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Everything posted by DBear

  1. There seems to be a U Colorado Boulder admission posted. based on past results, U Iowa should be posting soon as well.... A couple of the schools I've applied to look like they only announce results mid to late February... I submitted all my applications in early December so I feel like all I've been doing for the last 2 months is wait. I'm so done with waiting!!! I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
  2. Hi! I think, if possible, I'd like to know how excited the school is about me. Was I their first choice and there are faculty members really looking forward to working with me? Are my potential advisors or professors easily available? I say this because I have this friend who got into a phd program (can't remember exactly what field, but not STEM) and got a generous fellowship and everything so he was super excited, chose that school over another and all that. He got there, none of the faculty knew who he was and didn't seem to care too much whether he was there or not. I'm actually a bit stumped, too. I had a pretty clear-cut personal ranking in my head but am worried that perhaps I'm writing off some programs too soon....
  3. @heyDW day 3 of being a nanny. I'm already exhausted and don't know how long Ill be able to do this! I tried to put the little one down for a nap - omg the hardest thing ever and it didn't even really work so well. Looking forward to when she goes to bed then can finish off that bottle of wine I opened yesterday. The interview was more like a conversation so it was nice and relaxed. I think Wisconsin-Madison will be making notifications next week-ish. The first few days of Feb seem to be crawling by... I'm thinking somewhere around Valentine's day will be peak season.... But that feels like years from now.
  4. I did that too... Being in a different time zone kinda sucks... Sorry... I have no idea how to fix that....
  5. As long as they accept the letter, they won't dock points for the later being late. I had a letter that was 15 or so days late and still received very positive feedback on my application (still waiting on final response though) and I know plenty of people who were accepted with late letters. It's too bad about the Professor's mother but it's great your back up worked and now, all you need to do is relax... Though that may be the hardest part of this whole process.
  6. I love NCIS. I love chocolate. And I know how you feel, I think we all do. Even seeing people being accepted into completely unrelated fields made me anxious and was a bit unsettling. But yeah, I almost went crazy... Let's worry about the career force thing after the fat lady sings.
  7. It's not over til the fat lady sings. I have a friend that applied to 13 schools and got 11 consecutive rejections before finally getting that one admission and one wait list. I personally think that as long as you've put a lot of thought into the school selection process and applied to 3 or more schools, that's fine. I actually had one professor tell me to apply to 3. Some people say the more the merrier, but then I don't think that's even possible in some cases. I looked only for fit and any school that's not in the South or Soutwest (I can't deal with heat and humidity and other factors) and I had a list of 100 schools that I started with but still could only find 7 programs that "fit" well and I was qualified to apply for (one required an MA from the same field in order to apply for the phd program and I didn't have this). Some fields are just bigger and there are more programs to choose from, but this really isn't the case... so you may not have been able to find more schools worth applying to even if you had tried. Hang in there, I hope you and your entire family don't have to go through this all over again. It's still really early in the game!!!
  8. @Marshall Even if it's not a doctor's orders, why would anyone turn down such sage advice as @GunningForGrad's, right? Glad the re-submission went smoothly and hope you get some closure on that soon! I checked my email today and saw the name of a program I'm applying to and my heart skipped a beat. I opened it and .. it was the school's newletter. I forgot I was even subscribed to it.. ARgH
  9. Okay.. not to worry you, but I just went through immigration at SFO yesterday, and the immigration officer asked about my visa to Pakistan (I went to Lahore on business). So, though I don't think you need to worry about getting in, you might want to prepare for some questions when you get to the airport.
  10. OMG - I love where this thread is going! So, I'm currently staying with my best friend and helping her watch her toddler, so had to wake up at the crack of dawn to go to kiddie singing class with them, then attended a mommy+baby brunch (I don't have a baby so I felt like the creepy neighborhood perv watching all the little kids...) and then played with said toddler for a couple of hours while my friend napped then had a second interview with Wisconsin Madison - so yeah. I ended my day with peanut butter cups, cookies and a couple of glasses of sparkling wine. We should change the name of this thread to "what did you eat to numb the anxiety today?"
  11. Thanks guys! and congratulations to @av2010 and @kirbs005. @heyDW really? I really don't know much about programs and based my applications mostly on finding faculty with fun looking articles..! I won't know about funding til March, though! I may need help on program reputation and such when I make my final choice!
  12. I know this process gets harder with every passing day, but really, it is still early in the game and I think the few schools that have given out notifications before early Feb are the outliers. In both the letter from the program admin and a current student at U Iowa, they said that they start the review process only after spring semester starts, which was nearly on Jan 20. I think many schools that start reviewing in Jan will be like this as well. What we really need to hope for at this point is that we'll be done with this whole process sometime in Feb and we won't have to do the whole waitlist waiting game. This thing won't let me tag people right now for some reason -- but @heyDW - I really do trust that things will work out well for you and your husband!! @phdthoughts - every passing day is a day closer to hearing something good! Let's try and think of it like that because peak notification season has yet to even begin.
  13. You sure?? Mourning requires ice cream for dessert in my world!!
  14. @heyDW So sorry - I'm hoping it would have been for the better, and something that works better for your family will come along - hang in there! We're all rooting for you!
  15. Temple School of Media and Communication Jan 30 accepted
  16. I won't have internet access for 12 hours. My hands are shaking from withdrawal already.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DBear


      Thanks @I_mix, it was hard at first but so relaxing not being able to look at applications or even this forum!

    3. cmykrgb


      I totally get this. I was flying back to Taiwan in December which was the peak of interview invites for my programs. did not have internet for 14hr. What's worse was the flight offered paid wifi. I almost spent $21 for access. Good thing I didn't cuz I did not get anything during that time.

    4. DBear


      @cmykrgb OMG - that would suck!! Luckily for me I was flying before peak notification season so the likelihood of me getting an email was minimal. Still, I also was contemplating getting the in-flight wifi before I boarded but lucky for me, it was an old plane so didn't have it.. hahaha.. 

  17. So eloquent and poignant. Thank you. Once I can 'like' posts again, I'm so liking this.
  18. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I had an interview and an admit both on the 25th - in fact, the admit came while I was on the Skype interview. Then, absolutely nothing has happened. So the excitement of thinking the end of this torture is near has turned into more anxiety....
  19. Congratulations! It's good to have that but I found I'm still anxious after the first admit and even less patient...
  20. Yep, I decided not to apply to a couple of programs specifically because of the email exchange. One professor was nice and professional and I think she would've been good to worl with, but tje things she said about what they try to achieve in the program (more in depth than the website) made me realize it's not a good fit. For the two programs I've interviewed with, I ended up interviewing with the professors I emailed with. Also, a couple of professors even told me who else would be good to mention in my SOP. I took their advice and it turned out really well. There are some programs that like to concentrate all correspondence to the DGS, or explicitly say they don't encourage people to contact profs directly. So would be a case by case thing. Regardless, if you keep it short and professional in a way to not waste their time, I think it can't hurt. But contact prior to application, not sure it's a deal breaker since plenty of people get in without this so...
  21. @heyDW ugh...... I'm dying here.. imagine how you and your husband feel!! @chiquitica I wrote to Professors at 11 schools and ended up applying to 7. The emails actually helped me in some cases because the professor would point out things they were looking for. I was afraid to bother or annoy them, but I figured that if they couldn't be bothered, they'd just ignore the email and forget about me, no harm done. There were a few that did just that hahaha... So at least in my experience, emailing POIs has been very helpful thus far, we'll see how it turns out in the end!
  22. @Duna I totally see your point and agree with you.. but was curious, since you say you're almost done, out in conferences and such, what's the general consensus on who the top 5% programs are? I saw the NCA rankings but the most recent one is already over a decade old so I'm really not sure how reliable it is. Also, then does it matter after a certain point exactly how prestigious a school is? Like top 5 vs top 20, will that be that big of a difference? Mostly just curious because I'm new to the field...
  23. I received an admissions email on the 25th, and a professor emailed me to welcome/congratulate me the following day. My online application still says "under review", so yeah, I'd go with the email. If they still need the lor later for administrative purposes, they'll let you know.
  24. Done and done! But hopefully it won't come to that and we can all talk to eachother about how to survive moving and starting a new life and getting through the first year.
  25. I'm feeling the same way, my one admit has made me even more anxious and impatient so I feel like the torture will only end when we make that final decision.
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