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Everything posted by youngcharlie101

  1. Is the statement of diversity as important as the personal statement? I worry if it's going to be weaker than my SOP. HELP!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. starofdawn


      visgiven - I think my personal history statement WAS mandatory for almost all the schools I applied to.

    3. mseph


      OK just making sure. Because some schools I am applying to this year are specifically asking a separate personal history as required part of the application.

    4. charlytanz


      I went to a graduate application info session at UCI, and they said that they mainly use the personal history statement for fellowship considerations. However, a faculty member was in the room too, and he said "most applicants think that we don't read the personal history statement, but we do." Not sure if that helps anyone here.

  2. I feel like I'm going into labor, and I'm not even pregnant. BREATHE! Ooh sah, ooh sah... :D

  3. Does anyone know of a good SOP editing service online? I already asked all my professors, but I would like a second, or eighth, set of eyes to look at my statement. :D

    1. spectastic


      if you google translate your sOP to Chinese and back to English, it'll make the sentences considerably more bold.

    2. smg
    3. youngcharlie101


      Hmmmm...... (Stroke chin)

  4. Wow, I have severe misophonia. The old man next to me at the library keeps chewing and humming, but he isn't eating anything. MAKE IT STOP! >:(

  5. Hey, guys. Quite a few of my applications ask for an optional statement of diversity. I'm scared. I am a minority female, but I wonder if this statement is given as much weight as the personal statement? Any words of wisdom? Thanks!
  6. Is it just me, or does anyone else not understand the hype behind the "Frozen" Disney movie? I'm frightened... :o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AKCarlton


      it was the sister relationship that made it special for a lot of people

    3. youngcharlie101


      I liked it, but I just don't understand why they're making such a big deal out of it. Now they're selling a sing-along DVD of the same movie people bought last year!

    4. Threeboysmom
  7. Is a month enough time for my LOR writers? I had a death in my family and the GRE on november 6. Am I screwed? AGH!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. youngcharlie101


      Thank you so much. I'm trying to take care of myself, but it's so, so difficult. :(

    3. iphi


      Yes, but ask them NOW! :)

    4. youngcharlie101
  8. Two of my professors from my MA program are writing me a LOR for a PhD program in anthropology. I am stopping by their offices tomorrow to give them a packet of materials they need: 1- List of schools with respective deadlines, starting with the first 2- Personal Statement 3- Writing Sample 4- Transcripts 5- Points to include in the letter 6- CV I swear, I feel like I'm forgetting something. What else should I include? Also, what are some other points to include in the letter, aside from the candidate's research potential, maturity level and professionalism, etc?
  9. I hate, beyond hate, the GRE. I call it... the Graduate Ruination Experiment.

    1. VulpesZerda


      We all hate it! BUT changing my attitude about the GRE has helped my self-efficacy tremendously. I think this will, in turn, improve my score. Keep that in mind!

    2. GeoDUDE!


      I don't mind the gre tbh. I suppose if i had to study for it, might have been more annoying?

    3. youngcharlie101
  10. Hey, everyone. I'm an MA graduate from Columbia with a degree in anthropology. In grad school, I had a 3.9 GPA, and I established solid relationships with my professors. Two of them are writing letters for me, while one from undergrad will be writing me one. I'm working on polishing my statement of purpose and writing sample, and I'm having my advisors look at them for me. --HOWEVER-- My GRE scores are abysmal. I have a mental disability that causes me to panic in test rooms. I took a Manhattan Prep course and private tutoring. I also did every single question on Magoosh. I studied for this exam for about 6 months, and I still got a 153 on the Verbal. I have two options: forgo on PhD apps this year, or try retaking the exam in early December. The schools I want are really competitive, and I want them to see that I'm an excellent student; I'm just a bad test-taker. Any words of wisdom for me?
  11. Definitely. I find that when I know more words, I'm able to solve the questions more readily. Ugh, this exam should stand for the "Graduate Ruination Experience."
  12. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I use it on my iPhone. I guess I just gotta step up the vocab.
  13. I spoke to several of the departments. They don't care much about math, but for the verbal section, many admitted students tend to have high scores.
  14. Hey, all. I'm applying to some PhD programs in anthropology for Fall 2015. I spent the last 6 months of my life studying for the GRE, but for some reason, I cannot defeat this exam. VERBAL: 153 QUANTITATIVE: 144 (Seriously.) WRITING: 5.0 I'm retaking the exam this Thursday, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I have studied, I've read every Manhattan Prep book, took a class, got private tutoring, and even completed every Magoosh question. However, I'm not a test-taker. My anxiety disorder prevents me from doing well on exams, and I have come to accept that. I've tried getting accommodations, but ETS is...well, you get the idea. My GRE scores suck. That much is clear, but what I need to know is how I can still stand out as a strong candidate. I have a Master's degree from Columbia, research experience, and two professors of mine promised to write me strong letters. But how can I prevent myself from getting filtered out on account of my sad, sad GRE scores?
  15. November is here. It always gives me the heebie-jeebies... :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bsharpe269


      Ive been so focused on NSF that I feel so behind in my applications. Luckily, I took the GRE over the summer but none of my SOPs are done!

    3. VulpesZerda


      It's overwhelming. I wish I was in a position where I could apply to only 4-6 programs. Keeping track of 10 SOPS and 10 apps is tough

    4. youngcharlie101


      Let us all try to achieve a state of zen. Breathe in.... ooh sah, ooh sah....

  16. I'm applying to 7 PhD programs in anthro. I've been trying to read all the works by the professors at my prospective schools, and a part of me wants to reach out to them, but I'm not so sure if that's a good idea. I don't want them to think I'm buttering them up or anything like that. How should I go about emailing them? What are the questions I should ask without seeming too eager?
  17. I'm retaking the Graduate Ruination Experiment next week. I scored a 152 in verbal, but all my schools require a high 80th or low 90th percentile. To be honest, I'm done killing myself over this exam. I've taken a Manhattan Prep course, over 10 hours of tutoring, Magoosh, etc. I score 157 and 158 on the practice tests, but come exam day, I fail miserably. I'm so over it, to be honest, and I was almost hospitalized because of the stress the exam places me under. I've applied for accommodations but was denied since I don't have a learning disability. Are my chances for a PhD in anthropology shot to hell? If so, can I address my low GRE score in my personal statement without mentioning my anxiety disorder?
  18. Nothing is impossible. Perhaps you can try taking some more classes that will help increase your GPA. Make the other aspects of your application as strong as possible. It'll work out in the end.
  19. Been missing my ex a lot today. :( What's the best cure for a broken heart--besides vodka? :-D

  20. You guys are so amazing. Thank you so much. This means more to me than you'll ever know. Best wishes.
  21. I have Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off" stuck in my head. Can there be anything worse??

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