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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Wow, I did not know about these stats. I think I got this impression because the previous moderators were very active in the sense that they were very present on the forum giving a lot of information, insight, sharing their own experiences in graduate school. I felt like they were "mentors" to many of us, especially for me who's just starting in graduate school & academia.
  2. I had the same thought....the forum is less active than it used to be.
  3. This is so stressful. I will know next week if I made it to the national competition...
  4. I was told that I have to submit through my current uni even if I'm attending another university for PhD. So confusing!
  5. I applied last year and got the award for 2018-2019. I am applying again this year for the Doctoral level, and yeah, at my level, some of the rules have changed (no more references letters for instance).
  6. Participants for my research keep cancelling or changing their dates for interview/focus group, which creates a lot more work for me in terms of number of interviews and transcriptions... I was supposed to have two focus group, which turned into three with three individual interviews, and now I have two focus group and five individual interviews
  7. I will know on the 19 if I made it to the national competition. What about you all?
  8. The instructor of the course I'm a TA for will let me do a guest lecture on my master's thesis topic this term!!!
  9. I wonder when the criteria and deadlines will be announced
  10. I wonder if I should ask her about it. We've known each other for 5 years. But I don't know if it's appropriate as a student to ask to a supervisor how she's doing because I feel she is under stress...
  11. it's been like this for a while actually
  12. My supervisor feels stressed. I can sense it in her emails.
  13. First interview for my research today I also did a lot of online shopping and I'm happy about my choices! Started again to train, I am SO sore physically but I am not giving up.
  14. My research contributions are mostly working as a RA and conference papers/poster presentations no publications (except for a book chapter but that's not in an academic context. I included that in my CCV)
  15. I will approximately have 12 hours of focus groups/interviews (for 48 hours of transcription) to do this term. This is the part I like the least about doing qualitative research. Transcribing.
  16. The further you advance in your studies in this field, I have a sense that grades become less important (although I wouldn't say they aren't important at all, especially if you want grants and scholarships). At my uni for instance, they take work experience and volunteer experience into account as well. In SW, they generally want "well-rounded" individuals sort of.
  17. Usually the minimum is around 3.5 but I would aim a bit higher. Work experience count as well.
  18. I actually led a discussion this morning and I had no idea what I was doing (because the prof did not give me clear guidelines). But it went okay. But I feel like the students could tell that I did not know what I was doing
  19. Well, I will have about 12 hours of interviews/focus groups to transcribe. How long do you think that is going to take me? 48 hours?
  20. I feel overwhelmed and the semester has just begun.
  21. Do you think we'll get an email even if we don't get selected? I should have the answer to the internal review process by October 19.
  22. I legit don't understand why it is so hard for me to find a boyfriend. I'm smart, kind, good listener, mature, etc. People tell me I am pretty. Yet, at almost 26, I have been single my entire life. I hate this shit.
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