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Need Coffee in an IV

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Everything posted by Need Coffee in an IV

  1. Seriously, thats one of the main reasons why I carry a purse. I'm paranoid that its going to pop out and break. I bet Apple is going to make this a feature somehow
  2. @Pink Fuzzy Bunny and @hippyscientistThanks, that means a lot. He was/is family! Luckily I have a supportive bf who has been bringing me tissues and food all day. Its a part of life and I'm happy he was a part of mine for so long.
  3. @Neist Ah ok then! I'm sad, my family dog passed away. He was 16, I had him since I was 7. I don't even really remember my life without him. I knew it was coming, I'm just happy he passed away peacefully. He wasn't in pain at all and only his eyesight was kinda bad. I wish I could have said goodbye in person. I was able to say it over the phone. My family said he wagged his tail and licked the phone. I'll be fine but man 2017 kinda sucks already ha.
  4. You are bilingual! I wish I could learn another language but it took me seven years of therapy to get English down ha
  5. Exactly! I know I'm condition to assume everything is a lie but its a lot more disappointing when there is a tangible reminder of our fragile existence
  6. At least it is a tasty conspiracy and not an infuriating one like the lack of pockets in women's clothing lol
  7. @.letmeinplz// Five Guys are sneaky and want all of our money. Why must it taste so awesome?!
  8. @swil92 Oh I will, thats what I'm now planning to do. I'm still applying for the internship, I was just annoyed at the faulty logic ha. I was hoping to do the kill two birds with one stone, but oh well.
  9. OMG I"M SO ANNOYED. Ok one of my requirement for my fellowships is that I need to apply for external funding. Ok one of my bosses/professors was applying for a grant and included me on it. Doesn't count because I'm not spearheading the application, ok. Now I'm applying for this internship and I sent an email weeks ago asking if this counted. Haven't heard back until now and its doesn't count. Apparently external funding is a travel fund, a grant, a scholarship, or a fellowship. Not paid internships. How?! Its paid and its from an external organization (the Smithsonian). Blahhhhhhh! Now I have to restart my search.
  10. I feel like a Fitbit would be wasted on me, I always lose some cord to charge these things or the thing itself. Like my parents got me this very useful portable charger, its awesome. But yet I can't find the cord so I can't use it blahhhh.
  11. I'm assuming this is also going to be the case for us, its a small artificial tree. I'm expecting the only time we will move it is when we move @Neist Good luck! Meat is expensive so I usually wait for it to go on sale and then buy it in bulk/freeze it. I'm trying to think of what vegans actually eat. I mean I know pasta is one biggie but then you are very limited in stock/sauce because almost everything has some form of animal by product to enhance it
  12. Its ok! Just letting you know, that you aren't alone! My family is very similar dramatics wise. Besides its ok to vent about family, it doesn't change that you love them. My bf and I aren't married/engaged yet but we are planning too so we have already been prepping for the wedding talk. We are also both very private introvert people. His parents wouldn't care how big/small it is but my dad does. I've already been setting expectations that its going to be small.
  13. It wasn't interviews exactly but when I met/talked over the phone with several POI I could tell that I wasn't going to be accepted. I was rejected by four schools. Two I never received positive reassurance or negative so those were very big question marks. Two other schools gave me their reasons. The main reasons were lack of fit (didn't have enough history classes) or they seemed less than impressed by me (they said they prefer their students to have several years of working experience, I had collectively 3ish-4 but I was applying as an undergrad) . Interviews aren't common compared to other fields but the more correspondence I received from a school were the ones I was accepted into.
  14. Ah ok the more you know! If it makes you feel any better my dad once accused me of being embarrassed by my family because I didn't want to be in a bar. My head hurt at the time. He also was offended that I didn't get excited by the TCU football stadium, not a game, but just the stadium itself.
  15. I would wait until its been a week that she said she would contact you. If she doesn't be then, I think its very reasonable to email her. I would say something like "Professor Awesomepants, I enjoyed our interview and look forward to possible future correspondence and the opportunity to join the department/lab/etc. If there is anything else I could provide please let me know. I'm trying to get my calendar in order so I can avoid conflicts, and would enjoy a chance to visit. Happy Holidays. Sincerely, ZosoPage". Basically what @fadedfigures said!
  16. @pupperoni Anytime and happy new year to you too!
  17. @shadowclaw Wow I'm sorry about that, my family is very similar. They also get hurt and are sensitive over the tiniest of things. I didn't even realize sulfate-free vs silicon was a thing. I always use sulfate free because the interwebs say thats whats good for curly hair.
  18. Thats great! I'm happy you are getting the help you need. It shows that you have a supportive department and that makes everything easier. Remember you can vent on here anytime!
  19. See my data plan is usually fine but now that I'm on break I literally have nothing to do. Except wait. Booo.
  20. First congrats, thats awesome! I think that they will appreciate you not wasting anyones time if you really think you won't end up attending that school. I would say something along the lines like "Dear Prof. Mittens, I greatly appreciate the opportunity of being interviewed and exploring the fluffy department. I admire and wish great success for the department in coming years. Unfortunately, I will be unable to accept your interview due to other commitments. Sincerely, pupperoni". I don't think its necessary to say you have to many interviews and decided you aren't feeling the department. I think brief, polite, and sincere correspondence will be okay. If they press you for a reason, I think it will be find that you have conflicting obligations/interviews and leave it at that. Hope I helped, good luck.
  21. Good luck on your interviews!
  22. My internet ha. I pay $50 a month for 250 GB. Its a bit annoying that the warning comes when I used up about 80%. I guess this is my lesson for moderation
  23. Happy new year to you too! I am now watching my data because I accidentally used up a lot of it watching HGTV, whoops! It starts over on the 4th, damn you HD videos
  24. I don't think it will affect you as long as you don't panic. I know easier said than done. Like Anka suggested maybe retake the course? But only after you are out of academic probation. Is it possible to take a lighter load so that way you can focus on those courses and get the highest grade possible? If you are worried about this grade maybe bring it up to the professor in charge of that lab. Maybe say something like this "I unfortunately received a C in X course. I have planned to do Q, Y, Z to improve my grades and overall time management. I am greatly interested in being a part of your lab, would this grade affect your decision? If so, what would you suggest for me to improve/make you feel comfortable in allowing me to be part of your lab". That way it shows that you take them and their advice sersiuosly, and you have thought and plan things out. Idk if this helped but I hope so!
  25. I'm sorry your degree didn't turn out as you hoped. As you said it is most likely too late to change supervisors. But I don't think its too late to gain experience, maybe volunteer with another professor? Maybe a different lab? I'm not sure what field you are in. Maybe try to get something in the works for a small journal? What do you hope to do after grad school. PhD? Working in industry or elsewhere outside of academia? Even if its unpaid experience or you don't get published you have something to focus on. In working environments outside of academia, in my experience I've noticed they don't look too closely at the find print. So maybe you don't publish anything, so instead focus on your coursework, soft skills, stuff like that. I'm not sure if this help but know you are not your situation and that it is not permanent. Good luck!
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