Is anyone still waiting to hear from Waterloo for online part time? I need to make a final decision soon and am worried how much longer I will need to wait...
I just want to say you are all amazing. I both dread and love Fridays. I dread no news weekends, but it also gives us freedom from refresh! Happy Friday everyone!
I applied to the May start Advanced Standing part time program for those with a BSW. I can't recall the day in January, sorry. I happened to check Loris and saw a congrats letter where I usually check. A few minutes later I received an e-mail that linked to the same letter. It was a few days before other cohorts were notified as I think part time AS get notified first.
I found out I was accepted to Laurier through Loris before the e-mail went out, if that helps at all. I am still waiting to hear from Waterloo. Positive vibes to all!
Many schools will extend a deadline as this is not your fault - perhaps write the school, let them know the steps you have taken, and ask them what can be done.
I was trying to figure out how I would maintain a practicum and employment. My employer is willing to work around my schedule and to support me in a new role that has never been tried. Things are gellin!
To avoid a negative reference and leave on good terms I would suggest providing at least the minimum notice. Here it is two weeks, so I think a month is fair and appropriate.