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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Yes! So for the moment, my university pays for my fees for 12 semesters which is 4 years. Plus, I get à research or teaching assistantship!
  2. Did anyone here go through the interview process? How long does it last? How was it like? (asking out of curiosity)
  3. I don't know how many applied and the person I was talking with about this didn't know as well. But he told me that many many people apply. I did not realize it was so difficult to get into this program! I'm really happy that I made it!
  4. I just learned that my uni accepts only 6 students every year. I'm really surprised, I thought we'd be at least 20 in my cohort. I was told that the program is really hard to get in. I'm really lucky to have made the cut to the only university I have applied in.
  5. Do you need to buy more GBs space from Google Drive in order to do that?
  6. I have cut ties with a man that I fell in love with (we were friends since 2012) due to the fact that he kept sending me mixed signals for the past two years while not wanting to move forward with me (having a relationship). I haven't spoken to him in more than a month now, and I already see a difference in my happiness level and in my general mood. I'm better off without him. I realize that I am loved, I am respected and admired by many people around me. I'm told often that I make a difference in people's lives. I'm happy about that. Having an acceptance offer for a PhD program from the only university I have applied in gives me a confidence boost. I can't wait to move to pursue my passion.
  7. I also relate. I was admitted to the only program I applied in, but I don’t know if I will get a substantial scholarship to fund it.
  8. I go walk outside with music. Or I visualize myself winning those scholarships!
  9. It’s a play in French called Consentement (Consent in English). It’s two couples of lawyers who discuss their sexual violence court cases. It was good. There was a lot of moment of humour despite the topic being really serious and heavy. thanks!
  10. Hello, I have read your post. I am 26, will start a PhD next fall in Social Work. I'm also scared and am unsure if I am ready. But I think it's normal. No one has everything figured out or planned. And even those who they they do, they don't because life happens. It's perfectly fine to still be looking for yourself at 25, your brain is not finished developing at 25. There are a lot of students in your situation, it's not abnormal to see someone in their twenties or even older return back to school. I think it's better if you listen to yourself and to your heart rather than staying in a position that makes you unhappy. I also live with mental health struggles and I can attest that you're absolutely not the only one in grad school with depression and anxiety.
  11. It's official, I move this summer to the area. Anyone else?
  12. My leadership statement was quite personal as well but I tried to turn it into something positive towards the end.
  13. Same. Good luck on your exam! I'm going to the theater tonight just to change my mind.
  14. I was at home in my bedroom lol It was late at night. My supervisor emailed me shortly after to confirm that I was in!
  15. I think I'd go on the workplace for a year as a social worker, work as a RA or teach at the university level and then re-apply to a PhD if I don't get a scholarship.
  16. I would need tips as well. I'm so worried about not getting a scholarship that it's hard to let go and stay focus on what I can control right now (aka, finishing my master's thesis before Feb 15). If I don't get a scholarship, I won't be able to move in the university that has accepted me next semester. I applied to 5 different scholarships between September 2018 and this week. It's really hard to not to think about it. I will only get a decision between early April and end of April for all of those. I have two more months to wait, and it's painful to make people wait so long for something that's so crucial to their academic success
  17. Hello, if you look at the criteria on the Vanier website, I think this would fall into leadership as they describe it. I also have these types of leadership experiences as well. They are especially looking for leadership outside of academia, not only within academia. Leadership (Potential and Demonstrated Ability): Given the prestige of the Vanier CGS program, this is an important criterion that has to be assessed in an indirect manner, since there is no opportunity for the selection committee to interview candidates. When evaluating this criterion, reference the instructions provided to candidates. More information on leadership is available in the SSHRC-funded study, Leadership at the Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Levels [ PDF (260 KB) ]. When assessing the leadership criterion, consider how the nominee has gone above and beyond the expected norms in order to overcome obstacles, foster others, spearhead change, or otherwise demonstrate Leadership. Personal achievement Impactful involvement and achievement in professional programs/association such as sports, arts, science, business etc Entrepreneurial achievement (start-up company, establishing an NGO or charitable initiative, establishing arts/sports based festivals/competitions); Foreign study Involvement in academic life mentoring/teaching; supervisory experience; involvement in student government and in the institution community, including committees, teams, senate, boards, ethics committees, etc.; project/lab management; roles in academic/professional societies; organization of conferences, meetings, courses etc. Volunteerism/community outreach involvement in charity or not-for-profit organizations. Civic engagement parliamentary page positions and internships; political activity; elected positions Goal achievement a clear vision of what they want to accomplish; a developed personal vision for the future that defines a impactful/meaningful change for the community or a group, cause or organization; strategizes on how to achieve desired outcomes and has specific, realistic and timely goals. Self-management knows how to prioritize and complete tasks to reach the desired outcome and is confident of success; establishes learning goals and tasks; reaches goals in an efficient, organized and innovative way; and is constantly working on self-improvement Integrity acts consistently with core ethical and personal values and convictions; and accepts personal accountability for the consequences of their actions/decisions. Other characteristics is creative and takes initiative; is curious; deals well with complexity; has a strong sense of reality; is courageous; is strategic, a big-picture thinker; focuses on solutions, not problems; is capable of producing extraordinary results; and is able to solve real problems and create real products. Social skills knows how to develop positive relationships with a diverse range of people; cares about and listens to what others say and gives feedback; knows how to motivate individuals; is persuasive; is supportive of peers; is able to negotiate; is viewed as trustworthy, ethical and dependable; is well-respected; and displays mastery of presentation skills and public communications. I found this in Google on this link https://www.mun.ca/sgs/current/funding/Vanier_Schs_Presentation_2018.pdf: Past Vanier Winners reported: Organizing/participating in volunteer activities 87% Taking on an administrative role 77% Promoting awareness for a particular cause 75% Participating in institutional associations 75% Educating youth or community groups 72% Participating in civic initiatives 65% Taking a leadership role in campus activities 57% Holding a position in a professional organization 47% Participating in campus media 46% Developing & executing a fundraiser 43%
  18. I have just a few days to send out a polished version of my master's thesis to my supervisor. Plus, I am giving a talk to young girls this weekend, on top of everything else I have to do. I hope I'll make it. Other than that, I am going to see a play at the theater tonight. It's a play on sexual violence. Very timely and related to my research interests. Apparently, it's a really good play and I haven't gone to a theater in a long time. I'm excited (I'm going on my own. Me time!)
  19. Urgghh. My current uni won't be able to fund my participation to a conference this summer because I will have graduated. My future uni can't fund me because I won't be officially registered yet (I start in September). What can I do?
  20. So my uni told me that approximately 20 people apply to this scholarship at their institution So I have 1 chance out of 5 or out of 4 (approx.) to be selected...fingers crossed. I'll only know around Feb 20 if I made the cut or not.
  21. I would email them just to be sure and explain that you're in the UK and applied directly from outside the country
  22. I'm (finally!) meeting with my research coordinator and supervisor to discuss my master's thesis. I'm kinda nervous.
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