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Need Coffee in an IV

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Everything posted by Need Coffee in an IV

  1. @Rin Congrats! I also have one more year to go in my program as well! I also enjoy the versatility in a museum program. I'm currently interviewing for full time internships atm. Fingers crossed I get a bite. I'll know by August 8-10 if I got one internship and I have two more interviews to go.
  2. I lived in Virginia before moving for grad school. Yes be prepared for all the humidity! Also make sure you have an umbrella, it rains more. Overall, you don't have anything to worry about. My friends and I wore casual clothing. Not yoga pants but jeans, sweaters, jackets, etc. Also you don't have to get a lot of heavy duty winter clothes. Just get used to wearing layers.
  3. @angesradieux Thanks, I've constantly been updating the lost fb page. I've also left flyers and keep calling the animal shelter. I'm sick so I'm planning on going out there tomorrow. I've been replenishing the food and water bowl like he's still here. My neighbor thinks someone took him, he's seen sebastian be super friendly to other people. I've tried to walk around and talk while i'm looking. I've read on the internet that it makes them pop out. But after a dog attacked me i haven't walked around that much. I feel very unsafe since animal control did nothing to help me. But my neighbor says he will be on the lookout for him. @hippyscientist I hope you are feeling better! I hope so too, i'm trying to remain positive that he's just exploring. He's been gone for over two weeks now. And I'm sorry about the whole conference thing!
  4. still no sign of my cat. i am heart broken
  5. @angesradieux I'm very sorry your family doesn't appreciate you. and in my vent, i got bit by a dog today..
  6. @Cheshire_Cat @angesradieux @shadowclaw thank you all for your kind words. they mean a lot. I will keep you guys updated. I'm not moving until a little while so I'm hoping he shows up soon. Also @angesradieux i'm very sorry that you were taken advantage like that. Its grossly unethical. I understand why you are bitter. I don't have much advice, only an internet hug.
  7. I'm hoping he comes back, he's been gone since Friday. I've visited all the pounds/shelters/petsmart and left flyers. I've put up ads on facebook groups. At least he's chipped. I'm going to visit the vet soon and see how they can help. I've put on the flyer I'm willing to pay for his return. He's been mainly outdoor (I wanted to bring him in but I was afraid of being evicted, one of my fears is being homeless). If I find him, I'm going to set him up in a nice pet hotel that I'll visit everyday until we move into our new pet friendly apartment. I know the truly responsible thing was to wait until I moved but he mainly adopted me. He showed up one day in January and has been here everyday since thing. I've gotten his vaccines and made sure he had breakfast/lunch/dinner and fresh water.
  8. While it is not directly anthropology, the Texas Tech University museum science program has funding available. We have entho and anthropological graduate assistantships. Our program has an internship or thesis track. While its not much, lubbock is a low cost city.
  9. This does sound very annoying. From what I can tell, you are mainly annoyed in how people are going about this. I would be too. While you uploaded a public version of your code, did you and your lab supervisor discuss future plans/applications for the WHOLE code or not? I would assume two different scenarios in this situation, but we all know assuming isn't the best. One the lab supervisor saw how much trouble it was to create the code in the first place, so they are most likely thinking why reinvent the wheel. Or two, the lab supervisor doesn't see what the big deal is because it didn't take a lot of intellectual work ethic (this falls in line in what you have mentioned in your first post). So why not save time? I do think you should get credit for all of your information though. Without it, this PhD student wouldn't be able to move forward with his paper. Thus it is a significant part and deserves at least an acknowledgement if not co-author status. Also the PhD student seems to be awfully demanding of retrieving your work, I believe they went about it the wrong way. By acting so careless and incompetent, you now have the impression that this PhD student doesn't have the respectability one needs to succeed. By that's just me inferring things, so I may be wrong! I see you have three options. Say no to the PhD student and possibly burn bridges at your old lab. Or you require acknowledgement/co-authorship in his paper. Third talk to your old supervisor and see how they view this situation.
  10. There's this one bar/restaurant that has awesome apple cider mojitoes. Omg I only have several more weeks till the end of my first year. I feel super burnt out. I did the bare minimal of homework today.
  11. urggggg why does it take forever to get a study approve?! I know the logical answer but i wanna whine
  12. I hate group work and similar to @Neist library studies, museums are primarily team work. I'm excellent as long as the team is me, myself and I . Ouch I'm super grumpy when I don't get enough food and sleep so I feel your pain!
  13. I think mine is different because I have a resume but not a CV. I do include my GPA because I am in a terminal masters degree and I feel like I've worked hard for my grades. Also I may be applying for different things. For example a lot of federal internships/jobs ask you about your GPA and if you are in an honor society. Its important for me to list both on my resume because it highlights my application to HR and increases my chances for an interview. But I'm not going strictly into academia.
  14. I'm sorry that your first year has been lonely! I would have to say I don't really hang out with my cohort that much, except for two. We started hanging out because of doing favors for one another (driving to the airport, working on assignments together, etc). Also have you thought about maybe your peers don't invite you because they don't think you will enjoy their plans? For example, my cohort likes to drink a lot and go to movies. Neither really interest me so I don't get invited. Tbh they may think you are being a friendly acquaintance, thats how most people view me. I think you may just have to put yourself out there and ask them to hang out. What I've done is "Hey X, I'm going to get lunch, wanna come?"
  15. Thats true, thanks! I'm thinking of applying for this library aid job. It would be nice to earn more.
  16. @Neist Super jealous that your degree is also a MLIS. I want to work in libraries as well so hopefully the combination of literacy classes and volunteering at a library will make up for that. Most of the jobs I've looked at seem that I would be competitive enough but you never know! I only have 5 more weeks of my first year....
  17. Good luck then!
  18. Of course I don't know how many people you meet all the time, I don't know you. You asked for other people's perspectives and I gave you mine
  19. By the end of it 5 years of museum experience and 7 months of library experience too! Honestly this field doesn't pay much but I'm not planning on having kids and 0 debt. So its manageable. Of course there are higher salaries but those are for very sought after positions and the higher cost of living balances that out.
  20. No real advice but I hope everything works out for you guys!
  21. I haven't had trouble, my bf and I have been together for almost 4 years now. Out of the two of us, I am more driven in my career and he is more laid back. But that makes me happy that we can balance each other out. I also haven't heard much complaints from my friends about men being intimidated by them because they were successful. They have other reasons why relationships/dates don't work out. I think its a factor of who you surround yourself with. My undergrad is in a very male dominant field (geology) and I've never experienced sexism from my peers, coworkers or professors. Now I am a small sample size though. But I think that such a generalization will be unproductive for your life and this discussion.
  22. I think its because my HOPE (big hope, because now I'm kinda worried about my prospects) is to work in museums/libraries/parks. So I'm kinda in the middle of the workforce and academia. Thats basically why I'm going to grad school so I can increase my salary from 15,000 to maybbeeee 30,000? A girl can dream right?! lol.
  23. My reasoning was that if I entered the work force now, I may have never actually gone onto graduate school. I would have tasted freedom lol
  24. @Pink Fuzzy Bunny Same here and I just graduated! Tbh I'm looking forward to actually working. I think I've had enough school for a very long time now
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