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Everything posted by MidwesternAloha

  1. Can you defer enrollment to next year? I wouldn't start a PhD program if you're not 100% committed.
  2. It's extraordinarily common. Also, keep in mind that acceptances can/will be issued after April 15th at the discretion of schools that have gaps to fill after offers expire today.
  3. That is so true! I was just informed of this today. Will it ever end?! Better yet, will it end POSITIVELY?!
  4. It depends on how well you interview, but when falling on bad luck, a business man I worked for used to say, "you'll get 10 no's before you get a yes" when people complained about not getting a job.
  5. I've heard this phenomenon called "high investment parenting" referring to the older (not only, per se, just older than the counterparts) population who waits to stay a family til they have accomplished and established themselves a little more.
  6. Fit is the only thing that matters, at this point.
  7. It's a big decision, one that affects the rest of your life. They have earned the right to not take their decision lightly and their deadline is April 15th.
  8. I actually based my grad school decision on which place had the best (and wound up being the ONLY) maternity leave policy. I am not running off tomorrow, but my husband and I aren't going to wait til I finish a PhD to start a family.
  9. I think the decision should be based on the job you want to do: do you want to be a professor, manager, grant-writer, etc and spend little time in the lab? Then pursue a PhD. Do you enjoy actually being in the lab and doing stuff? Stick with the MSc.
  10. On the bright side, the school teaching job might alleviate some of your "horribly broke" woes
  11. I do not think she is implying any certainty to the message. I think the professor is being politely optimistic for you, not to be confused with false hope. If you are to be admitted, you haven't been notified because your spot is dependent on the declination of other offers. If no one declines their offer, you won't get that spot. You may also be elsewhere on the "list", despite your professor's speculations. I apologize if this comes over harsh. I do think we need to be realistic at this point even though we're all pulling our hair out. Also, consider the fact that some of the top applicants may be holding out/still deliberating and won't respond/reject their excess offers til the very last minute (meaning an even-more-very-last-minute acceptance for you.) Stay strong!
  12. Just hang in there. The AdComs are SWAMPED right now. They won't forget you. I know it's tough, but bear with it. I was told by multiple schools I'd have answers on certain dates, and they always came days/weeks later.
  13. Are you okay with the level of debt you would accrue taking the unfunded offer? I assume you would have to take out loans, and please forgive me if I made a false assumption. Would you be happy at the Catholic school? I am a huge supporter of starting over someplace new when the opportunity presents itself. There's no reason to stay where you have all the reminders of heartbreak, etc.
  14. Same here. My last contact was an inquiry on March 24. I feel like asking again would just be a burden to them. It's so hard to sit idly.
  15. Is it worth emailing an admissions dept at all this week? I'm assuming they won't be issuing acceptances with 2 days' notice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MidwesternAloha


      I last heard from them when I inquired March 24, so I guess I'll hold tight. No news is goods news, at least I haven't been rejected yet.

    3. EnfantTerrible


      As it's been almost three weeks, I definitely think you can check-in with them.

  16. Is anyone emailing/checking in with schools this week or are we "done"?
  17. Never underestimate the power or emailing churches near your new school and asking if they can hook you up with a parishioner who has a spare room to rent while you start school. They might just reply with options and people who will offer it free!

    1. awash_


      gah, that is so smart!

  18. Tattoos are generally not an issue, anymore. Once you've sealed the deal and gained acceptance somewhere, you don't have to "impress" them as much. You can always conceal it for important events, later.
  19. A suit, regardless of what others have worn. Dress for the job you want!
  20. That awkward moment when your friend gets off the waitlist, but you don't.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1Q84


      Should your friend meet with an unfortunate accident.... :P JK!

    3. MidwesternAloha


      It's just hard to be a good friend and be happy for her when I'm dealing with jealousy.

    4. FinallyAccepted


      yeah, that's rough. well fingers crossed that you see good fortune as well without it having to be at the expense of your friend

  21. Getting my hair done for the military ball tonight... A much needed distraction from constantly mulling over the stress of decisions

  22. Sending you a pm, Megan!
  23. I have an interview April 7th. Part of me hopes it will only act to strengthen my conviction in the offer I already accepted.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iphi


      I think it's acceptable to get all the facts from every school if you think there's a possibility you would want to attend. It's a major decision and you should definitely explore all options.

    3. Cheshire_Cat


      Yeah, I definitely think it is acceptable to explore this option, especially since rejecting it out of hand would mean 5-6 years away from your husband. Good luck!

    4. VulpesZerda
  24. I would let the 2nd place school know as soon as possible that you won't be attending. There's still time for them to send out an acceptance to someone on their Waitlist. That being said, make sure you're confident in your decision.
  25. My advisors told me it literally doesn't matter. I don't know if all schools do it different, but I know the 2 umbrellas I applied to wind up giving you a degree in umbrella-program-name.
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