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Everything posted by Yanaka

  1. I find your title very. very. confusing.
  2. @DBear it's going to be okay!! But if you really miss it too much, I can give you work to do.
  3. From what I am experiencing, it is often discouraged to contact POIs, because they already have a lot to do and, to speak honestly, shouldn't waste their time on prospective students that may not even make the cut... I also contacted profs. at the beginning, and only one professor answered back and gave me advice and was encouraging-- and that doesn't even mean anything. Consequently, I'd suggest you do not contact any more professors! As long as your SoP shows you did your research and fit (and even that is debated over here), you've done enough.
  4. Duke: application sent! Very excited about this one.
  5. I can only speak to the little I know from France, and the tradition over here is to contact and talk with the prof. Otherwise it might seem seem odd and they might not even acknowledge you
  6. I really wouldn't have the energy or the time to apply to so many schools. I don't know how you do it!
  7. The NJ transit <3 That's true, I hadn't thought of the Californian drought and how I would be adding to the issue if I moved there.
  8. Ah, that's good news @unræd! Indeed, I was in LA for ten days a couple years ago, and I exclusively used the bus. It was terrible. We never knew when it was going to arrive, there were no screens indicating ETA or anything. I have waisted a few hours waiting for that thang!
  9. Being used to not having my car with me where I live, I can only picture myself where there is public transportation! That will probably change, though... Even in Cali it's impossible to survive without a car! I'm mainly afraid of racist and conservative locations. Given current events and as a woman, I'd like to know my contraception and all other options are available!
  10. Yeah, the location is really important, so that reduced my choices too! I'm applying to 7 programs, which is less than average I think! And I'm already exhausted after 3!
  11. Thanks. I wish I had known before I send out my application to Berkeley, but oh well!
  12. I am very troubled by these questions. I was asked similar stuff by a dude on Facebook, since I am in France he thought I could suggest a European country and how Germany was...... Anyway-- schools in the US are all about fit. There are hundreds of schools in the country, how could we possibly suggest anyone of them? If you can't do the research, then my friend you are in trouble for the application process!
  13. Now I have a predicament: is it PhD of Comparative Literature? In? I think I'm lost in translation...
  14. Oh you're actual name translates to beautiful flower? Smart! And quirky is so cool.
  15. @Caien My NYU app showed the submissions right away :/
  16. Honestly it's something I learned from my mom: always reach out to people to ask questions, make yourself known. I don't always do that (not for all POIs although at first I thought I had to email them...) but when I do, it usually is very helpful and nice. It's saved me from making quite a few mistakes, and it's guided me through the process.
  17. Thanks guys, I'll check it out. This forum is awesome
  18. Hi @biyutefulphlower (love your pseudonym)! Thanks for the very helpful reply! I'm not considering non-funded programs for now, like AT ALL haha. But the school seems great, especially if you were coming from Cornell and did not find any change in the caliber, as you said.
  19. Dear all, I'm not really sure if I should create a new thread, but here is my question: in my SoPs, I dedicate one or two paragraphs to POI(s) from each department I am applying to. However, I am in France and not that many ressources from said POIs are available at my school's library (and at another library I attend). I have found a few publications for a couple of faculty members, but I really want to blow Princeton's adcomm's mind and tailor my SoP to a professor who is a really good match for my research--unfortunately, she is also one of the faculty whose publications (other than a few from the 80s...) are not available. What should I do? Is it absolutely inconceivable to send her an email and ask her advice? i.e. where could I find some of her publications, if she has links with excerpts etc. We've already had a few exchanges and she's been very nice and helpful. Thanks guys!
  20. Huh?
  21. I am really confused by this thread. Some of you might have gotten in even though you hadn't mentioned any POIs in your SoPs-- however, every time I asked the grad offices that specific question, I was given the same answer: yes, you have to mention potential advisors...
  22. I'd say you should talk about the course in your SoP if it's relevant to your research project?
  23. Comp Lit, and I didn't see the info anywhere, I get my info from Grad offices and/or POIs ! @Caien
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