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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Yes, and I think it is very common especially among people (women for instance) who tend to be over-achievers (which is usual in grad school in my opinion). You're not alone.
  2. same things happens to me too! We're way too hard on ourselves, we need to be more confident about your abilities :) congrats!
  3. I believe it was a Google search. Now I talk a lot about this forum to my peers at the master's level.
  4. Someone had access to my bank account. So instead of doing all the work I was supposed to do today, I had to make a thousand phonecalls, go to the bank, bring my computer to clean it up and go to the police station. FML
  5. Hello, anyone applying to UOttawa for Fall 2019?
  6. I find it very ironic that the people who are publicly morning Kate Spade & Bourdain on social media are the same ones that walk away from me whenever I happen to mention that I have a bad day and that I need to talk. I'm a public speaker on mental health, I've been in the media to talk about this, and I always stress on how recovery is a process, even for me. But people seem to forget about that. Being seen as "successful" is a pain in the ass sometimes, people forget that I'm a normal human being with emotions too.
  7. Today, I sent the first draft of my lit review chapter to my supervisor. Yay! I am also going to a free outdoor concert tonight.
  8. Any tips for research proposal? I'm struggling to really see what are my research question & goals (but I have a topic!)
  9. Hello, In undergrad, I took one online course during the summer. In those years, I'd always take 4 or 5 courses to be considered full-time (due to scholarships mostly). I would never go over that. In my master's, I had four courses per semester during my year of coursework. I guess it would depend on your field but 6 courses sounds like a lot to me. Sometimes, it's a better idea to take more time to complete a degree to avoid feeling stressed out and doing things less effectively due to having too much on your plate.
  10. It's true that departemental culture is a big factor. I'm in Social Work, and it's not a "competitive field" once you're in the program. Plus, most social work students don't decide to pursue careers in academia. The vibe was pretty relax during my undergraduate studies (and even now during my master's). I guess that explains why I cope well in university. If I was in law or medecine, I'm sure it would have been more difficult due to my personality traits (perfectonism, anxiety, etc.) But that doesn't mean that someone with MI shouldn't study in those fields. I just know it would not have been the right fit for me.
  11. I'm broken-hearted. It'll pass. I'm just tired of having my heart broken, it's been the case for the last 10+ years. I'd be lying if I said that I still have hope.
  12. I'm working on my Vanier scholarship research proposal and it's quite challening I must admit. One of the persons that is helping me out with my research proposal is helpful (she's helped me with my proposals for MA SSHRC and MA FRQSC that I both got), but she seems to be unaware of my CV and credentials (I had a LOT of leadership roles and did a LOT of volunteering for the past 13 years of my life) and she seems skeptical about my ability to get the scholarship, precisely because she sees me like a "public personality" (those are the words she used) but appears to be unaware that I actually have undergraduate and graduate research experience as well. She's not one of my closest friends, but she's helpful in terms of challening me to make my research proposal stronger. I must give her that. However, her skepticism kinda bothers me because I know that I have a strong profile for it, even if I am still unsure if I'll get it. I am unsure, that's why I'm working on my 7th version since January and don't take it for granted. I don't like when people imply that I should not try at something just because something is hard or prestigious. If I thought that way, I would have never applied for SSHRC (that I got before my first year of study in my master's program) and FRQSC (got ranked 2nd in my category). I'm a hard worker and I've never been afraid of putting effort into things. I'm very motivated and perseverant and nobody should ever tell me that I should not give a shot a something (hence, a scholarship) just because it's prestigious and competitive.
  13. Getting What You Came For: The Smart Student's Guide to Earning an M.A. or a Ph.D.
  14. Hello, I live in Montreal so I can only speak to the admission process at UdeM, UQAM and McGill. You can PM me if you have more questions. PS : This thread is for Ph.D programs applications btw.
  15. I think they should do it with names as well because there has been studies showing that people from other countries (or even Canadian or US citizens but that have immigrant parents) get discriminated against because of their names that do not sound 'Canadian' or 'English' enough
  16. Yes, and I believe this was precisely due to potential for discrimination that it's not the case in North America, am I correct?
  17. Thank you for your thoughtful answers!
  18. Yes, I agree with this. It's actually normal or not unusual that your research topic changes a little bit after applying.
  19. Hello, so I currently live two hours away (by train, bus or car) from the university I am applying to for Ph.D programs. I was told today by a current student that the two seminars offered each semester at the doctoral level are on the same day (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). Do you think I should move to that city or remain where I live now & travel every week to attend that 1 day of seminars? Is it something that you have done yourselves?
  20. I got a grant to work at a health and social policy institute next year on the issue of sexual violence (my thesis' topic).
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