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  1. WOW! You kind of sound similar to me - I've been working in the schools for a while, am fluent in another language, also serve in student orgs... wow! Congratulations!!!
  2. Hi everyone... Kind of feeling disappointed right now and don't know where else to vent out my frustrations to. My CSDCAS was verified and I'm bumped down to a 3.26 overall and 3.59 CSD. I didn't even think that my GPA would be this low - I currently hold a 3.8 at my university so I'm not even sure how that balanced out, or how CSDCAS calculated it. I can't blame them though. The good news to this bad news is that my grades for this semester (12 credits) are going to be posted in a week and a half and that should bring up my CSD GPA to a 3.63 (roughly) and overall to the 3.3 - 3.4 range when I update my CSDCAS transcript... so the 3.26 / 3.59 won't be what is sent to the admissions... it'll be slightly higher. I know it's still bad, but at this point I'm just trying to remain positive with these dim hopes. The good thing is that I have really good relevant work experience, am bilingual, have volunteering hours, and am applying in a 'less' competitive region (the midwest). I wish applications weren't due until May - because I still have one semester of courses left to take worth 12 credits, and one of my SLP courses will be during that semester, which will bring up my CSD GPA more.... which I'm *SURE* would bring my overall up to a 3.4 and CSD around a 3.65 - 3.7 range (which still is low, I know, but it's better then being in a lower 3.2 range). I'm just gonna give it a shot for this cycle, and if not, will try again for a winter admissions - fall 2018 admissions. I just have to accept that it is very possible it might not happen on my first try. I have to be okay with this reality. My GRE is on the 30th of this month... so I will be studying rigorously for that. I took the GRE before and my V and AW score were pretty good. I just have to really focus on math now!
  3. If we update our grades after we submit (let's say I submit without my fall grades, one my deadlines is in 2 weeks), then will it have to be reverified (after I submit my transcript) and will the admissions committee see an updated GPA from that semester included?
  4. You really can't put a price on an experience like teaching abroad, honestly. I think that was a very great opportunity & choice on your behalf. I'm bilingual too, and my 'study abroad' experience (well, not necessarily studying abroad) is that I work in my local school district and help children who need translating from my native language to English. It's a really rewarding experience, and I've also volunteered with the red cross abroad for fundraisers. I've had a LOT of bilingual experiences, so I can relate to you on that. Is your second language a native language to you, or did you learn it through school?
  5. I wonder what would have happened if you applied to more than 2 schools? That would have increased your chances. Did you only apply to 2 for regional purposes (staying in town) or? I'm curious! I'm applying to 5, so hopefully it all works out. If not, I'm not that stressed - of course, it'll be saddening, but I can always improve my application for the next year. I am very close with the professors on the admissions committee at my university. I do a lot in our student organization and they know this, it's really just my stats that are harming me honestly. I am really trying to get out there and contact the schools to make sure my name is known! I wish the best of luck to you this cycle. <3
  6. I actually did! I've had them manually entered in since October. And after I went through and reviewed my transcripts, it's been this button for a while. I think I'll call CSDCAS and see what's going on....
  7. A day? What does this mean when I've had this unclickable button for 2 weeks now, after I've gone through my transcript and reviewed it? Does this mean it's in the process of being verified?
  8. @jmk you never know.... My biggest advice to you is to really ask yourself if hypothetically, you were accepted, would you be able to move? I can't imagine getting accepted to a school that you can't even really move out to or make it work in the long run. Though, my situation and yours are different. If you're able to, then I would keep those schools on your list. I've just tried to be super realistic. I originally started off with around 8 schools but cut off 3 because they were out of state and I knew if I got accepted, it just wasn't going to work out moving out. I knew my limits and even with my stats 5 schools is such a narrow list, but I have accepted I might not get accepted this cycle and that's okay, as long as I applied to the schools I could and tried again next year! I was really adamant a couple of months ago on getting in this cycle, but I realize there's a slim chance I'll be accepted, and being realistic about it has kept my expectations low. Best of luck to us in the end. I'm actually really happy I have other people to be rooting for and kind of go through this 'journey' of applications with.
  9. @li'lsebastian That's a great idea! I hope it all works out for you, honestly. I've been looking at the survey results for grad cafe SLP admissions and actually, I've noticed quite a few applicants who have a lower GPA around our range. I even saw someone with a 3.00 cumulative GPA get an acceptance. It boosted my hopes! Sending some positive vibes your way.
  10. @ccran can you spread this knowledge to me as well? I decided to not directly address it but still just stating that my last 60 credits were successful.
  11. I'm applying to two schools that don't use CSDCAS (and funny enough, they're both my top two schools). I have two CSD retakes under my belt. With an academic forgiveness policy, I have a 3.78 CSD GPA by the end of this semester. Without an academic forgiveness policy like CSDCAS implements, and compiling both retake grades, I have a 3.66 CSD GPA. Taking the first option would also make my overall GPA higher from community college AND my university grades (it will possibly border a 3.5 / 3.4). Has anyone had experience with schools that don't use CSDCAS in terms of what happens to your cumulative / retake GPA? Also, I attended community college my first two years and that's where my lower GPA came from. My university GPA is a 3.8+. Does it still compile both community college AND university GPA, or will they take my university GPA only? I thought I should ask just in case anyone has some experiences to share. Thanks for the help!
  12. @li'lsebastian If you don't mind me asking, what's your backup plan? I'm currently thinking if I don't get accepted, I'll work abroad for a year and strengthen my 2nd language skills. Though, I think it breaks me to face that reality because I don't want to see everyone I've been taking classes with, move on without me onto first year while I face rejection. It really hurts to know you might be the one 'held' back while you see everyone else progressing. (I am deep down, happy for everyone though - I just wish I could be with them). @jmk Audiology was such a nightmare for me, don't beat yourself up over that. That was such a difficult class for me as well! Did you retake any CSD courses? I did. I retook 2 and hope that doesn't bring me down even more then my mediocre GPA. We're in the same situation with the last 60 being a strong 3.8! My first two years, I had a mix of A's, B's, and C's (and one D+ from the last semester where I truly just lost all motivation). Ah! I think you might want to consider moving outwards. I know you want to stay in CA, but it's an EXTREMELY competitive state (and you know this!). Remember your end goal, and sometimes if you can move, I would encourage you to do it. Also, I don't think your cumulative GPA is bad AT ALL. Your CSD GPA is stellar! How many schools are you applying to?
  13. I've spoken to CSDCAS representatives over the phone to ask about this (because my fall grades will boost up my GPA). They *BOTH* said (I called twice to make sure I was hearing the correct information) that you can submit it, and update your transcripts later on even after submission. One of my deadlines is 12/15/2016 and my fall grades won't be inputted until possibly, a week after that... so hopefully what they said is correct, because I'd like this fall transcript on my application.
  14. Anyone that fits this category, applying currently for fall 2017? My cumulative will be a 3.4, CSD 3.66 (with two retakes), last 60 credits are a 3.82. Over 100 volunteer hours, haven't taken the GRE yet, tons of relevant work experience in teaching in the local school districts, teaching my own classroom in a low SES area, working at a daycare, and I am also bilingual. I'm only applying to 5 schools in the midwest (not *AS* competitive, I hear) because I can't move out (financial reasons). I'm still anticipating the rejection letters, though. By the time I graduate in May, my cumulative will probably have reached a 3.5, and CSD a 3.69 (SO CLOSE) or 3.7. But it's still not 'competitive'. Not really looking forward to the GRE - I took it once in the summer and preformed very low. I know I'm supposed to be positive, but sometimes I just like to be realistic about these sort of things. I know all the faculty at my undergrad institution who are on admissions but not sure what the result will be. Definitely will be bummed out about being rejected but I anticipate that it'll happen - it won't hurt as much if I have a poor outlook, right? Anyone else in the same boat as I? I need someone to relate to, in a sea of competitive applicants!
  15. hey guys! Quick Q. I have no experience with CSDCAS yet, hence why I'm asking those who might have. Before I transferred to university, I was in a community college and my grades were average at best. At university, I am doing much better, and my grades are great. My question is when we enter our grades into CSDCAS, will our four year institution GPA be 'submitted' as our main GPA regardless of community college, or will it be a cumulation of my community college + AND university grades that are my final GPA? Thanks!
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