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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Most of the teams I am working in right now are bilingual. So whenever someone can't read French, they pass it along to someone who can and vice versa with English. Same with translating research papers. But I know you are right, and that I am not alone feeling this way, but I just don't like to idea of being evaluated academically in my second language, I feel like I will be judged more harshly if I do that or that my grades will be lower. I don't mind writing/talking in English in a non-evaluative context.
  2. I got free pizza today. Yum yum
  3. Here: http://www.frqsc.gouv.qc.ca/bourses-et-subventions/resultats-des-concours
  4. I slept until 12:00 today. I am heading out tonight for a dinner with a few friends. I am grateful for the amazing friends I have in my life.
  5. @CrazyPugLady you are absolutely right, and yes, I have started working on my application! (I have three applications for scholarships on top of my Ph.D. application so it's better that I start early).
  6. Wow, for real? Yeah, it was June in the past. That's extremely late. Unless they don't change their guidelines at all?
  7. Has anyone here engaged with the media about their research topic? (by engaging, I mean writing an OP-ED piece related to an event that is tied to your research area). Do you have any tips or advice on how to do that? Because I've been very unsuccessful at it.
  8. I am exaclty in your position, I am applying for Fall 2019 and I have contacted a potential advisor to a university that's out of town. So yes.
  9. I can read and understand English perfectly (I did my undergraduate and my master's studies at an English university while writing all of my assignments and exams in French). I could write in English to improve my written English, but I feel like it would add a lot of stress on top of doing a Ph.D (which is already stressful). I feel very insecure about being graded for my writing in English and it'd take me 10 times more time, effort and energy as well to do that. I got extremely frustrated also during my master's courses because whenever I'd do oral presentations, I was never able to convey my thoughts as clearly as I wanted to. That's why I'd like to study elsewhere in Canada but to do it in French if possible.
  10. Anyone else applying this summer?
  11. Hello, I was wondering if you guys knew if it is possible to submit a Social Work Ph.D. thesis in French at UofT for instance (or other Canadian School of Social Work across Canada except for Quebec). In Quebec, students can submit their work in English if they make a request for it first. So I was wondering if there is the equivalent elsewhere in the country. Right now, my plan is to go to UofOttawa but the language barrier thing hinders me from applying to UofT.
  12. That is very fair. Maybe I was overly sensitive. I couldn't wrap my head around how I felt about it. I basically responded that I wanted to study that topic because I had interest in it for a long time and had seen potential to become an ally, but that answer wasn't valid enough to her at the end of the day.
  13. Wow, August is coming closer and I am getting nervous about travelling on my own to France. I'm afraid I'll get lost, mostly. (I never took the plane on my own as ridiculous as it sounds and I have never been to France). Plus, I have to admit that the terrorist menace is making me nervous as well.
  14. They are going to give out the answers on April 30, it says on their website.
  15. Yeah, and Vanier is the most prestigious doctoral scholarship in Canada, so I would definetely make it a priority instead of the ones you've mentionned!
  16. I got elected to the board of an organization that works for youth in my city. Plus, I started seeing a psychologist tonight (again). But I think this time around, it'll be good for me.
  17. https://electricliterature.com/how-applying-to-grad-school-becomes-a-display-of-trauma-for-people-of-color-7bccd68103bb Has anyone else experienced what's being described in this article? A few weeks ago, I got asked by another woman of color sitting on my graduate committe at university "Why aren't you doing research on black women since you're a black woman yourself?" And after thinking about it, it bothered me because I have other research interests than studying my own community and my own experiences.
  18. Someone talked about my community involvemnt on tv.
  19. My understanding is that you gotta be a US resident to apply to those programs? (I live in Canada).
  20. Do you know if you can apply to Fullbright to pursue doctoral studies in a francophone country?
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