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Everything posted by NavyMom

  1. Congrats!!!! I bet you are happy to be done! Ready for spring?
  2. I'm back!! So I finished my first semester fairly strong. An A- and a B. To me, that's good due to the difficulty of the program. (And hard-a$$ teachers). I love it!!! I have a strong cohort, and I found that a few students in my class are actually older than myself, while the rest are around 25-30 years old. Age never came up, and we all get along quite well. At the end of the semester we all got together at a bar to slam down a shot in celebration of getting through it. I am already registered for next semester and getting my books ready. Anyone else?
  3. Congratulations on your A achievement. I know how you feel. I felt like I bombed a few papers and sweated bullets throughout the semester. One of my papers came back with an A+, which everyone in my class (including 2nd and 3rd years) dropped their jaws. Apparently this particular professor never hands out A+'s, so for me that was quite a feat. (Made me tear up a little, even). What did you end up getting on that particular presentation if you don't mind my asking?
  4. First grade in!!! A- in my Applied Economics Analysis I !!!

  5. 1st semester of graduate school is finally over. I did it. Now the wait for final grades... I think that is nearly as bad as waiting for the application decisions.

  6. Tonight is the last night of class. Final paper due next week. First semester of first year: DONE! (I also register for next semester today)

    1. Threeboysmom


      Wishing you the best. I hope you make straight A's. Finish your last paper and enjoy your break. You deserve some r&r.

  7. Sitting down to work on my final two projects. Finally got some needed sleep the last couple of days after not sleeping much for the last 6 months. I am ready for the first break!

    1. Threeboysmom


      Well were just about to the end of our first semester. I need a break.

  8. No midterm grade yet. Ramping up for the last 3 weeks of one class (presentation, and 3 papers left), and a final paper in my other class that ends Dec 15th. Can't believe the first semester is almost over.

    1. Threeboysmom


      I know it feels like just yesterday I was dying to know if I was admitted into the program and wondering how graduate school would really look like for me and now the first semester is almost done and we are moving on to the next.

  9. Midterm today in Applied Economics Analysis. After studying countless hours by myself and classmates... I am ready.

    1. danieleWrites


      Here's hoping you aced it!

    2. Threeboysmom
    3. Munashi


      Hope it was good!

  10. The full impact of my realization of being in gradschool has officially happened. I have just looked at my calendar and realized I am only home in time to go to bed. I have spent nearly all my free time at school for either class or study groups. #gradlife

    1. iphi


      Me too. :( But I'm not a mom! You must be wonder woman!

    2. Threeboysmom


      Grad school is very time consuming. But we must tell ourselves that the hard work is going to pay off. I signed up for a winter minimester class. What was I thinking?

  11. I am starting to look more and more like I am ready to dress up for Halloween... as a zombie. The dark circles under my eyes state that I don't really need much makeup... I am also starting to rely heavily on caffeine and 5 hour energies.
  12. Rewrite of first paper, 18-25 page rough draft of group project due next Tues, "48 hour" memo to do this weekend, another 2 page memo to write due next Monday, study for Econ midterm, full time job.... and somewhere in there trying to accomplish a work-life balance. Been doing well up to this point. I think they are testing out our pressure points... I don't want to break. Not now.

    1. Threeboysmom


      Wow, sounds like a lot. My only advice which I'm sure you're already practicing is break the projects down into smaller manageable portions. I agree with you about testing our pressure points. And this is just the beginning of grad school. Ha! I've adopted a new motto. "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger. " Nietzche

    2. NavyMom


      I am starting to feel the exhaustion hit for the first time. Going to bed at 10:30pm, waking up at 5am. Working all day, then study / do homework for every other waking minute.

    3. Threeboysmom


      I do understand the exhaustion, last week I survived on about three hours of sleep nightly. Today I needed to start on yet another paper but I had to catch up on housework.

  13. That moment when you look at your calendar, and realize that yep... You have no life. -- Grad School Fact #34

    1. Vene


      That's why you have to specifically schedule time to have one.

  14. 1 paper to write, 1 peer review, 5 chapters to read, and group project to work on. Has anyone invented the coffee IV drip yet?

    1. Threeboysmom


      In addition to the drip I need three clones to handle all the other responsibilities I have around here.

    2. NavyMom


      If you get those clones, can I borrow one?

    3. Threeboysmom
  15. FInished week 2. Finally not feeling as fuzzy, and getting my witts about me again. Have learned ALOT since day one. Talk about a crash course in everything. Not having too hard of a time keeping up at the moment. I finally sat down and organized all of my notes, and put on a calendar all of my due dates for reading and assignments. Got my first grades back, and so far, so good. *Fingers crossed that I can keep it up.*
  16. Okay.... week 1 down. Already identified a parasite in my class. He offered to peer review my paper before submission. Turns out he never looked at it at all, and just replied (Its great). In class, before turning it in, I re-read it... and omg. There were parts of sentences missing... (I had thought Word had saved before I sent it out). I know it's partially my fault, for not re-reviewing it before leaving for class.... but then again, I trusted this classmate. I believe I will be...

    1. Threeboysmom


      Hhhmm I think I sat next to a parasite last night as well. I have to be careful about sharing my ideas etc.

    2. ahlatsiawa
  17. Intensive weekend is over.... LOTS of work to do. Just found out that I am now part of a Communications Committee, and also being considered for an officer position with one of my department organizations :)

  18. Crazy weekend starting now. I worked all day today. Now I have class tonight from 5-9pm; Saturday from 8-5pm; Sunday 8-5pm; Monday 6-9 and Tuesday 6-8 (after working). Ugh. I'm signing out for a while...

    1. spectastic


      what about your son?

    2. NavyMom


      My son is almost 20 years old and in the Navy... He has his own life now... Plus he's getting married next year.

  19. So, I had my first class last night. 19 students in my cohort, age ranges from 25 to 50. Varied backgrounds and experiences, that I believe will be rich for our studies together. So far, I love it. My professor goes by first name basis. And refers to us as colleagues instead of students. This is a whole new ballgame in comparison to undergrad, but I excited about the differences.
  20. I use www.valorebooks.com and www.betterworldbooks.com They both have provided me many books under $5.00
  21. Loved my first class!!!! I now suffer from less anxiety.

    1. Threeboysmom


      Something about getting those first day jitters out of the way.

  22. 6am in California. Getting ready to go to work for the day, but afterwards is my first class of grad school. Nervous, but excited.

    1. Threeboysmom


      Good luck please tell us how it goes

    2. gk210


      ahhh i miss california. i bet the weather is amazing over there. good luck!<3

    3. NavyMom
  23. Got my (and my husband's) gym membership going at the campus... planning to attempt yoga for the first time on weekends to help center myself mentally and physically, while getting exercise.

    1. Threeboysmom
    2. AKCarlton


      i'm hitting up my campus gym tomorrow too...if i don't work out consistently i won't feel good physically and it just won't be good for me overall...i need it.

  24. Learning how to get up earlier in the morning to study for an hour before going to work... it's taking a while to adjust. I can't seem to stay up at night to read, too tired. Any suggestions on how to combat being sleepy?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NavyMom


      I am thinking vitamins might help too. What do you use? I don't want to take a multivitamin, as I have learned in various nutrition classes that most of it is wasted (as your body doesn't absorb a whole lot of it).

    3. Threeboysmom


      I use Life's Fortune

    4. NavyMom


      Is that a supplement?

  25. I am prepping myself. Today I reorganized my desk so that I have better access to all of my books, and easy maneuverability when it comes to plugging and unplugging my laptop. I received my first set of power points today, and I am working on reading some other material to get myself prepared for my first night. My classes don't start until Tuesday night. It begins with a pizza picnic, then off to class afterwards to jump in. Excited / nervous... On another note, my boss (program director) told me that she's supporting me 100% in what I am doing, and if I need help or references or anything like that to let her know. It turns out that she was in the very first cohort of the same program I am about to embark on. So excited.
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