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Posts posted by rhombusbombus

  1. i haven't been to a hair dresser since the first time i cut my hair off.

    I'm reckless and poor so I bleach and color at home.

    My actual hair is turquoise at the moment but I'm growing it out with the help of some green crochet faux locs! I think I'm gonna let green hair be my thing during grad school. they're so easy to install and i can change colors without worrying about losing my apartment deposit!

  2. I'm trying to make a budget and find more ways to get some money for this move! 

    I've been slowly getting access to penn state's student portals so all of the emails I've been getting from them have been exciting!

    My apartment application is still under review though. ? I thought it'd be done by the end of this week but it's looking like the end of NEXT week. Kind of wish I'd gone with Lion's Gate just bc they seemed quicker on the approval side. I don't like waaaaiiiittting.


    But I got some brown jasmine on clearance so that's exciting!

  3. My parents were proud because they knew i worked to get in, but i also dont think they fully understand how hard it is to get into these programs. Especially for someone with a completely different academic background. 

    Its frustrating being the first one to go to grad school. Sometimes i think they could be a little more excited for me. 


    Oh well, IM EXCITED FOR ME!

  4. 1 minute ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

    So, I'm getting interviewed for being the first from my school to win the GRFP.

    Which would be great, if there weren't a color photo being taken.

    Which would be great, if my hair weren't just dyed a crazy color.

    Which would be great, if my parents weren't going to kill me if they find out.



    You'll be super memorable!

  5. 51 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

    Nah you have a memory like me - so not creepy, just awesome! But yes it is that apartment. The irritating thing is I have to take it 5 days after I start my TA appointment (but 2 days before classes start). I also take it the day before my birthday!! Perfect timing. 

    I HAVE MY OWN PLACE! NO ROOMMATES!!! I think I'm almost as excited about this as I was about getting in in the first place.

    HOW EXCITING!! So glad it worked out for you!!

  6. I'm bringing my dog with me to grad school. Granted, he's a ripe 8 years old so we have the pee thing on lock. My roommate is bringing her dog too! I didn't even ask if I could bring my dog with me to campus. I'll have to play it by ear bc I'm sure the lab I'm in just moved to the Millenium Science Complex and it's still brand new and shiny. Probably not dog friendly.

    I'm looking into air purifiers bc I KNOW my dog smells like fresh tortilla chips on a good day.

  7. alksdjlasfjh'afhdsfdjfha FIELD CLOTHES!! FUUUUUUU

    I haven't thought about that stuff either!! effity eff effffff!!

    I usually just wear jeans, but I've gotten rid of all my junky stuff. I'm realizing that I haven't really thought things through. Where can one get some comfy khakis? (light colors to prevent looking like a bear and getting stung)

  8. Well I don't have to send a rejection letter to UCR bc the PI there decided not to sign for me. I think it was because she knew I had such good offers from Illinois and penn State. I'm kind of glad bc I was gonna send her an email to not consider me!

    I'm only bummed bc I'd like to have had a clean sweep of the places I applied to, but that's a first world problem!


    I haven't even THOUGHT about business clothes! I have a July start date at Penn State and am going to be able to go to a huge pollinator conference on campus and idk if any of my nicer business clothes even fit me. 

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