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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Does anyone know if results are released in early April or at the end of April?
  2. @immunity, I am assuming you've applied to CIHR Vanier?
  3. Omg, I totally relate. I've been doing both!
  4. One month of waiting
  5. Thanks. I also posted this thread in the wrong section of the forum I realize.
  6. Hello, I have an article I am working on, would need feedback from my advisor prior to submitting it, but am afraid to ask her to read it because I think she just doesn't have any time to do this in her free time...who else should I ask? I feel like everyone's busy.
  7. My abstracts have been accepted to the two conferences I have applied for. The thing is that I will probably have funding to attend one...
  8. How did your applications go @ksenia.99 and @Bibby?
  9. I've always been told that it's preferable that students do not conduct their doctoral studies in the same university they did their undergraduate/master's degree. Mostly because it's important to see how your subject is addressed elsewhere and expand your network. I also believe that in terms of scholarships and cv, it looks better. However, in multiple cases, I have seen students doing their undergraduate and graduate studies in the same institution, if for instance, there's a special lab or expertise they want to develop or a specific prof they want to work with and that they could not get elsewhere. It's not bad to remain in the same institution, it doesn't mean that you're setting yourself up for failure, but it's often recommended to see what's being done elsewhere than the institution where you've had your previous degree.
  10. I don't know if they have reduced the number of awards. That'd be strange because the Minister announced big investments in social sciences a few weeks ago.. http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/news_room-salle_de_presse/latest_news-nouvelles_recentes/2019/talent_idg_announcement-annonce_talent_sds-eng.aspx
  11. thanks! I'm really proud of her!
  12. Hello, someone recommended this book to me: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Academics-Winning-Tenure-Without-Losing/dp/1588265889 I haven't ordered It yet, but the person who recommended it to me is a mentor to me (woman of color as well). After reading the reviews on Goodreads, it appears to be a valuable resource.
  13. My 18 year old sister got accepted into law school. She got a prestigious scholarship and the whole thing was covered in a local newspaper!
  14. True that’s what happened last year
  15. If you look for Archived Opportunities, and find the 2018-2019 Vanier competition, it says results will be announced on April 4th. I hope it'll be before that...
  16. Same here.
  17. Hello everyone, so I have been googling about impact factors for journals, and I am beyond confused. I don't know exactly how to read those. I don't know what is considered a good impact factor in my field (social work, social sciences, women's studies). Plus, I am trying to publish my first publication as a sole author in French, and I am really struggling to find impact factors for francophone journals. I want to be strategic and aim high at first, and then if my article gets rejected, submit to a journal with a lower impact factor...I don't know if it is a good strategy. Anyone here can help me and offer me some guidance?
  18. This is so kind of you. I hope there’s a positive outcome to your applications!! ❤️
  19. My university asked me to give a public speaking workshop to students. Yes, I do a lot of public speaking, but I have never been "taught" how to do it, so I have zero idea what I will teach to these students. Sometimes, I am surprised by the level of trust that people have towards me.
  20. I finished another book review (my 2nd) for a journal. Plus, I finished the first draft of an article! Writing actually helps me to put my anxiety to pause. It's such a intellectually engaging activity that it leaves no room for worry about the past and/or the future.
  21. I got hired to be a social worker and I am quite nervous because I haven't been on the field for quite awhile (I've mostly done research in my recent years and will start a PhD this fall)...It's only for the summer, but I am scared because my last internship when I was an undergraduate student went horribly because my supervisor was bullying me. I hope the team will be nice and not be like her
  22. I remember that in previous years, interviews were around mid-March. But maybe the timeline changed this year. Anyways, congrats!!!! it's an amazing accomplishment to have made it this far. If you get the award, you need to help me when I re-apply next year hahahaha
  23. Next step are interviews only this year.
  24. Hello, so I think I have finished writing (for now) the first version of a publication. It stems from my master's thesis, and I am planning on writing two different articles related to my master's thesis, (splitting my results chapter in two different themes). I know which journal I want to submit it to, but wonder if I should show my article to other people before submitting? This is my first time and I am a bit nervous it'll get rejected. I don't mind having revisions to do after I submit, I am just scared that it won't get accepted at all.
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