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Everything posted by ZebraFinch

  1. Thank you! That's really great to hear.
  2. Thank you! Yep got some funding too. If I got the Pickering I wouldn't have to pay anything out of pocket. Good luck on the Payne!
  3. I got accepted into my top choice today so I'm happy as heck! I'd totally forgotten about grad school apps too.
  4. Oh so that gives me a whole other month to freak. Good luck with the CLS!
  5. Are we meant to hear on the Pickering soon?
  6. I was accepted today in Georgetown's MAERES program. I'm stoked!
  7. I don't know! I work in immigration so CON seems to make more sense but I really enjoy research so I've thought of POL. One reason I haven't taken the FSOT yet is because I've yet to decide on cone.
  8. Please don't feel defeated by not getting the Rangel. I too used virtually the same narrative for both awards, and made finalist for Pickering. Getting rejected for one doesn't mean an automatic rejection from the other. And if not, we can always re-apply.
  9. Always
  10. I think if you'd been rejected, you'd already would've gotten an email.
  11. No news is good news.
  12. They have an undergrad program? Is it like the Pickering undergrad program?
  13. Again different orgs are managing it now so it might be different, but they were very, very general.
  14. I didn't retake the GRE and applied to different programs this year. Last year, I was feeling very insecure and applied to a sort of random range of programs. I have a strong Econ background so I didn't let the GRE get to me. The interview day is looooong. A very long day. A different org is managing it this year so I'm not sure how similar it'll be to previous years' processes, but if you can find FSOA questions online and prep, that's your best bet. The written part is general enough that you don't need to read NYTimes every single day to do well, but mostly I think what gets to people is the exhaustion. You're there from six am to nearly six pm. So my best advice is SLEEP the night before.
  15. I almost think they purposely pick very different people... if you get interviewed for Pickering you'll hear many many stories of finalists who were completely rejected for Rangel.
  16. Oh, if neither award works out this year I'll most definitely re-apply. No rush to go to grad school here. I'm still hoping being an alternate fellow for the Pickering means I'll at least go through the interview stage again. I had so much fun that day! It was one of the best experiences of my life. I think you have a great shot! And last year I was flat out rejected for Rangel and made finalist (then alternate) for Pickering.. so if you don't get Rangel, don't lose hope!
  17. I mean they want people who truly have a need that shows with numbers. Like EFC 0. Last year, I had a near zero EFC... no luck, and I have a strong profile aside from that. This year, I got a very relevant (for this award) job, and while it's poverty wages in the DC area, it takes me out of the EFC 0 zone. So, I think it's true, and that the statement of financial need is really important. Which, is sad because I'm not sure how to get relevant experience for this award except through Peace Corps or Fulbright; being married, I can't afford unpaid internships and such anymore I'm sure many other Foreign Service and grad school hopefuls are in a similar position.
  18. Just got the "no" from the Rangel for a second year in a row. I think they really take into consideration financial need. I made alternate for Pickering last year though so I hope this year I'll get it. Good luck everyone!
  19. What are your career goals? If you want to join the Foreign Service, look into the Pickering fellowship winners... many are going to Georgetown. Seems to indicate that it does matter a tad.
  20. I'm thinking of applying for an ETA in Russia. It'll be my first time applying for the Fulbright.
  21. Normally I'm always against debt, but I think in your case, Georgetown.
  22. Previous Schools (Name, type, or tier): No name school in US territory Previous Degrees and GPAs: Poli sci, 3.69 GRE Scores (Verbal/Quantitative/Analytical Writing): 159V/135Q(I know)/5.5AW Previous Work Experience (Years, Type) State department internships Math/Econ Background: Extensive. All coursework of math-heavy econ major Foreign Language Background (if applicable to your program): Spanish and Russian Intended Field of Study in Grad School: MA Long Term Professional Goals: Foreign Service Schools Applied to & Results: Georgetown MSFS (rejected), Korbel (accepted + funding), Fletcher MALD (waitlist) Ultimate Decision & Why: Defer! I made it as a Pickering alternate this year, so, I'm going to defer in the hopes of getting it next year. Advice for Future Applicants: Believe in yourself. Low GRE's are not a death sentence for fellowships and grad school. I thought I sucked as a candidate so I only applied to three schools, two of which I wasn't really interested in. Next year, I'm going to apply to a wider range of schools that I actually want to attend. Don't apply to a "safe" school if you know you actually won't attend that school.
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