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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Hello, I am looking to do a thematic analysis with qualitative data (interviews and focus groups) with NVivo 12 for Mac. What are the best tutorials, guides or online Youtube videos for that? I just bought a license and I'm fairly new to using NVivo. Thank you,
  2. I totally understand the feeling. I'd ask for the advice of two people max (plus potential supervisor) that are already in the program you want to apply in.
  3. I feel anxious & guilty every time I'm not transcribing interviews. Sometimes, immediately after I decide to have a break from that task. The worst part is that I am right on my schedule (I plan to finish it all for December 7th) and made a week by week schedule for that task. I always feel like I'm not doing enough, that there's always something left to be done. Wow. Everybody knows I'm a hard worker and I know I am. But I still fear not being able to finish my thesis in February. I also fear producing something that is not "quality research" because I want to produce good work. I did not expect this to be so challenging for my perfectionist and control freak sides of my personality.
  4. I clearly have a feminist stance due to my research topic as a grad student but I am a TA in a not-so-related social work class. I'm 100% sure that some students will be unhappy about that in their final evaluation at the end of the term.
  5. I woke up at 4am this morning and wrote the first draft of the methods section of my thesis.
  6. It would be in a scientific format. It's for scientific journal. Sorry for not expressing myself clearly, my mothertongue is not English.
  7. It's not for PhD admission that I want to write an article, it's for my career in academia in general.
  8. You are misunderstanding. It's not "scrapping" my study. It's using my study to produce an article. It's not "easier" to do this, it's more strategic since I want to pursue a PhD.
  9. Being single and not being able to find a partner feels increasingly unbearable.
  10. I hope meeting with my advisor will clarify things for me next week because I feel lost and I don't know if I can finish my article/thesis for February.
  11. No it doesn't,t need to be published but needs to be at least submitted somewhere.
  12. Urrrghh I hate when that happens. A lot of profs are last minute
  13. Hello! I am in the same situation, I learned that I needed to submit to my current university.
  14. What I mean is that many universities where I live give the option to master's and doctoral students to do a scientific paper (scientific article) instead of doing a "typical" thesis. It says on my uni's website that I could publish 1 article and for doctoral students it's 2 articles minimum instead of doing the thesis.
  15. Hello, did anyone here publish their master's thesis under the format of a manuscript for scientific publication? What are the pros and cons?
  16. Originally, I was planning on using phenomenology for my master's thesis as a qualitative method. Turns out that grounded theory appears to be more appropriate and more align with my research goals/questions. The thing is that I have realized that AFTER I recruited my participants for my study (n=11). I am near the end of data collection, I have two interviews left out of these 11 participants. I am not familiar with grounded theory but as I am reading on the topic, I am realizing that my sample is too small for a grounded theory study. I am reading that you need 20-30 participants. The thing is that I cannot recruit 20 participants because I need to finish my thesis in February. What should I do now? (I am meeting with my advisor to discuss this, but it's in two weeks and I feel anxious in the meantime which is why I'm asking here).
  17. I conducted one interview today (two left now) and finished transcribing a 3rd one (3 left to transcribe.) yay!
  18. Don’t be so humble! You deserve the trust.
  19. Hello is there a chat room for the users of this forum?
  20. It's an institutional decision, I got no power over it.
  21. It's because of administrative deadlines and to allow time for the external examiner to correct the initial thesis. The final version has to be submitted April 15, but the initial one is six weeks before that
  22. I just learned that I need to submit my thesis in Early February instead of April 15. (the initial version which is kinda of like the final version). FML. That leaves me 3 months to transcribe, analyze and write the last chapters of my thesis.
  23. Just had the confirmation that I need to submit my thesis in early February in order for me to graduate in June. That’s two months earlier than what I originally thought. FML.
  24. Just found out another student in the exact same program and same university as me also got forwarded to Ottawa. I feel like this will decrease my chances of getting the award.
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