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Everything posted by AlphacentauriC

  1. Back in 2010, I was in a similar situation like you - super low GPA. I was rejected by all the schools I applied, despite my passion, my dedication to health. So, I had fight to improve my GPA/resume. Took me a while. Ended up getting admitted to the best programs. But it's a life-long commitment that you will need to show...you can't fix your GPA in one year. You might need to look at the lowest schools, then enter doctoral studies at your favorite school.
  2. 1. You can stay in the US indefinitely, as long as you are going to school/etc. Since you are going to graduate school, your visa remains valid. It will remain valid beyond 2021, as long as you are going to school. Beyond 2021, if you leave the country, you need to re-apply for a new visa. IF you don't leave the country, you can continue using your visa as long as you are going to school. 2. You can go back home and come back with the same visa, as long as it is not expired. They will demand a new I-20 when you try to enter the US, so make sure you have the new I-20 before you leave.
  3. USF interview done. I'm not really sure how to assess it --it was 'ok' I suppose. They said decisions coming Friday this week or Monday next week.
  4. Find it interesting that for USF, I submitted my application Nov 2019, rejected in March 2020. back interviewing now in May 2020! What is next? Not surprised with my situation I suppose...I have been fighting to do this program for a while now. Anyway, let's see what happens next week. My USF interview is set for next week. Wish me luck guys!
  5. Well well!!!! Look who is back asking me if i'm still interested in USF? Kwanzi (said) we would like to have an interview with you if you are interested!!! Said they have space for more admits. Was rejected outright with no interview in March. I will accept the interview invite, I will compare $$$ once the admit comes.... The topic of rejecting candidates when they are super qualified, is something we can discuss another day.
  6. Officially declined the University of Texas admit offer today. Moving forward with Indiana University
  7. It's PhD Healthcare Management/Health Policy, it's under the MPACH department: https://sph.uth.edu/academics/degree-programs/doctor-of-philosophy-phd/. They gave me April 15th as deadline to accept. Looks like I will decline the offer of admission. Good luck. Hope they take action on your application soon.
  8. I think the lesson from this season application cycle, like in the past cycles I have participated in, is that one issue/one event with your academic history does not determine your fate. Poor GPA, uncool GREs, one or four bad grades, etc do not block your academic career, if you are serious. My advice to future applicants is that, do not let people, stupid events, unfair stuff, block your path. Your dreams will come true, if you determined. Good luck.
  9. Nope, no interview, no reaching out faculty. Submitted application for the PhD on March 28, the admit email came 04/09, a little over 10 days later. Funny, it's the same school/program that rejected my Fall 2016 entrance application.
  10. So, got one of the fastest admits from UTexas at Houston as I submitted my application two or so weeks ago. Have to look at money games vs my other admit, Indiana.
  11. I think that you should look at things in perspective. No one event, no-matter how big, can determine the trajectory of your life forever. What this means is that, success or achieving your dreams wholly depends on a series of small steps, small victories. So, your GPA, your GRE score, those few bad grades from those three/five professors, will not ruin your life. Nor does getting rejected from the top ten schools. The important question to ask yourself is: What are the next steps needed to achieve your dream? Focus on standing up after your fall, not on wallowing on the rejections. Good luck.
  12. Thank you! I think a cohort is a great way to complete the program. The modeled it on the UNC program, at least that is what they told me. I know I might get admits later in this application cycle, but I feel like I have been wasting time for a long time. So, I think I will accept this offer and move forward.
  13. Thank you @DrPHLMB! The admit came in the morning today.
  14. Got my admit from Indiana University - Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health. Really excited!
  15. My fellow comrades waiting for offers, hang in there! I think that I will officially give up on the applications this cycle sometime in June. Of course, the wait becomes harder when everyone around are busy agonizing over choosing one out of the many offers they got. Some good news for us late admits: a) Some schools are cancelling GRE/testing requirements - this is a big deal. I feel the requirement for GRE for professional programs is just a 'straight-jacket' requirement which doesn't make sense. b) Interview cycles are now compressed, so results are coming out fast. Anyway, the battle continues....stay safe everyone.
  16. If you look at your university handbook, they typically offer an option for one year deferment from enrollment. So you can try to use that. In this situation, the universities will understand.
  17. Funny how some schools are still asking for standardized testing...this should be cancelled. Esp. those with April 1st and beyond deadlines.
  18. Be strong. I think that you will do well where you are going. My position is that if a school rejects me, then probably it wasn't meant to be, esp. if I have a stellar record. One option you can look at is to reapply next year? I think @Coconuts&Chloroform you can do well. You can take the year off. In the skim of things, whether you start school this year or next year, it doesn't matter. Hope you are feeling better now.
  19. Congruts! Curious, is this the part time or full time program?
  20. Nothing much to report here, just waiting for my interview tomorrow. If you don't mind, share your interview experiences. I have chased this dream for a million years, so...if offered a chance, I can talk about it forever. Wish me luck!
  21. Really happy for everyone getting admits/interviews. My public health doctoral application strategy seems to be falling apart :). Yeah, it's things fall apart here. I only applied to part time programs, as I can't afford to leave my job. So: 1. USF - I got an email last week - rejected. 2. Indiana University - Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health - Got interview notification yesterday These are my results so far. I still have two more to hear from + two more that I plan on submitting applications to. Good luck everyone who is still waiting!
  22. Hello, hear waiting on decisions. I'm on team USF waiting on decisions. Like everyone here, I haven't heard anything since I submitted my application. Here again, after my adventure back in 2016 when I got DrPH admissions at Tulane/Kentucky/etc but chose a $100k+/yr job instead: back then, the choice was take the job or accept the full-time admission. I chose the job . Up in the air if choosing the cash instead of doing the doctoral degree was wise. I will know in another five years. Anyway, only focusing on part-time programs this time around: 1. USF 2. Boston - will attend full-time since I live here 3. Georgia Southern 5. Indiana +Plus a scattering of others. Will see where I am in June. Just need one good admit and i'm done :). Good luck everyone....
  23. @stereopticons Congruts on your decision to pursue your dreams. I like the fact that, despite your previous disappointments with the application process, you haven't given up. That alone, trust me, will make you successful, in the eventuality of time. As for your question, yep, for some programs, they want you to reach out to professors. I remember last cycle, the University of South Florida needed a 'faculty sponsor' to support your application in order to be considered for admission to their public health phd program. On the other hand, that was not the case with the other schools I applied to. I got into phd programs in public health (health services research) without talking to professors at schools like Tulane, Kentucky, etc. So, the short answer to your question is that, contacting professors, depends on the program you are applying to. Take the time to learn about the programs you are interested in, and really understand what they want. I think you can achieve success this cycle. Wishing you the best!
  24. got my sweet rejection from Texas A&M today, via email. good luck guys...
  25. bu is the clear choice.
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