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    Riverside, CA
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    U of Redlands Speech-Language Pathology

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  1. I don't think anyone is thinking anything bad about you or your decision! So many factors play into this decision, and everyone's situations are different. It is obvious that you spent a lot of time considering the pros and cons of each choice, and you made the choice you felt was best for you at this point in your life. Congratulations! Boston will be a great experience!!
  2. To those still waiting to hear...one of the students in my cohort at Redlands (I'm about to graduate) was accepted off of the waitlist only a few weeks before classes started! There's still hope!
  3. Oh, and about that waitlist. Don't plan on hearing from them until after the April 15th deadline for students to accept their offer. They'll wait until then to see how many people they can take from the waitlist, then they'll start notifying.
  4. Unfortunately, this is not true. Even though there is a huge need out in the school districts, University of Redlands prohibits SLP grad students from working on a waiver during the program. I am currently finishing up the Master's program at Redlands. I can confirm that it is a very supportive environment. The faculty are invested in helping you learn, not in proving how much you don't know. The on-campus clinic is a great way to gain confidence in your clinical skills before you go out to do your full-time medical and school externships. The cohorts are close & collaborative. We all want to see each other succeed. It's not at all like the competitive environment of undergrad. I have been very pleased with my education at UofR! I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about the program.
  5. I don't know a lot about their program, but I do know that they do NOT have an on-campus clinic. The school I currently attend (U of Redlands) does have an on-campus clinic & I feel it is an invaluable part of my education. I think many, if not all, of their classes are in the evenings.
  6. University of Redlands (SoCal) does not do interviews.
  7. Not really. We were all given a fellowship of $500 per semester when we started, then after the first semester those of us with a certain academic performance were given an additional $1k per semester through the end of the program. So, I'm getting a total of $5k over the 2 years. I've heard that this varies by year.
  8. Yes, it is private, and it is just under $60k for the 2-year program. Quite painful, but I do feel like I'm getting an excellent education.
  9. Several of us in our cohort were just talking this past week about how much we love the program at Redlands. Many of my classmates have friends who are 1st years in other area programs & they said from what they hear from their friends, our program is better. Redlands has an on-campus clinic, which is awesome. You start treating clients in your very first semester. That scared me at first, but I think it's awesome that we get to start learning & practicing clinical skills right from the start. Every session is observed (at least part of the session) by a faculty clinic advisor or a clinic assistant and you get feedback after each session. The faculty are great. They really care about us becoming competent clinicians and about us as individuals. I don't know much about the 3 year (called Grad Plus) program. I know they accept around 5 students into that program each year. Grad plus students spend their first year taking the undergraduate prerequisite classes they need for the grad program then they join up with a grad cohort during their second year. The students in our cohort who were Grad Plus students liked it & are glad they did it.
  10. I am a 1st year grad student at Redlands now. They do not do interviews. You basically don't hear anything from them until they send out decisions. Their admission decisions went out (via email) during the last week of March last year. I received my email notifying me that I was on the waitlist on March 27. Just an FYI, if you get waitlisted, they will not tell you where you are on the list, so don't ask (I did). I was admitted off of the waitlist about 3 weeks after my notification, but I know they drew from the waitlist well into the summer. I think one of the students in our cohort got in off of the waitlist 3 weeks before classes started! Good luck!
  11. I'm looking at this voice recorder. It has GREAT reviews. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HFW1E1A/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=1TIYC714K1P60&coliid=I3LQ854CJDDM2S&psc=1 I was planning to use it in class to record lectures, but I'm intrigued about the notebook feature in Word that you mentioned. I've never heard of that...I'll have to do some research!
  12. Is anyone still waiting to hear from Chapman? I got an email from them today that said, "We continue to have interest in you and currently you are on the top of our waitlist. Please let us know if you would like to stay on the waitlist or if you have already made a commitment to another university." I emailed them right away to let them know that I have accepted an offer elsewhere and to remove me from the list. So, if you're waiting to hear from them, they are still admitting people!
  13. I ordered my Emily Ley planner this morning! So excited!!!
  14. Every time I see a new post on this discussion I hope it's you posting that you got in off of the wait list at Redlands!!
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