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Everything posted by MidwesternAloha

  1. They will have roommate finder parties at MUSC during the summer keep in touch with the graduate program and they'll give you all the details.
  2. I'm not willing to take on any debt. Unless the university is paying ME to go to school, I will not be going. Thankfully, I have secured that type of deal. For me, grad school (or even college) isn't worth it without substantial scholarships.
  3. *or cobra is good for people whose monthly medical needs exceed the premium and they've already met their deductibles, etc.
  4. Cobra is usually only a good option for a select group of people - people who have pre existing conditions and don't want a gap in coverage (because that previously disqualified them from being covered under their next plans). I'd look into marketplace options like the other posted suggested or just go without and pay out of pocket should you need to go to a doctor.
  5. It is very, very expensive. You will be paying the total amount your employer was subsidizing for you- usually around $1,000/month.
  6. Meal planning/meal prep. Do it on Sundays. Make enough for a week. If you're a coffee drinker, learn to like black coffee. It's all the creams and sugar additives that will pack on extra pounds when your lifestyle becomes more stressed/sedentary in grad school. Eliminate those calories wherever possible.
  7. You're definitely not alone. I've been thinking of seeing a counselor to help me cope with the stress and decision making and involvement (or lack thereof) of my family.
  8. I would try not to overanalyze it. Their response could be generic, one they send to anyone who asks about that topic, or maybe the writer was just in a blah mood when they hit reply. I wouldn't take it as an indicator of anything. The school I am waitlisted at outright told us they do not rank people on the waitlist and will not give any info regarding waitlist size, etc.
  9. It means they don't want you to hold out til April 15th.
  10. My friend from Vermont informed me of a game he used to play called, "Florida, Ohio or Arizona" where you look up hilarious/weird news articles and people guess whether it's from FL, OH or AZ. I was not amused. (Ohioan)
  11. I agree with this poster. Raleigh's demographics are a lot like any other big city. A lot of young professionals and people who moved to NC from somewhere else. I swear I meet more Midwesterners in NC than I do back home. The suburbs are pretty mixed, too. They joke that Cary stands for "containment area for relocated Yankees", but it's a very nice town. The big cities are fast paced hubs and the rest of NC is very rural. Everything is convenient, though. You can go to the beach/ocean or go skiing in the same day.
  12. Not sure where you came up with NCSU having a "slower lifestyle" but you do know that SAS was created by an NCSU graduate, right? Raleigh is in the heart of the Triangle/Research Triangle area and there's a TON of computer success here. Raleigh is also the #4 "best city to live" in America (they will make sure you know that, lol).
  13. Oops I posted this in the wrong thread and I have no idea how to delete it.
  14. Me too! I just accepted my offer at USF. My name is Lauren, too! We should be roommates! Jk... But seriously. I'm from Ohio and the weather is a huge deal for me, too!
  15. Finally signed an acceptance form. Gives me peace of mind while waiting for decisions from one school who's keeping me waitlisted and the other that's shady as heck.

  16. Technical interview with a prof to discuss her research and see if I'm a good fit today. Not nerve wracking at all

  17. The shorter, the better, because professors get a ton of emails. Just don't send the same thing to each interviewer, because they talk.
  18. Your professor probably meant that more research opportunities may open up at the start of summer or some other point between now and the time your classes start.
  19. Rejection from a PhD program offered by a medical school (no undergraduate population) "I only applied here because my professor did his undergrad here. I didn't want to go to this crappy place anyway" Uhhh ... Hope you didn't write that in you personal statement lol no wonder you got rejected
  20. A little crushed I didn't hear from the school I'm watlisted at when I know they sent out more offers yesterday. All signs point toward going to Florida, to the school who actually wants me.

    1. .letmeinplz//


      Yeah seeing results on that page while hearing nothing is a little depressing.

  21. The Admissions Dept is the only person/group with the authority to issue an acceptance to a program.
  22. Nothing would happen. You'd look like a jerk and burn a bridge in the process, but there's not actually a consequence.
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