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Status Updates posted by MidwesternAloha

  1. Where can I buy a backpack? Haven't needed to buy one in over ten years. Decent brands/suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ahlatsiawa


      And I actually got it for $20 cheaper than what it's currently priced at.

    3. rising_star


      There was a discussion about this on the "Grad School Supplies" thread...

    4. MidwesternAloha


      Thank you all! I'll check out those bags and the thread.

  2. Lease signed, found someone to watch my dog, resignation letter printed for my job... Almost ready to move.

    1. Threeboysmom


      Alright let the new journey commence.

  3. Mentally checked-out from my job....can't focus with what's coming up ahead!

  4. Haven't even started school and professors are "encouraging me to check out their labs" when I arrive. Ego boost lol

  5. If anyone is seeking a roommate in Charleston, SC - send me a message! :) Must love cats.

  6. Would you rather be in a concentrated environment (your program is the only offered) or an interdisciplinary research environment?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GeoDUDE!


      I'd pick which project I thought would be more fruitful for future work. Though that is hard to predict at such an early stage, you have to remember that your dissertation work is only the beginning of your research

    3. MidwesternAloha


      In this case, I think the interdisciplinary program will be more broadly applicable. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

    4. GeoDUDE!


      broadly applicable isn't what I'm talking about. You want to do be able to set your self up to investigate interesting questions for the next few decades at least.

  7. Is it normal to have a $400 fee for a PhD program?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rising_star


      I've never heard of that. Weird.

    3. nugget


      I've only heard of a tuition deposit of $100-300 to confirm acceptance. But that amount is applied towards your tuition fees.

    4. MidwesternAloha


      Yeah! If it was applied to my account somehow, I'd happily pay it. But since my tuition is free, I'm gonna see if there's a waiver.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. awash_


      wooo! what a great problem to have, congrats!!

    3. MidwesternAloha


      I never expected this to happen! I had finally accepted my offer at the only school I got into and now, bam.

    4. gk210



  9. Is it worth emailing an admissions dept at all this week? I'm assuming they won't be issuing acceptances with 2 days' notice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MidwesternAloha


      I last heard from them when I inquired March 24, so I guess I'll hold tight. No news is goods news, at least I haven't been rejected yet.

    3. EnfantTerrible


      As it's been almost three weeks, I definitely think you can check-in with them.

  10. Never underestimate the power or emailing churches near your new school and asking if they can hook you up with a parishioner who has a spare room to rent while you start school. They might just reply with options and people who will offer it free!

    1. awash_


      gah, that is so smart!

  11. That awkward moment when your friend gets off the waitlist, but you don't.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1Q84


      Should your friend meet with an unfortunate accident.... :P JK!

    3. MidwesternAloha


      It's just hard to be a good friend and be happy for her when I'm dealing with jealousy.

    4. FinallyAccepted


      yeah, that's rough. well fingers crossed that you see good fortune as well without it having to be at the expense of your friend

  12. Getting my hair done for the military ball tonight... A much needed distraction from constantly mulling over the stress of decisions

  13. I have an interview April 7th. Part of me hopes it will only act to strengthen my conviction in the offer I already accepted.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iphi


      I think it's acceptable to get all the facts from every school if you think there's a possibility you would want to attend. It's a major decision and you should definitely explore all options.

    3. Cheshire_Cat


      Yeah, I definitely think it is acceptable to explore this option, especially since rejecting it out of hand would mean 5-6 years away from your husband. Good luck!

    4. VulpesZerda
  14. Finally signed an acceptance form. Gives me peace of mind while waiting for decisions from one school who's keeping me waitlisted and the other that's shady as heck.

  15. Technical interview with a prof to discuss her research and see if I'm a good fit today. Not nerve wracking at all

  16. A little crushed I didn't hear from the school I'm watlisted at when I know they sent out more offers yesterday. All signs point toward going to Florida, to the school who actually wants me.

    1. .letmeinplz//


      Yeah seeing results on that page while hearing nothing is a little depressing.

  17. PI is trying to recruit me but it's for a program I am not interested in :/

    1. TenaciousBushLeaper


      Don't do it, they're only after their person gain!

    2. aberrant


      did you apply to that program? and if you did, why did you apply to the program in the first place?

  18. Anyone else hate talking on the phone?! How I wish I could just send an email saying, "hey, I accept!"

    1. Taeyers


      Definitely, that's why email is exactly what I used. Did they specifically ask you call them?

  19. I've decided to accept my current (only) offer to a PhD program. What's the worst that'll happen, I get off the waitlist at the other school?

    1. gliaful


      Are you familiar with the CGS agreement (http://www.cgsnet.org/april-15-resolution)? Worst case scenario you can go back on your decision (gently) if the other school appeals to you more. But if you're really conflicted, waiting can't hurt.

    2. VulpesZerda


      I'm really nervous this might happen to me. I don't know for sure if I'm on the waitlist for my top choice right now but it's looking possible. At least rejection would give me closure and let me accept my other offer. This process is such an emotional rollercoaster :(

    3. MidwesternAloha


      @Vulpes I sort of wish the other school had just rejected me instead of leaving me in limbo post-interview.

      @Pastel, thank you for the link. I knew the April 15 deadline existed but couldn't find accurate details. I do want to get the ball rolling if the first school winds up being my only acceptance. I know retracting the acceptance is a sticky situation, but I'm glad it's not unheard of.

  20. Being waitlisted is such a slap in the face.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taeyers


      On the bright side, it's coming on the heels of some pretty good news for you!

    3. MidwesternAloha


      That's a good way to look at it!

    4. AKCarlton


      They usually end up as acceptances! At least in my case, so don't lose hope!

  21. That awkward moment when you're un-rejected from your #1 school. Glad I only applied to 3 schools, the is a lot to handle!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MidwesternAloha


      Very bizarre. They rejected me for the program I applied to, then a POI emailed me saying she wanted me for her lab instead. Definitely threw a wrench in my plans!

    3. autumnreads


      Wow - congrats!

    4. gk210


      congrats! so strange but congrats nonetheless!

  22. First acceptance came today!! YES!

  23. Two places I interviewed are making decisions today and a third place is calling "to discuss my research interests. " Panic Mode.

    1. .letmeinplz//


      At least the unknown will become known today. I think not knowing is the worse part.

    2. MidwesternAloha


      I could not agree more.

  24. Somehow the post-interview wait is less traumatic/nerve wracking than the app submission wait.

    1. Taeyers


      Haha my experience was the opposite. I was in a glass case of emotion between the interview and the decision, but that might be related to the committee pushing the decision meeting to a week later than they had originally told us without updating us about the change...

    2. MidwesternAloha


      Yeahhhh that would drive me nuts. I think this calls for a serial binge of watching Anchorman. Lol

  25. When you took a bold approach to your personal statement and an interviewer emails you to compliment it *yessss*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VulpesZerda


      Woooooo! I'm curious as well!

    3. MidwesternAloha


      I didn't address my academics whatsoever and wrote a story about my life with a lot of rock climbing metaphors.

    4. Threeboysmom
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