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Everything posted by MidwesternAloha

  1. I've decided to accept my current (only) offer to a PhD program. What's the worst that'll happen, I get off the waitlist at the other school?

    1. gliaful


      Are you familiar with the CGS agreement (http://www.cgsnet.org/april-15-resolution)? Worst case scenario you can go back on your decision (gently) if the other school appeals to you more. But if you're really conflicted, waiting can't hurt.

    2. VulpesZerda


      I'm really nervous this might happen to me. I don't know for sure if I'm on the waitlist for my top choice right now but it's looking possible. At least rejection would give me closure and let me accept my other offer. This process is such an emotional rollercoaster :(

    3. MidwesternAloha


      @Vulpes I sort of wish the other school had just rejected me instead of leaving me in limbo post-interview.

      @Pastel, thank you for the link. I knew the April 15 deadline existed but couldn't find accurate details. I do want to get the ball rolling if the first school winds up being my only acceptance. I know retracting the acceptance is a sticky situation, but I'm glad it's not unheard of.

  2. Really? That's good to hear! Our favorite place (believe it or not) was Ft Leonard Wood! Bought a house there. My husband is probably 2 year groups behind yours, but these decisions are still on the horizon and I feel like I totally "get" your stress at the moment. Not looking forward to the distance thing when he has to go to ILE while I'm in grad school. Good luck to you guys!!! Monterey is AMAZING, if you somehow wind up going with him there!
  3. The only school to which I've been accepted is pressuring me for a decision by Monday. I totally understand schools' reasons for wanting to get answers ASAP and making it fair to other students, etc. I'm waitlisted at a school that is a better fit for me, but who knows how that will go. I want to get the ball rolling at the first institution, so if I accept, and later receive an offer from school #2, how bad would it be to retract my acceptance if it's prior to April 15?
  4. Do you have any advice for finding out who else might be in your cohort/matriculating? Would it be weird to contact the program director and ask? I interviewed on an alternate occasion due to a conflict with another interview, so that's partially why I am struggling to see the big picture.
  5. I'm glad to hear that! When I visited the area, the students all say they lived in St Pete or New Tampa. How reasonable or inflated are home prices/rentals on the water? I imagine it would be hard to live there without a roommate. How's the weather and the bugs? Serious question lol. I am fine with roaches but can't handle spiders.
  6. I hear ya on the snow and the ice. I had the pleasure of driving from Southern Pines to NC State this morning bc classes were cancelled but the University wasn't closed for employees. My poor Fiat... And my nerves are shot lol
  7. Yeah, he can't move with me. Has has a career that keeps him stationed in one place. I guess I shouldn't be complaining, at least we don't have the time zone difference you mentioned!
  8. I want to resurrect this forum, if anyone is around to shed insight on Tampa/USF! I've been accepted to their cancer biology PhD program at Moffitt.
  9. I've been accepted to an amazing, elite graduate program, but I feel more scared than anything. I'm married and would have to move 9 hours away from my Husband. It doesn't feel right. It's fully funded+ high stipend, all kinds of freebies, celebrity (well, in my field) professors- Why am I not more excited? I'm sitting here mourning the loss of more local programs.
  10. Being waitlisted friggin' sucks. Just got an email saying the same. It's like, oh hey, we like you, but we're gonna try to find someone better, and if we don't, we'll let you know.
  11. Being waitlisted is such a slap in the face.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taeyers


      On the bright side, it's coming on the heels of some pretty good news for you!

    3. MidwesternAloha


      That's a good way to look at it!

    4. AKCarlton


      They usually end up as acceptances! At least in my case, so don't lose hope!

  12. Got a phone call from POI at USF-Moffitt Cancer Center... Stoked! Reality can set in now
  13. Correct. This was discussed in our most recent staff meeting. (I work in CALS)
  14. I really, really appreciate the insight on this. The whole grad school environment is a vast new world to me and it's very helpful to have this feedback. The school I like best (academically) has the miniscule, independent cohort (only matriculating 5 students on average per year), but the other is a big umbrella program with a lot more people.
  15. Should that be a factor? - for example, one school has students that generally go out together every weekend, whereas another is more independent and students generally do their own thing.
  16. I don't see that as being a problem. In my experience, the adcom was happier to see I had explored other career paths and KNEW I wanted to pursue this one now. It's good to have evidence that you are well rounded. They won't judge. No school wants a student who walks in and says "gosh, I've just wanted to be ____ since I was a kid!"
  17. Yes. There is no reason to omit information. Most schools require that you send transcripts from all institutions. It is not unique to take prereqs for a program after graduating. I sent all of mine and had a total of 4 transcripts to send to every school.
  18. That awkward moment when you're un-rejected from your #1 school. Glad I only applied to 3 schools, the is a lot to handle!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MidwesternAloha


      Very bizarre. They rejected me for the program I applied to, then a POI emailed me saying she wanted me for her lab instead. Definitely threw a wrench in my plans!

    3. autumnreads


      Wow - congrats!

    4. gk210


      congrats! so strange but congrats nonetheless!

  19. My interview at USF was Sunday-Monday! But it was an alternate weekend for students who had scheduling conflicts
  20. Yep! This is not an uncommon situation. Just include in your email some key things that may help them remember you and attach your resume'/list of accomplishments so they have more to write about.
  21. First acceptance came today!! YES!

  22. Correct. Depends on how expedient the school is. It's certainly not the case for all schools, but it does happen.
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