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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Communicative Disorders

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  1. I don't know how many people apply to the TM program by typically 5-8 get accepted! They automatically get accepted into the Grad program meaning there's around 22 spots for us for a total of 30
  2. Hi Ashley, I love the grad program so far. The TM program would be a good fit if you don't have a bachelors in CSD but in another area. The TM program is 1 year and really busy since the classes are crammed into one year. Since the classes are more spread out through the week like undergrad classes, it might be a little more difficult to have an outside job. However, unlike most schools, llu offers some TA type jobs with professors and stuff. They're mostly reserved for grad students but often there's extra openings. Also PBL is really unique and I enjoy it. Its not such passive learning like in a lecture style where you cram for a test to get the grade and then forget everything. Everything's more practical/functional and gives you the tools to help you become a resourceful, confident, highly capable SLP.
  3. I am currently in the MS program at LLU and know several of the TMs who finished there 1 year and are in the program with me now. Do you have any specific questions?
  4. Same for me! I got my email set up information but haven't heard anything directly from the program and it's nerve-wracking! I met one person that is in their last year in the program and she said I won't even hear from them until summer right before registration! kill me now....
  5. Yea bioethics is probably the most relevant religious course to our field so that's good! Also the interview was 3-4 people. Each scheduled interview time had about 10-15 people - we all had about an hour to talk and make friends ahead of time and that made discussion in the interview a lot better! They asked us to pretend the world was ending and choose 4 people with different professions and they can each hold 1 thing in their hand and then we had to discuss and decide together. That was it! Also, they do have the written portion still as well - 30 min with a general prompt. They just want to see you can write a cohesive, fluid essay, with logical points to back it up.
  6. Loma Linda University request to join https://www.facebook.com/groups/1621902114707069/
  7. I will be attending LLU this Fall and I can answer a couple of these question. The interview question was completely different than 2014. There were no personal questions - it was a group interview and they asked us to work together to come up with some decisions based on a hypothetical question (non speech related). They just wanted to see how we work with other people because of their Problem based learning style. Also, housing appears pretty cheap and for a religion class, it's just a bioethics class. I'm worried about quarter system too!! Hope this helps a little
  8. Lamee I don't know what the big deal is about telling you. What's the big secret
  9. Thanks for the heads up and congrats!
  10. Hopefully not! I would think that as soon as people decline, they would try to fill spots so that they can have a set class/cohort that they can deal with as soon as possible. I think they would be afraid that the longer it drags out, waitlisted students will have accepted elsewhere and they will has to keep moving down the list which could move into summer. Imo they would try to avoid that as much as possible by trying to fill slots quickly. I'm pretty sure for LB they sent out acceptances and when they declined they invited more ppl for interviews immediately to try and fill the slots. Just my edumacated guessing but who knows!
  11. Just emailed Carrie and decline my invitation! I really hope they change your admissions status, GOOD LUCK!!! Let us know how it goes
  12. I will decline tomorrow! Are you waitlisted and hoping to get in or also declining?
  13. Who else is attending LLU this fall? I'm in the Communicative Disorders Masters program!
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