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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. I had an argument with my youngest sister today at 6am in the morning. All the neighbors definetly heard us. I feel bad now.
  2. same here, I gained 5lbs in the last month
  3. Hello, For those of you who will be living on your own as a PhD student, how do you cope with loneliness/anxiety/depression? I'm kinda worried because I am prone to depressive and anxiety symptoms and I have read that about half of PhD students experience depression in the course of their studies... I would like to put some strategies into place prior to moving.
  4. so today, I sent an email to my master's thesis supervisor just to see if she had seen my email sent approx. 3 weeks ago regarding chapters I have written so far. She replied back, she seemed irritated by my email, as if I had pressured her. My worry was only that I was afraid that she might had not seen it since she was on vacation and that the inbox probably got filled up with a lot of emails. She is very busy, but has always been there for me since the last four years I have known her. She has written countless letters of support for me for scholarships (and other things) and people we work with always tell me how much she appreciates me. I feel bad for maybe having pressured her. I know she is under a lot of pressure right now and I did not want to add to that. Should I email her to apologize?
  5. Hello, I am a Quebec resident and will be applying to U of Ottawa for Fall 2019. I am applying for Vanier, Trudeau & SSHRC. Should I apply to OGS too ?
  6. Hello, I am working on a website for professional/academic purposes. Do you have any suggestions of websites I could use or templates I could use? Thanks
  7. Does anyone know what were some of the elements of the public consultation that they are talking about regarding the changes to the Trudeau scholarship?
  8. You guys won't believe me I took part in a parliamentary simulation this week and I got to sit on the Prime Minister of my province's seat for it. wow.
  9. Still waiting for ethics approval to start recruiting for my thesis.
  10. I did ask information around before applying. But it wasn't a lengthy application though, so I did not waste that much time. But yeah, you may be right, I have a RAship and a fellowship so that might be also some of the reasons why I did not get selected for this.
  11. I am going to a parliamentary simulation for the next week. I'll be presenting a "fake" bill on equality of chances. Lots of important people will be there as well. Yay!
  12. I just responded to your private message
  13. UPDATE. I NEED YOUR PERSPECTIVES/INPUT/ADVICE. So as you know, I have tweaked my initial research project with my supervisor to make it broadly about women rather than a specific group of women (marginalized women) with whom I don't have long standing links/relationships with. However, as I have posted on the forum, I am presenting at a conference at the end of August. You guys know that when you submit an abstract, you have to do it one year ahead. So I submitted the abstract with my initial research project in mind, and my abstract got accepted. For background, at a congress in 2017, I did a case study in partnership with an organization that is from the specific group of women that I wanted to work with/work on during my master's degree. We presented a case study at that congress. The person who took part in the case study got her full ticket reimbursed to take part in the congress with my supervisor's funds. At that point, there was zero issues, the organization had fully agreed to take part in this and saw no issue in it. (That's why I was cut off guard by the cold (absence of) response when I approached them again to work on a larger portion of my actual master's thesis which was essentially the exact same project but with more people involved. On top of the fact that I was a past volunteer for them for many months.) So back to the congress at the end of August this year. When I submitted the abstract for it, I had the 2017 congress + my initial master's research thesis topic in mind, thinking that everything would go as planned. My abstract got accepted. So now I am stuck to stick to what I have told them I would present. So my supervisor and I both said that a good option would be to present the same thing that I have presented in 2017, but to add more context (the prevalence of sexual violence in my country versus their country, my theoretical approaches, then use the case study of 2017 as an example of the themes I'd like to address during my master's thesis and then make a connection about marginalized populations in the country I am going to at the end of August). That is good advice, it is really helpful. BUT, I am still incredibly afraid of being mistaken for a spokesperson for that community when I don't have the legitimacy to take on that role. Additionally, this will be my first academic paper ever, plus my first time travelling alone to another country so it adds to my already-there anxiety. I also fear the question period, because I KNOW I will have to do 101 stuff about that community and it will put me in the position of a spokesperson which I absolutely want to avoid because I don't have the legitimacy to do that. But these questions will come up for sure, I can tell from my experience in 2017. What do you guys think? Maybe I am overthinking this. PS : The organization that I partnered with in 2017 doesn't know I am re-using the same data that we presented in 2017 at the Congress in August.
  14. Hello, so I am thinking of publishing one article based on my master's thesis. My first question is 1) When is the right time to start working on a manuscript? and 2) As a master's student, should I aim to the top in terms of journal quality and impact factor ? (I have a few options in mind) 3) English isn't my first language so I am a bit concerned about that as well. Thanks!
  15. Wow. I did not know that. When I took my MSW Qualitative Research Course, our prof stressed that it's good for students to transcribe their own interviews/focus groups because you get immersed in data and will be able to analyze it "better" kinda of? Thank you for your answer, I was wondering lol.
  16. Oh, yeah, that makes sense then. So I probably wasn't high on their list.
  17. Hello, I came across a doctoral student who won't transcribe her qualitative interviews but will hire someone else (either a MA or BA student) to do it for her. Is this common practice? Is it ethical? What are your thoughts? I had lots of questions when I saw that but did not want to ask her because maybe she knows what she's doing.
  18. nope, I don't know why I included a timeline. Maybe I should include it in my methods section
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