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Everything posted by GCool

  1. Or Christian metalcore! I'm legitimately curious as to whether or not the introduction of Christian ideals through metal actually gravitates troubled people to both Christ AND metal. I'm mostly curious because I'm an atheist and find some of those acts pretty good--and I honestly find it pretty cool that they can spread a religious message in that way.
  2. Indeed. It'd definitely depend on the context and if he sounds like a know-it-all while trying to help you. As your context stands now, it sounds like you're being a little oversensitive - maybe more concerned with how you appear as a teacher than actually teaching. Think about what you'd want out of your own class! I don't mean to be harsh. Your TA might be insufferable. Just consider that it might not be the end of the world.
  3. inconvenient truth
  4. Ugh. I used to enjoy Fireball, and now just thinking about it makes me gag. Buzzfeed, Upworthy, and EliteDaily can go die in a fire.
  5. And yet you're pushing to get a cheap date or knocked up while you're doing your MSW. To quote The Room, the greatest movie of all time: "Keep your stupid comments in your pocket."
  6. Took my drug test for the new job yesterday. Studied really hard, hoping for a B, but I'd be fine with a C.

    1. spectastic


      I thought drug tests were pass/fail.

    2. GCool


      This one's a 5-panel, so each one you miss is a letter grade.

  7. Hindsight's 20/20, bro. A master's doesn't mean an instant job. I had to make resumes for FOUR DIFFERENT STATES and apply to a few hundred companies to get my latest position. I drove all over interviewing for small lab technician jobs. I could blame it on my low GPA or my limited industrial experience to that point or something, but the bottom line is employers went with someone else every time (save one, which is where I've been working for 6 months now). Education is one thing; actually working is quite another. Working isn't just DOING shit, either--you have to have the right attitude and seem like a good fit in the current team dynamic. It's fine to be discouraged, but take some days off from being down in the dumps. Employers can smell it on you like alcohol. Once you get a job, I hope you look at these posts and laugh your ass off.
  8. That's pretty vague. I'm not in your field, but a STEM degree won't keep you away from business or law. Biotechnology has many parallels with genetics and cellular engineering, too. So, in short, those all sound like valid options.
  9. Congratulations! You should get into research, as that's what you'll be doing in graduate school. All of these statistics are published somewhere--except possibly ROI, which is relative to you, and could be calculated yourself if you set up a budget and look up the average starting salary.
  10. Anyone like sports sim games? Hit me up.

    1. LittleDarlings


      I started playing Madden recently

    2. spectastic


      why not just play sports?

    3. GCool


      When it's zero degrees, I'm caught between hockey (but no skates) and football (but after two plays I can't feel my hands). I play this baseball trainer/simulator game that's like no other sim I've ever come across. There's a soccer version, too; I was hoping to recruit a person or two!

  11. Scream that shit. Us HIMYM haters have to unite. That show is (was) gawd awful.
  12. I doubt you'll find anything concrete, since there are many possibilities. What are your interests?
  13. Moved my interview to next Monday after I explained the situation to them, and told the boss I have to leave early for a doctor's appt. All is "well" again.

    1. FinallyAccepted


      Glad it all got worked out.

  14. HELP! I have an interview during the week, and I can't "take off' work to go to it. What should I say to my superiors to get an extended lunch? Afraid they'll ask for a doctor's note...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tiggerise


      You can always just say you have a doctors appointment that you really can't cancel, you don't have to go into details since its personal. If you feel guilty or nervous, you could always schedule an appointment for physical after your interview or before like during your lunch.

      Just remember while work is important this interview trumps work by a million....trust me I'll be in a similar spot in Feb.

    3. iphi


      If you just need more time coming back from lunch, cite car troubles on your way back.

    4. GCool


      That's a good plan, Tiggerise. I'd use your suggestion, iphi, but they know I have a near-new car. Even though my boss probably won't consider that when I ask, I can't help but be a little paranoid.

  15. I see someone left their sense of humor at home...
  16. That was my thinking. It's not like you squeaked by with a C-; you legitimately put a ton of effort into that class. A professor will learn more about your character if you continued to take his classes and challenged yourself even if you didn't get the A! While I'm here in the venting thread: Honestly, I feel like "character" should be given more weight when it comes to graduate studies. Too many good people who can still learn / be taught are snubbed while socially inept robots run rampant in higher-paying jobs. I mean, I get it, but for Christ's sake, why is every person I know coming back from grad school blurting out answers to questions-in-conversation like their lives depended on it?
  17. Well, it's your first semester. Don't you have time to take something else with him?
  18. GCool

    Post-Bacc Approach

    I'd be fine with that, but food science seems to have a very low number of programs (since they have to be approved by, effectively, the association of food technologists). If there are low tier programs out there, I can't effectively research them since it doesn't appear that they have the right certifications. Does that make sense?
  19. I have an interview during my lunch break today. Send some vibes my way if you can! :D

  20. Well dramaturgy is drama composition, isn't it? Why don't you write some melodramatic monologue explaining your life, ending with "Plot twist: I'm M. Night Shyamalan"
  21. Or maybe he's on the forum!
  22. I'd say your best chance to find a selection of internships you're interested in would be Google. Even if someone has something here, that's one opportunity; you're going to want to apply anywhere and everywhere to land something! Granted, I guess someone could have a useful link to a site with internships, but still. Also talk to your academic advisors and utilize the career services center at your school.
  23. +1 Fairly Oddparents But maybe you meant Shakespeare, in which case I've shown off my immaturity level.
  24. Can you explain that? Do you mean liquor in general? Haha. Dr. Who.
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