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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. I just want to cry. I feel like I have to restart my Results chapter from scratch because I had zero guidance from my supervisor all along. Fuck my life.
  2. I have done a thematic analysis (qualitative interviews) and I am at the stage of writing my Results & Discussion chapter. I initially did write a version, but I got the feedback that it was too descriptive, that I needed to analyze more. But I feel like that's for the Discussion section (which neither my supervisor and the person who's giving me feedback read). I printed all of my interviews again, and am going to analyze them all over again. Apparently, my analysis is not tight enough with NVivo. So I'm trying to do this by hand. I am just lost and want to cry. I need to submit this in three weeks and I have no idea of what I am doing.
  3. I have no idea! Also saw that like 4 people in the same département won Vanier in the same year for NSERC
  4. good luck! the OGS was so hard to fill because of how short the form is!
  5. Yeah, I saw that two years ago, two people in the same département at one uni got Vanier. So it kinda reassures me.
  6. Thanks! I announced it on FB, hesitated before doing it because I still need to submit my master's thesis in three weeks and there is no guarantee that I will pass lol. But my sister told me that it's already a great accomplishment to be admitted to a PhD program. So I need to allow myself to be happy about that, even if I know that it's one thing to be admitted and a whole other thing to graduate.
  7. I got an offer of admission for the PhD in Social Work !!!
  8. cooking, working out, watching documentaries and sitcoms on Netflix, shopping, seeing friends, going to concerts, listening to music
  9. Oh my...another student (with the same supervisor as I do) also got forwarded to Ottawa at my uni. He's a 2nd or 3rd year PhD student while I am still a master's student. He has tons of publications. I know Vanier takes the career stage into consideration (I am only beginning un grad school) but this makes me anxious.
  10. Thanks! I can't wait to hear back from them because I'm applying to a scholarship and I need to be admitted in order to be eligible. I have 9 days left. My application is ready. Just waiting for two LOR and for an admission offer. They told me I'd have an answer before that, but I'm still tired of waiting.
  11. I haven't slept all night. Probably because I took a nap in the afternoon and a coffee around 7pm.
  12. Hello, thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, my institution doesn't have clear guidelines for master's thesis in my field because I am the only student in my program who chose to do a thesis. Social Work is a professional degree, most students choose the field placement option. So I looked for guidelines from other universities in similar departments and looked at the master's thesis of previous social work students to have a better idea of the expectations. I sent multiple parts of my thesis to my supervisor over the last few months. I have gotten zero feedback. I was told by a colleague that it's probably because she has seen it, and is not worried and is waiting to see the entire product before commenting. She has told me that she would give me feedback in the next couple of weeks, as I am approaching towards the end of my degree. I have a very good link with her, I've known her for many years. But the lack of guidance was a struggle, even though I made it through. She is incredibly busy (like many researchers/scholars I assume). I'm not expecting to have an "excellent" comment on my thesis, I just want to pass at this point.
  13. Hello, I am submitting the initial version of my thesis in about 2 weeks. How often do students fail at this stage? I'm anxious about this. I know I won't win the Nobel prize with this, I just want a pass and want my thesis to be decent enough so I don't get ashamed of it in 20 years. I can say that I've worked hard, done my best. I enjoyed the process but was definitely a lot more work than what I had expected. My supervisor will give me her comments prior to the initial submission. I'm still feeling anxious about not passing.
  14. I went shopping today. Helped me to feel less anxious.
  15. I live in Canada, was told I should hear back by the end of the month.
  16. Today was the deadline to apply to my PhD program for Fall 2019. My application file is complete since Dec. 04, 2018. I'm tired of waiting for my admission decision. I'd love to get Trudeau scholarship. I spoke to former scholars who all believe that I would be competitive. Yet, I'm afraid I won't get it because I'll be entering my first year as a PhD student next Fall I'm afraid my master's thesis is not good enough
  17. Tarot readings! I forgot to mention that lol
  18. Hello, I have also applied to OGS. I've used the same proposal, but for my uni, the OGS form gave less space to describe my research project.
  19. Hello, are scientific publications crucial to win this award?
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