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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Hello, I often think of the power dynamics and the history that are underlined under these conversations. I've had many Asian friends who had a "English" version of their Chinese name becasue it's just "easier". It makes me think about Eurocentric our world is in North America too. But I still would let people choose whatever name they wanted to be called with, but it gets me thinking a lot. My parents are immigrants from Haiti. My first name is a French sounding name that is quote common, however, the spelling of it is quite original and hard to remember for most people (in French and in EngIish). I never hesitate to correct people (and even professors) whenever they don't get my name right. I always do it in a polite manner, but still I just have a strong feeling about it. My name is my name and I still feel like people should get the effort to get it right when they write to me or talk to me. The worst thing that happened to me is that I got an award a few years ago and my name was mispelled on it. I literally asked for another award with my name spelled right on it. It really bothered me because it's almost like people are being lazy, especially when my name is forever written on an award... For me, it's just basic respect too. The same situation happened to me when someone from a online media wrote an article about me. They mispelled my name althrough the entire article. And when I asked them to correct my name, they mispelled it again in their revision. At some point, it's almost being unprofessionnal in my opinion.
  2. You sound like a very strong applicant! I wouldn't be too worried. You applied for Fall 2018?
  3. Do you know when results are announced?
  4. Hello, do you know if you need a LOR for leadership for this one? Or do the two LOR have to be from professors?
  5. I am not TAing yet, but on March 15, I have to give a lecture to my seminar group about parts of my research (it's an interdisciplinary seminar). I'm a bit nervous, especially since English is my second language. I don't know how I should structure my 20-30 minutes of lecture + the question period. Any tips or advice? (It's my first time ever giving a lecture to a class, but I have done dozen of public speaking events in other contexts than academia).
  6. Yeah I Am already working on my proposal and I started to contact potential referees for LOR!
  7. I totally agree with you. I'm still going to apply. This year, I got SSHRC at the Master's level and I never thought I'd get it. I was extremely surprised. So I'm still going to apply this time around. I'm also applying to Trudeau, and SSHRC (Doctoral level) in the event that I don't get Vanier or Trudeau.
  8. That's exactly what I told her.
  9. I am involved in my community since the age of 12 years old but someone's told me today that it may not be enough to apply to Vanier. I don't know why she sounded like she wanted to discourage me from applying. I am still going to apply because she doesn't have my CV or my grades in front of her.
  10. Yes, I have contacted the university I will apply to already and am working on some ideas for my research proposal. So if I understand well, you apply through ResearchNet and then you are nominated afterwards?
  11. Hello, I keep getting these email to be a member of an "honor society", it seems to be related to my grades in uni. What is it exactly and is it beneficial to join? Thanks!
  12. I am applying to another university than the one I am currently enrolled in. Do I have to be nominated by my home university or the one I will apply to ?
  13. Really interesting perspectives! I think writing my thesis in articles will be harder - I don't want to do it because I think it'll be easy - but I do believe that it will be more useful for me in the long run especially since I want to apply to Ph.D. programs. And I think it will be good for my resume also that I published something during my time in grad school because there is an expectation for that.
  14. I live in Quebec. It is possible here. But adoption in Quebec is a very long and rigorous process (takes 8 years approximately to get a psychosocial evaluation to have a child). There are other criteria as well. I am 25 but am eligible to adopt. I have put myself on the list last year because I am single and I don't think it's going to change anytime soon. I just have the feeling that I am still going to struggle in my romantic life, I have never been lucky on that aspect. And I know in my heart that I want a family, even if a family means being a single mother with an adopted child. (to be honest, I also would've done the process even if I was in a relationship and even if I already had a biological child). It gives me some hope to know that this option is still available to me even if I am single.
  15. Yeah, they are due this Fall but for the following year, 2019-2020.
  16. I am on the waiting list to adopt a child. The psychosocial evaluation will probably happen when I'll be in the middle of my Ph.D. program. If it does happen like that, it will be challenging, but surely not impossible (I am single but have a lot of family support).
  17. Hello, anyone here applying for a Vanier scholarship this year for Fall 2019?
  18. I agree with you. When I'm in school, I feel at peace and at my place. And I feel happy. I work hard and there is always a little bit of anxiety around school, but I've always seen positive results in my case and I have always been able to cope and manage. I guess I'm just scared of Ph.D. programs (even though I really want to do a Ph.D. and am really passionate about my topic) but I've been hearing/reading/seeing so many horror stories...The funny thing is that I've always been a A type of student. I have never truly struggled academically. I even dare to say that I find my MA program quite easy so far and the idea of writing a master's thesis is not intimidating to me. So I don't know why I am worried. Even my professors and classmates could see me pursue a Ph.D. when I was a undergraduate student and at that time, I did not even know that I wanted to do a Ph.D. I just never thought of myself studying for so long and so far. I guess it must because I don't know what to expect in a Ph.D. program. Seeing a therapist is a good option. I am going to re-start seeing one in the following weeks (for other reasons), but I'm sure it'll help and this is something I will be able to discuss with her.
  19. Hello, bumping this thread. A lot of graduate students tend to be overachievers (and I include myself in saying this). I want to apply to Ph.D. programs this year, but am afraid that ph.d programs are going to be detrimental to my mental health... (I live with mental illness but have always been able to cope through my entire studies, even during my MA program). Plus, I am the first one of my family to get a university degree, and even more so, a graduate university degree and I feel this pressure to succeed even though my family does not place this pressure on my shoulders. Anyone else feeling the same way?
  20. It's called Ouvrir La voix by Amandine Gay. It is screening in Montreal, Canada. But it has been in France and probably still is the case.
  21. I empathize with you. I went through one major break-up while in school and I found it really hard to manage daily activities after that. But I've made it through. I'm sure you will too, even though, it must be indeed very difficult at first. Time often helps in these situations. And after some time, you end up realizing why it was a good thing that the relationship ended, even if you can't see it at first.
  22. Hello! Which program do you use for transcribing qualitative interviews? I am looking for cheap options. Thank you
  23. I ate a huge bowl of fruits (super healthy!), was very productive in terms of academic work and scholarships applications. Tomorrow, I am going to see a very interesting movie on black women in France and am probably going to write an article for the school newspaper on it. Today was a good day.
  24. Any advice for those applying this year?
  25. Recruitement for my advisory comittee for my master's thesis project is going well!
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