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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Totally agree with you. He was trying to "test" things
  2. I went outside to have brunch with my sister and my brother today. Paid for them both and myself.
  3. I agree with you. I told him I had no romantic feelings for him also. He needs to leave his partner, he knows he is unhappy and that things won't work.
  4. So a friend of mine who is married (but very unhappy in his marriage) told me this week that about a year ago, he had a dream that he left his wife to be with me. Fuck my life. I was so uncomfortable
  5. At my uni, training is offered to new TAs so I'd look into that as well, maybe it's offered at your uni!
  6. Hello, Is it common practice to use almost entirely your scholarship research proposal for your application to a Ph.D. program in the social sciences? I know a scholarship research proposal is meant for an multidisciplinary team which isn't the case in the specific department I am applying to, so that's why I am asking the question.
  7. I bought a beautiful black and white dress. Plus I just looked at the program of that conference I am going to in France at the end of August, and it looks incredibly interesting. I am going to learn a LOT to inform my Ph.D. and Master's thesis plus will do a lot of networking. I even have official business cards for the event!
  8. Hello, so my supervisor asked me to suggest her a few names of potential professors who will correct and comment my master's thesis (external or internal examiner in other words). I have a few names in mind of professors that I've come across in my research for my master's, but I still wonder, how do I suggest names of professors that won't be too harsh? What I mean is that, the point of a master's thesis is to learn the basics of the research process and to critically appraise the literature. I think I can accomplish that, but my thesis will still remain imperfect and won't be as extensive as a Ph.D thesis for instance. What I am saying is that I want to suggest a good name of a professor that will consider this factor and be sensitive to it. I'm kinda nervous about the names I will give to my supervisor. Any tips or suggestions?
  9. Five pages for references is the max. Is it okay if we don't fill those 5 pages entirely? I am probably going to have 1 and 1/6 of references.
  10. I got the news today that I am nominated for a youth community engagement award. I will know on August 12 if I got it!
  11. Yeah, only 15 people..I hope more people will have the opportunity to get those. They changed their President recently so that might explain some of the changes.
  12. Hello, so I just saw on their website that there will be significant changes to the Trudeau scholarships. Any ideas what was the criticism about those scholarships in the past?
  13. Yeah I saw that! I had the first meeting at my current university for applicants! Just have a question on the form, they are asking to enter a NIP for other research councils..is that for employees or if you've applied to another council in the past? (the only one I got was SSHRC at the master's level but I have no NIP associated with that application except for my email adress and password for my account.)
  14. Are you Canadian? If so, you can include that in your Canadian Common CV. I've definetely included my media interviews on it, there is a section for that. (btw, congrats!)
  15. I agree. Sleep is also helpful when you deal with anxiety (like me). I always feel like today is a brand new day after having a good night of sleep. Everything becomes more doable and manageable because I had like 8 hours to not think or do anything at all. if you struggle with insomnia, maybe you should get help for that because it's fundamental to be able to sleep well in order to function.
  16. I agree with everything that was said before, but I also think that academic productivity entails leadership and extracurricular activities done prior to your Ph.D program that are not necessarily linked to school in a direct manner. Especially for scholarships, it shows that you're a "whole" future researcher kind of. But it's true that this type of pressure to excel at so many levels is bad for people's mental health.
  17. I kinda feel the same way. So far, I find my MSW quite easy. The only thing that I find challenging is not having the research process go exactly as planned. But I am trying to get opportunities to challenge myself, I got a fellowship for the health and social Policy instiute at my uni to do work on my MSW research topic next year + I applied to be a TA as well while working on my dissertation. I've also tried to be a member of research groups to meet other researchers and know about the opportunities to present in my field (for example, I am going to a conference in France this summer). But I agree with you, overwall to me, my MSW is easier than my BSW and I kinda hear a lot of people say the same thing around me.
  18. Also, I Wonder, how "expert" do I need to sound during my presentation? I feel like everyone at the conference will already know what I will be talking about but since it's an international conference and there will be people from different countries, maybe my assumption is wrong. I don't know if I should do a kind of "my topic 101" type of presentation...
  19. For me, it's truly an entire stranger who did it. I went to the police station again today to report it. At least, I've lost zero money, the bank refunded me back right away.
  20. I've submitted my lit review chapiter (1st chapter) of my MSW thesis to my supervisor and I am nervous to hear her comments on it.
  21. Out of curiosity, your tips for succeeding at a comprehensive exam in the social sciences?
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