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Posts posted by MarineBluePsy

  1. @hippyscientist @marycaryne Yep I'm with you 2, it's ridiculous how long some adcoms take to respond to applicants or how some don't respond at all.  We're not asking for a detailed analysis of our application with suggestions for improvement, but a "we're interested" or a "good luck on your endeavors" would suffice.  I've also learned that many programs that fund their students through the University (not necessarily the Department) have very strict deadlines (usually January or February) of when they must submit candidates for funding or they risk missing out.  So knowing that shouldn't make it impossible for them to provide an update to all applicants at that time.    

  2. 24 minutes ago, raaawr said:

    So awkward! Ugh! What were the show writers thinking? ? I tried watching that new show on Netflix, "Flaked" but i couldn't get through the 2nd episode. Will Arnet's character seems super annoying.

    I'm trying my hardest not to start any new shows lol.  In fact I also fired Young and Hungry because the whole Gabby & Josh mess made me want to scratch my eyes out and the other characters are hilarious and under utilized.  

    I'm also wondering what's up with Castle.  Beckett wasn't even in the last episode at all and I didn't even notice until I was giving someone a recap later lol.  When I first started the show I really liked the Castle & Beckett dynamic, now its boring and I'd rather not bother with it.  I think the show would be great if it just focused on Castle and his PI business and worked with Ryan and Esposito's, no Beckett needed.

  3. 2 hours ago, raaawr said:

    Omg! I know how you feel! I was really looking forward to jess' return cause was i expecting more John cho but nothing! Now it's just this out of the blue guy that looks like a Justin Long body double or something. Ugh! I got so excited on the first episode of the season cause of John Cho but we got more unnecessary Reagan instead. So disappointed.

    I'm wondering if John Cho didn't return because he was filming another Star Trek movie.  Regardless that weird new guy is awkward.  I'm sad this show has sucked so much lately, but on the other hand I really need to cut back on tv when school starts lol.

  4. @The Interdisciplinarian @raaawr  Ok so New Girl is dead to me.  My interest has been hanging by a thread the last few weeks and has officially died despite Jess' return.  So there's no more John Cho?!  And then Jess and Reagan are bff's that love to chop it up about Nick and how great he is?  Not at all believable and Reagan is just gross.  I was so irritated I kept falling asleep trying to watch it lol.  It's off my list, no more New Girl blech!

  5. 7 hours ago, hippyscientist said:

    Interesting that you bring this up, I just looked up the list too and ALL the schools I applied to plus the 4 or more I decided I'd apply to next application season if this one doesn't work out are all R1. Guess I don't go for the easy route haha. 

    The one program that has accepted me so far at the start of the process was my "god do I even bother applying there" school. As it turns out, I might have judged prematurely because as my research interests have matured over this year of my MSc I actually think it's going to be the best fit for me. There's a phrase on the lab's facebook page about the lab mentality that 100% matches my own, they seem to go out for beers together and rock climb/socialise together too. I'm getting really excited about being part of that team. JUST. LET. ME. KNOW. ABOUT. FUNDING.

    Yeah I didn't realize the R1 thing was a legitimate ranking given by a prestigious ranking entity lol.  I just thought it was more something people say to indicate that their school had research labs and symposiums and they took pride in that lol.  Now I'm even more overwhelmed realizing I actually got into one of those R1 schools and am on the waitlist at another.  And that's after doing my BA and MA at non-R1 schools.  Wow.

    Your thoughts about the program you've gotten into echo mine about the program I've gotten into.  I figured it was mediocre until I interviewed and learned more about this R1 thing.  Plus the lab is collaborative and fun which works for me, so yes exciting indeed.

  6. Ok so not really whining or waiting (though there's been plenty of wine) at the moment but I am totally laughing at my latest *duh* moment.  So for years I've heard people talk about R1 universities and I knew that meant research, but I didn't really get it.  I just kind of nodded and smiled when people mentioned going to or applying to R1 universities.  So for whatever reason I got seriously annoyed hearing people mention the mysterious R1 today and finally looked it up.  Totally makes sense and then I realized more than half the schools I applied to are classified as R1.  Wow I aimed pretty high lmao!

  7. This seems like the kind of thing you need to consult a lawyer about.  Anything that comes up in a background check has the potential to prevent you from being chosen for certain opportunities.  Some of those opportunities may give you the chance to explain yourself and decide from there however.

  8. 7 hours ago, nevermind said:

    I just got back from UCSD and am super excited about their program so I am officially accepting their offer. I finally received my Oregon rejection, but with a nice note from my POI who was interested in my project, but just didn't have funding to offer me this year. So, my Ph.D. admissions cycle is at an end. I'm really glad that I'm finished, got in somewhere, and never have to take the GRE again. :)

    Wow I hadn't even thought to be excited about this.  Wait a minute, are you sure?  There aren't fellowships or intern programs that use GRE scores even though you're in a PhD program or just finished one are there?!  Once we get into a program we're truly done with the GRE and won't ever need to order a score report?  Ever?!  

  9. In regards to dental insurance, be on the look out for coupons in the local papers because often you'll find pretty steep discounts for first time patients.  Just double check their reviews online and such and it should be fine.  I did this regularly when I went without dental insurance and even though it meant always going to a new dentist the money I saved was worth it.

    As for free birth control it looks like the ACA requires that whether your insurance plan is through your employer/school, private purchase, or discounted through the marketplace.  I found some info about that here.

  10. 22 hours ago, ucdguy88 said:

    I haven't since the faculty let me know to be patient and thanking me for it. Its infuriating because honestly the only thing that would break our tie might be GRE scores? I was told this *after* the interview day (the whole hey Im gonna take you dont worry!) was done so unless something amazing changed within interviewing both of us, I doubt it. Its really left a  bad taste in my mouth, and every part of me wants to ask "what the hell did I do wrong?" but, its best to keep it professional and not ask more questions I suppose. I reached out to a lot of campuses and pre-screened potential PI's who were very excited for me to apply (also to check how their mentoring style and personality was, because some can be really horrible), but when I re-took my GRE and the scores weren't up to par, I was flat out told " you don't stand a chance here" by some, to "apply and see", by others. I'm frustrated because I know my credentials otherwise are pretty darn good. I think my back up plan for a second masters is going to work but who knows. Thanks for your insight =) 

    Yes of course keep it professional whether you choose to inquire about not being selected or not.  So are you still in the running at some other places?  I dunno it just seems like if you continued doing research and published/presented then you could save the money on a second Master's.  Are there labs/professors at UCD that would let you do that?  

    I don't know anything about the GRE expectations for Neuroscience, but the comments you were given about your scores aren't encouraging at all.  Just doing research instead of a second Master's would likely give you more time to prepare for the GRE again.

  11. 10 hours ago, ucdguy88 said:

    I had an interview where I've been forging a relationship with the faculty- and one in particular since September. Not only was said faculty member not at my interview, the other PI who told me point blank they were going to bat for me took another student...seriously? you tell me you're pretty much set on me but take someone else? I don't get it. Its like going on several dates with a hot guy, then you finally do the deed and they say they cant wait for next time. Now I'm in limbo hell because of my fit. I'm tempted to say F all of that nonsense and just go with my backup plan. At least they didn't dicktease me.

    Yikes that's awful.  Have you spoken to this faculty since?  Maybe there was something so amazing about the student they chose that they just couldn't overlook them.  I doubt knowing what it was will make you feel better now, but it might help you improve your application next time around if you need to reapply.  I will say that this possibility is exactly why I opted not to reach out to professors before applying.  I didn't want to misinterpret their statements or be directly told I was their top choice only to be disappointed later.

  12. 14 minutes ago, ClinicalApplicant07 said:

    For those of you that didn't get in this year, what is your plan for the next year? I've been recommended to apply to more schools, add in some counseling psychology programs, and some Psy.D programs. Some professors I've spoken to have said some pretty bad things about Psy.D's but I think it would vary by program. I've seen some great Psy.D programs. I'm also going to try to gain more clinical experience and a few more publications. 

    Just some food for thought, but I wonder if the mix of programs is a good idea.  Sure there is overlap in training and how the degrees can be used, but they aren't identical.  Years ago I had a professor tell me it was important to research all of the degrees thoroughly, pick one, then stick to it otherwise I'd risk seeming confused.  Once I picked a degree it was easier to decide what to do in order to improve one type of application rather than 2 or 3.   

  13. 5 hours ago, Need Coffee in an IV said:

    Another one bites the dust! I'm not upset about being rejected from UNC, it was a bad fit. Would it be crazy to go to a grad school without guarantee funding? Also my mom recently told me my grandparents set aside money for my education and she was saving it if I went to grad school. Idk, on one hand its smart to not take out any loans. But it feels almost childish to accept that? What do you guys think?

    It'd be foolish not to take the money which was clearly set aside for your future.  If your mom was smart enough to save it for grad school its because she knew you'd really need it then.  If your grandparents had a problem with that plan or intended to hold it over your head then you'd have known about this ages ago.

  14. 17 hours ago, shadowclaw said:

    I drove with my husband and two cats. I actually didn't bring anything into the hotel aside from my suitcase (and the cats of course). It worked out fine until someone stole my bike off the car in Reno (the last night of the journey). I had actually planned to bring my bike inside since it was much easier to steal than the stuff inside the car, but the first night of our 8 day journey we were so tired that we just went to sleep. Nothing happened so I left the bike on the car the whole time. I REALLY should have brought it in while in Reno - the motel was sooo shady and I almost decided to just forget about the money I'd lose from canceling last minute and go to another place. I even thought to myself, "gee, I really should bring in the bike" while eating dinner. I still kick myself for that - it was a $600 bike!

    Anyway, I'm not sure anyone will go through the trouble of breaking into your car if it's just full of boxes and there's no indication of value. Probably depends on the neighborhood of the hotel. One tip - one of my committee members said if you get renters insurance prior to the move, the stuff in your car is covered. I didn't have it beforehand though, so I can't confirm it. Not sure if car insurance would cover it. Maybe under comprehensive coverage.

    Ouch that must have been some bike.  I have renter's insurance which does cover my possessions wherever they are, but I won't risk it.  I don't plan to stay in any shady places, but you never know when going to an area for the first time.  If it can't fit in the trunk or my purse then I'll pay to ship it.

  15. For those of you moving with just a carload of stuff, I'm guessing you drove with someone?  I'm also going to be doing a cross country move and since I don't have anyone to drive with me I'd worry all that stuff in my car would attract unwanted attention.  Plus it'd probably be a pain to unload/reload when staying at a hotel.

  16. 2 hours ago, FeelTheBern said:

    I found this part of your comment really offensive due the fact that I get super excited when I meet someone from my state on the east coast, (let's just say there aren't very many New Mexicans living in New Jersey) and I am in no way trying to suck up to someone or just make "small talk" with them. So I would imagine that someone living in Texas may be excited to meet someone from Texas living in Boston as well. Also, just because you left Texas and moved to Boston does not mean that you like it there. Many people move to new states/cities due to jobs, school, etc. every single day, but that doesn't mean that they like it there. Lastly, just because someone said they were from the same state as you doesn't mean they are implying that they are like you.

    While I don't think its a bad thing that you or anyone else is excited to meet someone from your home state while on interviews (or elsewhere) I think what gets lost is not everyone shares your enthusiasm.  I've met my share of people that were thrilled to leave their home states because things weren't peachy there, so they may prefer to not get very detailed.  Although I love my home state when I'm elsewhere in the world I'm not overly excited to meet others from there either.  In my experience the overly excited types tend to go straight to the "of course we totally get each other so I can ask you super personal questions and be really nosy because we're alike" or they overshare about themselves and I'm looking for an exit.  I'm more the "we're from the same state?  that's cool" type and am more interested in what's going on here and now.  

    Asking if I like where I am currently doesn't bother me and I can't say I've met anyone who is bothered by that question.  Its usually not necessary to ask because when someone mentions being from somewhere else I find they often either say they like where they are now or that they miss home and can't wait to go back.

    All the chatter about this reminds me of a really weird situation I had in a meetup group.  I have a very unusual first name and a gal with the exact same first name joined a group I was in.  She then emailed me pointing out we had the same name and how cool she thought it was.  Had she stopped there it would have been fine.  Instead she wrote an entire manuscript on the origins of her (I guess our?) name, its significance in her family, and how finding me was so amazing.  Then when she attended events she told others in the group how excited she was to share a name with me, couldn't wait for us to meet, and had told all her family and friends about our shared name.  Way too much for me and I have never met her lol. 

  17. On 2/28/2016 at 7:36 PM, PhDinPublicHealthHopeful said:

    @PattiJeane Fuller house = terrible. Had some good points, but Stephanie had an English accent, then snapped out of it. Weirddd!

    Yeah I just watched the first episode and agree it wasn't great.  I think it was a huge slap in the face that the Olsen twins didn't at least do a brief cameo since their entire empire exists because of that show.  Adult Stephanie just wasn't believable to me at all.  I dunno she liked to argue so much as a kid I figured she'd be an attorney.  When the original ended I always thought they should have had Danny go to New York to reconnect with Vicky.  So now we have the reboot and no Vicky.  *lame*  And Nicky and Alex as dumb surfer kids?  Seriously?  I will say it is absolutely ridiculous how hot John Stamos still is.  Thank heavens Grandfathered is a much better show so I can get my fix.

  18. 9 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

    I'm sorry for the slightly-tipsy 3AM rambling, but going through this experience and watching so many people go through an admissions cycle without a single acceptance has actually made me realize a lot about myself. My professors applaud me for my perseverance and say that that's how I'm going to make it through grad school, but in reality I haven't had to persevere through anything. I'm a white, middle-class American in my early 20's with a functional and supportive family. In addition, I'm a complete wuss. Had I not received a single acceptance, I would not be the one saying "oh well, there's always next year". I would've been the one bad-mouthing each department that rejected me, with the maturity of a five-year-old (but at least I'd be famous in the "Favorite Rejection Quotes" topic!) 

    I'm prepared for graduate school in a lot of ways, but one of those ways is not knowing how to deal with failure, because I've never had to. But in a few months, I'll be going from a school that is ranked 280th in my field to a school that is ranked in the top 10, and I'm going to be failing all over the place. That school is going to wish they had hired an underwater basketweaving major instead of a physics major, for all the good I'm going to do that department. The only time I will succeed is when I fail out of Cornell and write a comedy about how some white girl who doesn't know how to tie her own shoes (yes... seriously) tried to get her PhD in physics from Cornell. People will watch the shit out of that because my failing is going to be HILARIOUS. 

    I don't even know where this was going. But the season I'm in the middle of for "How I Met Your Mother" is one of the best seasons of any show I've ever seen. 

    Thank you for saying this.  I don't at all relate because I've had to fight, struggle, hustle, and claw my way to every opportunity my entire life.  I have often looked at people around me that are similar to yourself and wondered if they ever get that they haven't really had to fight for anything.  Sure eventually life will happen and they'll have to deal with adversity, but until then I've wondered if they're just clueless about their good fortune or aware but don't care that it isn't that way for everyone.  It's nice to know that there is a bit of introspection going on for a some.

  19. 26 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

    I saw above that you liked it... how did it compare to the original? I'm afraid I loved the original too much to ever be able to give Fuller House a chance

    I say give it a shot cause it may be awesome.  I haven't seen it, but its on my list and I also liked the original.  I was also a huge fan of Boy Meets World and the reboot Girl Meets World is wonderful.  Looking forward to the Gilmore Girls reboot as well.

  20. 5 hours ago, ibnbattuta said:

    Also, I forgot to mention:  I urge those of you who were given offers of admission to input the stipend information, if any, at http://www.phdstipends.com/ for knowledge is power. And, of course, congrats to those who were accepted, it is tremendous accomplishment.  Those who may have been rejected fear not, it took me three years of applying until I was accepted.  Never give up, never surrender.

    Thanks for posting this.  Very interesting information on there.

  21. 5 hours ago, ClinicalApplicant07 said:

    Yeah I feel the same as you. I'm trying to cope and just stay positive but I was just not prepared at all for this. All of the faculty and students in my program told me I would "have my pick" of schools. I of course, wasn't that confident, but I had hope that I would get into one school. I'm just going to search for a job closely related to research where I can actually make money to fund my applications next year. I am going to apply to many more programs, as well as less competitive programs with fewer applicants. I'm sorry you are going through this. This whole process is just stressful and devastating. I hope that it turns out better for you than it did for me! 

    It always amazes me when everyone says you'll have your pick of something because they think that's the way it should be.  Well just because they think so doesn't mean it is so.  I think aiming for a research job is a smart idea because it'll keep you active in the field and hopefully give you opportunities to publish.  As for funding your applications definitely do that.  The smartest thing I did this season was take a job I knew I wouldn't be over the moon for (though it looks good on my CV) simply because the pay was so good I knew I'd be able to fund my applications and handle some other matters.  An unexpected perk was having plenty of down time at work to actually work on my applications.

  22. 39 minutes ago, ClinicalApplicant07 said:

    This is great advice! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to write this for me. I hope you get great news soon! 

    How are you doing with everything?  I'm guessing a bit overwhelmed in addition to being frustrated.

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