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  1. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to katpillow in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    Official admittance to Northwestern's MS BME program rolled in this morning. A good way to wake up after taking a red eye back home from Vegas, if I had to say. Plus turning $200 into $440 on blackjack doesn't hurt, either. Thank all of you for the really positive words of support and encouragement. It certainly feels much more like a victory than settling! I only hope that other applicants who are still waiting on responses or have had a rough go of it this cycle stay strong. Even if you don't make it in somewhere, odds are you probably have a lot going for you, and even if you have to put in some extra time to demonstrate your prowess, you'll definitely find a way. Look at me (everything in chronological order):
    Original UG class of '11 (graduated in '13, last in my major's class of 15 people) (Materials Science, for those interested) 2.40 GPA 1.5 years working as 'the wine guy' in a fancy grocery store while I tried to get my shit together and finish the last few credits on my degree ~2.5 years (ongoing) working my butt off in a small R&D pharmaceutical startup (started as a tech, now Associate III, this probably saved my life) GRE: 161Q, 159V, 4.0W Now: turning 28 in September, probably going to Northwestern, and in position to finally hit the goals I had set for myself when I was about 20 I took the long way, and not everyone has the same cookie-cutter route to get where they're going. I had to claw my way back from the lowest place I'd ever been, but to be honest, 'the bottom' was something I had never glimpsed before, but man did I need it if I was ever going to have a chance to really pursue this path. Heck, even what I've got in front of me isn't what I expected, but I can still see a pathway, and that's what's important. Always keep your eyes on the prize, and be ready to be flexible and persevere when unexpected things come up in the road. Your life is what you'll make of it. No guarantees except for what you create for yourself.
  2. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Effloresce in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    I got the official acceptance from Vandy's grad school, and I'm hesitant about putting in my acceptance. I'm weird...also still sick. But the weekend is soon, yaaaaaaaay.
  3. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from namarie in Reputable Online Clinical/Counseling Master's Programs   
    They also rarely offer hands-on clinical training and tell students to seek out opportunities on their own.  That's very difficult to do when programs are accustomed to working within rigorous standards created by licensing boards and brick and mortar programs.  When talking with graduate level professors in psychology and other areas of social science the consensus is that most of these programs are "less than" which is not what an applicant wants an admissions committee thinking when viewing their application.
  4. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to easybreezy in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    I can definitely say that without Grad Cafe or this particular forum - I would have gone insane months ago.  I am pleased and excited to announce that I got into my number one school  I hope everyone else hears back from their respective programs.  May the odds be ever in your favor! Good luck!!! 
  5. Upvote
  6. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from themmases in Take the safe option, or risk it for a better school?   
    UCSD isn't guaranteeing you a spot in their PhD, you'd have to petition for it.  That means they could say no.  Given the solid reputation of both schools I think its kind of splitting hairs to say which is better.  Both cities are outrageously expensive so you may find you need some loans regardless.  The way I see it after reviewing all of your materials UCLA thinks you're worth investing in now while UCSD does not.  A wise person once told me to always go where I'm wanted.
  7. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Euler in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    "I am pleased to inform you that the Math Department will recommend that
    you be offered admission and a graduate teaching assistantship."
    *happy dance*
  8. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to juilletmercredi in Boyfriend and grad school... How to manage   
    There's also the option of living apart for 2 years. An hour and a half isn't so bad - that's close enough to visit each other almost every weekend. My husband and I have done this before, three times - once for four years when we were about 2 hours apart; then once for a year when we were 4 hours apart; and now, for what will be 9 months, when we're 2,600 miles (a plane ride) apart. This one sucks the worst because you can't simply pop on a plane. The 2-hour separation seems like a breeze by comparison.
    The time goes by quickly, but it's really up to you what you're willing to do.
  9. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to emhopefulme in The Waitlist Struggle   
    update: I just received an email from the program coordinator about me being in the top tier waitlist. Finally after two months since the interview. I really hope whoever is before me do not take up the offer. Continue to wait patiently and congrats to all who have received good news thus far!  
  10. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to aebh615 in The Waitlist Struggle   
    Another wait list success story here!!
    I was actually pretty pleased with being wait listed by my top program after a less-than-impressive application cycle and hearing that the program had only offered three acceptances this year. I emailed after being wait listed just to say that it was still my top choice and I wouldn't make a decision until hearing from them. My POI contacted me to schedule a call about a week later, and offered me a spot while we were on the phone. I got an amazing fellowship offer a few days later.
    Like I said, I didn't feel so great about my chances this year, and was beginning to consider back up plans before getting off this wait list (my only other acceptance provided a generous first year fellowship, but it wouldn't have covered the full cost of living, and funding for subsequent years wasn't guaranteed). This totally feels like a one in a million chance that is the result of finding a really close research match and someone else happening to decline. PhD apps are SUCH a crapshoot!
  11. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to marycaryne in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    Just checked portal at Florida State and I was accepted!! So happy...this was my top choice! Definitely celebrating today!
  12. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from Neist in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    LOL I'm glad I'm not the only one that is excited about possibly having a dishwasher on my next move.  I don't mind handwashing dishes, but it is really time consuming since I take my lunch to work and cook regularly.  
  13. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from artsy16 in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    That is horrible and even though you were excited to possibly go there I think it's better you aren't.  The school that just accepted you wanted you just a little bit more which is a good thing.
  14. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from thepinkdragon76 in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    That is horrible and even though you were excited to possibly go there I think it's better you aren't.  The school that just accepted you wanted you just a little bit more which is a good thing.
  15. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to knp in Leaving the family business for peace of mind before starting grad school - good idea?   
    A trick that works for guilt situations like these is, after you've given the full-ish explanation that it sounds like you want to provide, have ONLY ONE SENTENCE that you repeat every time they try to pressure you to change your mind. "This is what I've decided." "BUT FAMILY." "This is what I've decided." "BUT WHY" "This is what I've decided." Etc. etc. There may be in a tantrum in the middle, but if you sound like a broken record for long enough, eventually they'll get bored cycling through strategies to get more out of you and leave you alone.
  16. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to MathCat in Reject unfunded offer at my top school?   
    My approach in all negotiation was just being honest. If I were in your situation, I would let them know that I was very interested in their program and would love to attend, but would not be able to without funding (you definitely should not accept an unfunded offer!). If you are polite, professional, and honest, I see no reason for this to lead to burned bridges if you end up having to decline if they can't find funding. 
  17. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to flowers in The Waitlist Struggle   
    Hang in there!! I was recently admitted off the wait list at a place that I'm really excited about, so it could happen to you too!
  18. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to artsy16 in The Waitlist Struggle   
    Popping in with a positive waitlist story and to give some encouragement and compassion to those waiting. I was waitlisted at 5 programs and people started accepting their offers. I became really depressed and isolated myself over the past couple of weeks, feeling like a failure (not getting accepted =/= failure, but feelings aren't logical!). Then, yesterday I got a call from my POI at my top choice offering me a spot! The person who was initially accepted *and* the person ahead of me on the waitlist both declined their offers to go elsewhere. I thought that would be unlikely to happen, so I pretty much resigned myself to looking at post-grad jobs (amid bouts of crying haha). 
    Waitlists don't always have happy endings. But it's possible. Try to be kind to yourself while you're waiting, and especially after you receive bad news that you won't be getting an offer (if that happens---happened to me). 
  19. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy got a reaction from PeppermintMocha in Help! Concerns regarding clinical psychology offer   
    My responses are from the perspective of an applicant researching POIs to apply to.....
    1)  Is this a Canadian or a US program?  I ask only because there may be a difference in the "usual" time to gain full professorship.  Also did this professor take some time off.....maternity/paternity leave, illness, sabbatical to work on a project outside of academia, caring for child/parent/spouse, etc?  Does this professor also run a private practice?  If so maybe they don't want full professorship and like the balance they currently have.  It is very appropriate for you to ask a POI where they see their career going in the next 5-10 years.
    2)  This would be a huge negative for me, probably bigger than the other concerns you've expressed.  If you won't be going on internship until your 7th or 8th year that's a lot of years you're not out establishing your career, paying into retirement, etc.  If clinical hours are being sited as a reason for the lengthy stay then what is the program doing to remedy this?  Are they working to create additional opportunities for students to earn hours?  Are they modifying the existing curriculum so that students can start their hours in their 1st year rather than waiting until a later year?
    Regarding the funding, I'd also want to know what's being done to remedy this.  Are the professors not applying to enough grants or just not earning enough grants?  Are students expected to apply for some grants on their own and might be struggling with this process?  Are there outside fellowships or externships that aren't being taken advantage of?  Is the department open to establishing externships in the community since those could provide both hours and funding? 
    3)  If the POI has no current grants, doesn't appear to have done much publishing recently, and their most recent students haven't published much then what exactly have they been doing?  Were they funded to write a book?  Did they take on a heavier courseload?  Were they consulting in the community?  Your primary question here should be how will this POI fund you?
  20. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to hippyscientist in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    @rhombusbombus I'm going to send an email to the PIs, just because they've been in touch quite a lot and I think it's only courteous. And hopefully, we will be able to mingle at conferences. I really want to maximise the contacts I've made during this process, so I'd drop them a quick email to say "I was so pleased to receive the offer of admission, but feel that this isn't the best fit for me. I hope we can still be friends!" but a bit more professional like haha.
  21. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to hippyscientist in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    ummm...oh my god.
    oh my god.
    I got accepted to my top choice with full funding & moving costs.
    oh my god.
    The #1 school in the world for what I want to do wants me.  
    is this real?
  22. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to hippyscientist in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    And people say to treat grad school like a job. How many jobs do you apply to and not hear ANYTHING from? I think that's the infuriating part is we pay to be considered by schools and some don't ever communicate with the person they've willingly taken ~$75+ from.
  23. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to Central Perk in Accepting an offer this year vs. applying next year   
    I think the danger in re-applying is that the admissions game is such a crap shoot. You can get multiple interview offers one admissions cycle and none the next. While having another publication is always a good thing, it doesn't mitigate the luck/fit factor. If the financials are good, you like your PI, and the program has a history of placing alums in positions that you are interested in, there's probably not much to be gained from turning it down and possibly getting into a more highly ranked program the next year. If you have serious concerns about your offers, such as debt or a feeling that you would be extremely unhappy, then it's understandable to wait another round. I would just be wary of foregoing a solid offer on the chance something better might come along. I would ask yourself if you would regret turning down the offers this year in the event you were to receive none next year.
  24. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to marycaryne in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    This is how I feel. I understand schools/programs may have many applicants. But to have no communication after we pay those feels is just unacceptable to me. I'm not really interested in just handing out free money without any communication in return.
  25. Upvote
    MarineBluePsy reacted to hippyscientist in WINE, WAIT, AND WHINE THREAD   
    I'm officially over the 5 month mark for 2 of my applications with no communication from either. I think I've given up on them. It's not fair to applicants. I can understand a 2 month wait, but this is pushing the limits of what is acceptable, especially considering the application fees. 
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