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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Happy new year! What are your hopes for the new year?
  2. My uni sents out Trudeau apps on Jan 25. I hope to get an admission offer before that, who knows. If not, I'll just apply next year.
  3. Criticism, when it's legitimate, is actually a good thing because it allows you to become a better scholar. Personally, I would not want to publish something that it's not at the best level it can be.
  4. my hope for 2019 is to find a partner that I'll be happy with! Fingers crossed. also: - winning Vanier - being accepted into my PhD program - graduating from my master's program
  5. Hello, has anyone here had a negative experience with Fulbright in relation to their physical and mental health assessment? (discrimination?)
  6. I just saw it. Wow. How unprofessional and condescending of her.
  7. Going to the gym, online shopping for make up and clothing, listening to music and going to concerts, cooking, going to restaurants, fast walking.
  8. Hello, does any of you know about the job market in academia (in the field of social work) in the US/Canada? Is it as difficult to get a job as professor than in other fields?
  9. Hello everyone, I will be most likely graduating from my master's program this spring. I have applied to start a PhD in my field (social sciences) in September 2019 in a Canadian city (I currently live in Quebec). I have a question for you & I hope you'll be honest with me. I know it will come across as naive and I am sorry if others may have asked this question before. But let me explain: like many doctoral students, I hope to have a career in academia just like my current supervisor who is a great inspiration to me. I want to teach and do research at the same time at the university level. Given the current job market in academia - too many doctoral students for the jobs available: What would be the things that I need to do during my PhD studies in order to increase the odds of realizing this career aspiration? What are the things you wish you knew along the way or prior to grad school? Thank you and happy holidays!
  10. I finished the first draft of my MSW thesis in its entirety! 98 pages! I will send it to my supervisor in early January to get her comments before sending it to the external examinator.
  11. I’m tired of waiting for the results of the Vanier competition
  12. It's hard not to think about this scholarship. Do you think it's easier to get a prof position if you got Vanier?
  13. Yeah, and I think all schools of social work should do interviews to be honest. In my hometown, only grades, CV and statement of purpose count but I still feel like they should interview people.
  14. I have also applied for a PhD in Social Work in Canada. I will know if I got accepted or not by the end of February 2019. Good luck everyone!
  15. any tips on how to make my app stronger next year?
  16. When people say I am popular or a "star", I laugh at that. Today, I celebrated my 26th birthday and half of the fifteen people I have invited cancelled on me. I literally spent 40 minutes at the restaurant on my own, feeling very awkward because I was alone on a table of 15 people just waiting for everyone to arrive. Finally, 6 people came but I still feel dissapointed because I almost cried while waiting during that 40 minutes on my own like an idiot.
  17. Good luck on those applying this year! I'm really looking forward to hearing how the process has been for you.
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