. No need to do extra laundry. When I used to run track/cross country, I did not reuse socks. After a long run, they smelled... interesting...
  18. Pretty sure not only that, but people who choose usernames that begin with the letter "s". Or so I've heard.
  19. There are a few programs. I have a friend who is doing a masters of engineering at Cornell. It is a 1 year program.
  20. My point wasn't that it's useless because you have to pay, it was more that you have to pay for something useless. "What's the point in paying for something useless?" is probably how I should have worded it.
  21. Well the world records seem to be in the 220+ range. IQ is not something I ever really plan to test, as I'm sure you have to pay for a legit test, and what's the point in that?
  22. I think sometimes people get letters from a professor they had one class with, and even then, the class size might be around 100. That's what I would consider a weak letter. I would say my letters were good, not great, for the reason that the two professors I asked both knew me very very well. I had five classes with both of them, with the lowest grade being a B+. Class sizes were never usually bigger than 10 (except for a couple intro level classes). My first advisor retired after a few years, so the other professor became my advisor. I often visited their offices to talk about classes or topics, not just homework problems, so they knew I was fairly dedicated. If they ever asked me to help out with something, I often did. Although I never did research with them, they knew me more than just, "She got this an A in my class." The third is a research advisor from an REU. I would say this letter is good, not great, just because the program was so short. 10 weeks isn't a lot of time to get to know someone. I know I made a good impression, but it was such a short time. I think it is possible to make an educated guess whether or not you have great, good, okay, or bad letters, but it's also not 100% guaranteed. I think it's silly for anyone to go, "I'm 100% sure my letters are the greatest!" unless they've seen them. I mean, perhaps your letter writer is well known, or perhaps they know you well, but it's very possible they don't write very well or they actually don't think very highly of you. Always possible, in my opinion.
  23. The first one stated, "Keep in mind that IQ is measured with a vocabulary test which favors verbal intelligence." This might be off topic, but is IQ measured by a vocabulary test?
  24. I believe this mentality is a little bit dangerous. There's only so long you can go in a relationship before you tire of having to work so hard to make him happy so he doesn't leave. A relationship is not one sided. Do you really think you would enjoy being in a relationship where he's only sort of into you, and you desperately do everything you can every day to keep him from leaving? That sounds stressful and not fulfilling to me. When it comes down to it, you want a relationship that is give and take. It's not one person doing it because they're desperate, or one person who isn't really into the relationship but stays because the other person does everything they want. You think desperation will lead you to a relationship, but I think it will lead you to many unsuccessful relationships. This is great advice. Not only will taking up hobbies be good for filling time, but who the heck doesn't enjoy spending time doing something they love? Maybe every hobby you won't keep or like, but trying them out doesn't hurt anything. Also, when you get out there and participate in hobbies, you meet people. This is, in my opinion, the best way to make friends. I mean, they share some of the same interests as you. I joined our school's string ensemble and absolutely loved it. I made tons of friends, even when I was super nervous that people would judge me for not being a music major (turns out, most of them were not music majors, I was worried for nothin' :| ). And you're meeting people... some will be guys.... It's a great way to meet potential dates, but for the love of God, don't start hobbies with the intention of finding a husband. Start hobbies because you think it would be fun to do so. You're 23! Go live a little.
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