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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Turns out I have 3 students in my Facebook friends (another one is also someone I took a class with as a undergraduate). One of them told me "Yay, you're going to be TAing my class!". She seemed happy. But yeah, I need to discuss that with the instructor
  2. My supervisor said I should apply to any scholarships I am eligible for. If I can't accept the ones that I get, I can put them in my CV with the "declined" mention in them. She also said that I could write portions of my LOR to help her out with this task.
  3. That's a good option. I should have done that earlier though, because I think I need to submit that proposition to REB before I can do it. But I have already recruited 6 participants out of my 12 (which is my goal). So maybe it's too late for now, but I'll definetely keep that in mind for future research! Thanks!
  4. I can't as I am not the admin of those FB groups
  5. Many things. 1. My mood seems to get better since a couple of days. I'm happy about that. I feel less sad. 2. I had my training for new teaching assistants today. 3. I wanted to see the movie Crazy Rich Asians tonight with two friends, turned out it was sold out. So we went to have ice cream instead and started talking about doing a trip together in summer 2019 to Spain and/or Italy before I start my PhD. 4. The recruitment campaign for my research project is going well. I now have 6 potential participants that have shown interested out of 12 in total. And that's within a few days of advertising my project. Great. 5. I'm excited for back to school. 6. I am leaving for France on Friday (for a conference). 7. I feel good about my makeup today (hahaha, happens every once in a while!)
  6. I'm not sure I understand your point, tbh. Could you clarify what you mean? I've always been supported by my department for the work I do outside of the classroom as it is seen to align with the values of my profession. Even my professional order in my province has my back on the work that I do.
  7. I speak publicly on a lot of issues since a couple of years (including my mental health as I am an advocate in my country for this cause). So if students google me, they will find a lot a of stuff about me. But it's all positive stuff, I don't think anything can be turned against me but maybe I am being naive. Either way, I absolutely am comfortable with my digital footprint and this is something that I spent years thinking about before going ahead down that path. However, I have emailed my instructor to see what she will say to me but I don't think it'll be a major issue. Thanks people for your input!
  8. Hello, congrats on having your health under control. That's a big achievement. I also live with MI (another diagnosis than schizophrenia however), and have disclosed it publicly. So far, it's going well. It is also not impacting my studies for now but I have done steps to get my situation under control. I am in the social work field, so it's different and people tend to be more accepting of these type of things. However, stigma is still a thing. I wouldn't fully disclose your situation. I would avoid talking about the specific diagnosis that you have. I think what's been said above is good advice.
  9. Hello, so I just took a look at the list of registered students for the course I am a TA for. Turns out, one of "my" students is a previous fellow classmate that I took a sociology course with two years ago. She is also in my Facebook friends. I don't think there will be an issue with this and I don't post anything on FB that I am not comfortable sharing publicly anyways, but do you think I should worry or be concerned about this? How do you navigate situations like this? (I took the course I am TAing two years ago).
  10. I feel like I have zero chance for Trudeau. Everyone on their website has founded an organization or is the CEO of an organization or of a business.
  11. Yeah, I get contradictory answers from McGill, SSHRC and UOttawa. Not fun.
  12. I am recruiting workers who work with this client population. Not victims themselves. I am still worried about confidentiality of participants though.
  13. I agree. I also feel uncomfortable being a top poster because I use this forum a lot to ask questions. I don't feel qualified to answer most of the questions that are on this forum. When I do answer questions and help people out, but it's mostly when they contact me in private message to ask question about my field of study or a specific scholarship that I got and they'd like to get. But otherwise, I don't think I should win something for my posts.
  14. Hello, so my REB application has been approved. In it, I mentioned wanting to recruit on the following social media : Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. I started sharing my poster for recruitment, and I am realizing that it makes me very anxious for confidentiality of participants. I specifically asked people to contact me directly through my institutional email to preserve the confidentiality of interested people as much as possible. However, dome people are tagging other people who could potentially be interested in participating in my study and it makes me feel anxious. It's my first time doing this. Am I worried for nothing?
  15. I haven't been accepted yet, the deadline is in January for a start in Fall 2019.
  16. I am so confused about where it is that I have to submit my application. I am currently a student at McGill But want to pursue a doctorat at Ottawa. SSHRC is not clear in their guidelines about who it is that I have to send it to (they talk about universities that have quota, but both McGill and Ottawa have quotas). They keep sending me back to their guidelines and I tell them that I have read them but that it is still unclear to me. My feeling is that I have to submit at Ottawa but I don't want to send my application at the wrong place and have it disqualified. This is what it says on their website: Statut du candidat Où soumettre la demande À l’automne 2018, le candidat est en congé autorisé ou inscrit à un programme menant à l’obtention d’un diplôme d’un établissement d’enseignement postsecondaire canadien qui a un quota. établissement auquel le candidat est inscrit à l’heure actuelle À l’automne 2018, le candidat est inscrit à un programme menant à l’obtention d’un diplôme d’un établissement d’enseignement postsecondaire canadien qui n’a pas de quota. CRSH À l’automne 2018, le candidat est inscrit à un programme menant à l’obtention d’un diplôme d’un établissement étranger*. CRSH À l’automne 2018, le candidat n’est pas inscrit à un programme menant à l’obtention d’un diplôme d’un établissement d’enseignement postsecondaire canadien, mais il a l’intention d’entreprendre des études de doctorat. CRSH
  17. I lost my smile lately. It's harder and harder for me to feel happy these days.
  18. ah okay, after double-checking, no CCV this year and no LORs. Wow. So I just sent my application to get it over with since I have so many to do.
  19. Thank you for your message. My emotions aren't the best these days. I created this thread in November 2017 and my mental state has worsen regarding this. A guy I was dating asked me a few weeks ago if I could present him to a female friend. He basically said "you're brillant, beautiful, fun to be around but I don't love you." I cannot count the number of times I've had men telling me something remotely similar to that. You are good to remain hopeful. I have sincerely lost hope regarding this. I feel devastated and ashamed to be devastated over something like this, at my age. I don't know why it hurts so much.
  20. I'll also be applying prior to my acceptance in my program of study (I am still at the master's level but will apply for PhD). But OGS is not open yet at my uni. Do you know when the program usually opens? Good luck!
  21. I am going to do the interview. #courage #anxiety
  22. A journalist contacted me regarding my op-ed and I literally want to turn down the offer because I hate interviews, I am so anxious just to think about it Plus, my op-ed was about a sensitive topic and I'm afraid I'm not the best person to speak about that
  23. Is it me or we don't have to provide referees (LOR) this year?
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