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About ergative

  • Birthday 08/12/1988

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  • Location
    Orange County, CA
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    PhD Computational Linguistics

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  1. Ahh that seems so frustrating! But there's still hope that people declined their spots and something opens up! I'm rooting for you! An update on my situation, since I previously talked about it in this thread: I did get accepted off the waitlist at UW, but I also received full funding from IU. I ended up accepting IU's offer since it was a much better fit for me than UW was (I was just blinded by the prospect of living in Seattle). Both of these offers happened at the last second so unlike most people I had very little time to ultimately decide. If anyone else is going to IU, message me! I'd love to chat! Also looking for a roommate
  2. I appreciate both of your responses. Their stipends were comparable based on the COL in each area. I was able to get clarification today about the length of the time guaranteed and my funding source is basically renewable every semester since it entails maintaining a website, so I am no longer worried about the length of funding. Ultimately, IU is a much better fit for me, so despite my previous comments, I accepted my offer at IU. Thanks so much for your help! And @accidental_philologist, I will definitely PM you with questions!
  3. ergative

    Bloomington, IN

    Thank you, it's been going great! I have decided to attend IU, but I can understand why you wouldn't. I wish you the best of luck wherever you decided to go!
  4. lmao good point!!! I timed my visit to be as biased toward Bloomington as possible, but yeah the summer humidity and winter snow are... not great things, especially since as a SoCal native I'm not used to weather that is less than perfect lol. Some rain I can handle, but that weather is worse! I appreciate that reminder as well ?
  5. I'm aware that Bloomington is not urban, I'm currently visiting lol but it is a beautiful city. You're right though, I think Seattle has all the beauty I'm seeking on top of an urban environment, so I'm starting to lean towards UW. Thanks for the reminder though, sometimes I need the obvious pointed out lol
  6. Hi everyone, I have a serious dilemma on my hands and very little time to resolve it. I was admitted to Indiana very early on with no funding, but after talking to some professors in the program, was able to secure partial funding. However, I wasn't sure if I could afford it. I still planned a trip to visit Bloomington anyway. Right before I left, on Thursday, I was offered full funding for 3 years. I'm currently in Bloomington right now and it's a really beautiful city and campus. However, it's a small college town and fairly isolated, though Indianapolis and other cities aren't too far. I was born and raised in a suburb of Los Angeles (Orange County) so even though I like the city, I don't know how to evaluate living here long term. About a month ago, I was waitlisted at the University of Washington. At the time I told them I would accept if admitted because Seattle seemed like the obvious choice over Bloomington. As my trip approached I wasn't expecting to hear anything from them until after the 15th. However, just this morning they admitted me with full funding for 5 years. The dilemma is that both offers still have the April 15 deadline. I don't really think this is fair of either of them since they sprang them on me so late in the process, but I don't know if I have any power to renegotiate the terms of the offers. I mean, they have all the power, they can just offer the money to someone else, right? But I feel frozen right now trying to decide with so little time. How can I make such an extremely huge life decision in the span of a day? They both have great programs in what I want to focus on (computational linguistics) so I am not worried about that. I have had more interaction with people at IU than UW and feel like it is likely a better fit in that respect. But I'm not yet convinced that Bloomington is the right fit for me, even though I like it so far. I don't have to visit Seattle to know that I would love it. Also, they're giving me funding for 2 additional years. That's a pretty important difference that I can't just write off. I keep going back and forth with all these pros and cons and I know it's ultimately a very personal decision. I ultimately just want to know, how would you go about deciding?
  7. ergative

    Bloomington, IN

    @DeNovo Thank you so much for responding and giving so much information! I'm in Bloomington now, I checked out Yellowwood forest, College Mall and the downtown area yesterday. I was surprised by how scenic the city is. Lots of trees and interesting architecture I saw from driving around. I'm used to the concrete jungle of SoCal so it was refreshing lol. I'm usually a hermit anyway so it does feel like there's enough going on to satisfy me, and as you said, Indianapolis (and other cities) are a short drive away if I really need an escape. The weather right now is too nice, I wish I had visited earlier so I truly know what the bad weather is like, but yeah I guess it does come down to suitable clothing ? I also appreciate both you and @FHG for clarifying about the COL. It's really reassuring because the stipend wouldn't get you very far in SoCal. Now I can breathe and not worry too much about letting finances influence my decision. I'm leaning toward accepting it, but I'm going to be one of those people who wait until the 15th to make a final decision because I only just got here. If you end up at IU, let me know!
  8. ergative

    Bloomington, IN

    This is also my biggest fear about IU (that, and the weather--not too thrilled about snow!), given that I've lived near Los Angeles most of my life. I am actually leaving to visit Bloomington tomorrow so I hope to assuage my own fears by checking it out personally, but if you already visited and still feel this way, then I'm also worried I'll feel the same! I also literally just received an $18k fellowship from them (I was previously only partially funded) so even though other people on this thread have said this is a livable amount, I'm still not sure how much I should be allocating for rent, especially since that is the pre-tax amount. Living in a high COL area means that I can't conceptualize a low COL area at all. Any insight into this would be appreciated!
  9. I was waitlisted at UW back on the 18th last month. I followed up reiterating my interest last Monday (4/1) and they invited me to interview, which I did on Thursday. I thought it went well enough (though I was rejected from UT Austin when I thought it went well, so that doesn't mean much!). Shortly after the interview, however, I was sent the specific details about their funding offer... but nothing in the email indicated I'd been accepted. It was just the funding details. For some reason. I hadn't brought it up during the interview at all and I've been trying to keep my mind off it because otherwise I will get my hopes up but I'm still baffled. Is that typical information to give to a waitlisted applicant?
  10. I'm sorry to hear that ? I followed up on my status on the waitlist on Monday and later that day they invited me to interview, so I think it would be worth it for you to reach out to them and ask for an update! Worst comes to worst, you'll confirm a rejection sooner rather than later, but you never know, there might be some hope left. ? Either way, good luck!! Also, congrats to everyone who got into the MS CompLing program at UW! I'd be doing the PhD route if accepted, but it would be awesome to run into some of you in classes if I don't fail my interview and get lucky enough to attend ?
  11. Thanks so much for calling them about it and letting us all know! Now I'm going to be refreshing my application portal and email constantly for the rest of the week waiting for their response haha ?‍♀️ Good luck everyone!
  12. Hi! I also applied to Rochester and haven't heard a peep from them. I'm planning on emailing the graduate coordinator on Monday asking about the decision timeline. I think it's been long enough since December 1 to ask them about it lol. I can let you know what she says if you like, otherwise you could also send an email!
  13. I didn't have an interview with them! I saw those results too and figured I was gonna be rejected, so I was quite surprised to get the notification I was waitlisted. It's strange you haven't heard from them yet, maybe you're on a hidden/secret waitlist? I've heard of those existing, in which case you might have a better chance than me. Otherwise... well, it ain't over til it's over. I'm already going to assume the worst and am working on my plan B. I'm really sorry to hear that your applications haven't been successful this cycle but I hope you're able to get in somewhere! I'm rooting for you!
  14. That is incredibly helpful, thanks for sharing!! Hopefully, I will get as lucky as I do not have any other funded offers haha. Best of luck to anyone else in this thread still waiting!
  15. I'm not sure who to ask, but I got waitlisted at UW. I figure it's generally a toss-up whether you have a chance of being admitted or not from the waitlist, but I'm wondering if anyone has experience with being waitlisted or knowledge about UW's admissions process? I was just about to give up on the PhD route altogether when I got this email so I want to know as much as I can!
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