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Everything posted by PhDinPublicHealthHopeful

  1. Check out the Bloomington subreddit (on Reddit) for info on housing and what not. Great resources!
  2. I'm a PhD at IU-Bloomington who has taken courses (grad) within Gender Studies. Great professors, small department, awesome experience overall!
  3. I don't know what you've heard about funding within the School of Public Health, but as a 2nd year PhD student here, funding isn't too great. You're not guaranteed more than a year, though the average is three years of funding. Friends that are in their fourth years are having to work or go unfunded. I like my program, but I'd really advise talking to people within public policy.
  4. I'm just curious on other people's experiences. Have you received any course credit (units) for research projects done with your advisor, particularly projects that they conduct and you assist in? Also, how have you been able to schedule research time in with your coursework? Do you pick certain days? I'm in public health, so our research is generally done with people not in labs if that helps.
  5. Oh Canada! Where health insurance makes sense! I've been teaching 10 years and for 9 haven't received health insurance. If I wanted it, it'd be about $700/month. What I gather is you'll pay the $479 and they'll pay the rest. Awesome deal for America's standards...but that's not saying much.
  6. @LeventeL Are there places in town to buy winter wear, like the tights and shoes? @slawson4
  7. I put together a little group on Facebook for us! https://m.facebook.com/groups/1181888975174774?ref=bookmarks
  8. Welcome and congratulations! I'm renting from meadow creek which is south of the university. Hardly any undergrads. Quiet. (From all the reviews and people I talk to). Prices are a little higher but it's on a bus line to school. Check them out! I recommend talking to Rebeca. She was helpful!
  9. @hahaha1234 there is a bus stop right outside the complex with campus drop off. My goal was to be a distance away in a family-like setting (away from partiers). Where in California are you coming from? I will have a car though for days I just want to drive in. I'm super worried about the weather, too!! The snow and cold especially!
  10. @tllee congratulations! That is awesome! I will pm you!
  11. @aslabchu Don't I know! He's a big dude - about 110lbs. He's sweet, but a bit dumb, and stubborn.:D
  12. OMG I wish my dogs were coming!! Unfortunately my ex-husband gets to keep both of them per divorce settlement. BOO!
  13. Hi all! I haven't been to this forum in a whlie. I, unfortunately/fortunately signed my lease siteunseen. Hoping it works itself out with the phenomenal reviews of MeadowCreek. It's one of the newer cottages so cross fingers it works itself out! Now I'm scccrd! I'll be there at the end of this month for a visit which is exciting! Anyone want to meet up when the semester rolls around? I'm 33, female, originally from California....nervous about the move!
  14. Been teaching for 10 years now. Moving on in my career to earn a PhD and will be TA (instructor on record). Here are my questions: 1. Coming from a solo background in teaching, what experiences do you have in TA'ing your own class and having input from your advisor/other faculty? Do they share syllabi? 2. Do TA's receive laptops usually? I have a work laptop that will be going back and don't want to buy one without knowing if I'll receive one. 3. How committed are undergrad University students? My comm. college students don't have a high pass rate (which is pretty traditional). 4. Activities vs. lecture. I prefer to provide activities for students in addition to lecture (instead of straight lecture). What are some ways you've made your classes interactive?
  15. Debt is real. You're in SF (or so your profile says), so you know how expensive living is! Luckily it should be cheaper in UCD, and hopefully Tulane (not sure about that area). I agree that your experiences and abilities to do work outside of your classwork will be important. Can you get an assistantship while you're there? Even if it's not an assistantship within the program, you can check for grad assistantships within the school, or at minimum work study.
  16. Hello all! Just signed my contract for my assistantship. I WILL contact them for the questions I'm asking, but figured I'd ask here first to get insight and perspective. In YOUR experience, how many courses did you teach when you had a 37.5%FTE (15 hrs/week) or if you had a 50%FTE (20 hrs/week)? I've taught at the high school and college level, so I feel fortunate enough to continue teaching as it's a comfort zone for me. Did those that had a teaching assistantship teach the full course or just part of it?
  17. Hello all! Just curious who has or will be visiting soon? Or if anyone can describe MeadowCreek? I already signed the lease, but am curious how reliable the #5 bus is, and really any bus in Bloomington. I'll have my car but don't really want to drive into campus that often if I can avoid it.
  18. Can everyone post where they are for sure going and what your concentration is? Me: Indiana university, health behavior particularly sexual health
  19. @tllee I hope you hear!! Let us know!
  20. @calilifeYes!! That's me! I got the official! Are you still going to Oregon State? If so, Mr. Catania and Ms. Dolcini are amazing!
  21. When I got my acceptance, it was unofficial because I kept bugging them so much!! I was actually in a department chair meeting at my school district where I teach. WAHOO!
  22. Hallelujah I believe!! Accepted to IU!
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