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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. So she emailed back and we should meet in the next couple of weeks to discuss what I could do for her next term. I still feel like I am going to have to pay someone to proofread my texts before I hand it to her.
  2. They told me last week they would follow up with me after the revision of my application. So I guess I just have to wait.
  3. Hello, My question is regarding thesis research proposals for Ph.D. programs. If the requirement is 5 pages long (or 1500 words), what is the proportion of words that should be allocated to each part of the proposal? (background/context, research question, objectives, theoretical framework, methodology, timeline, ethics, originality/contribution, bibliography)?
  4. Hello, I will be applying for a few travel grants for a conference I'll be attending in August. In a lot of these forms, they are asking things like "Why do you need money from us" and what should I answer other than "it will lessen the financial burden of this trip"?
  5. Still no news from them. So nervous...
  6. That's also my signature. Full name, S.W. (I am a registered social worker), title, program, university, email address and phone number.
  7. So I contacted the prof about this, explaining that I want to do this and am willing to work hard on this (even if that means going to the Writing Center or having my writing proofread) and she never got back to me. So I just let it go, I am assuming that she is not interested and am hesitating to follow up. She has a reputation for being very difficult grader/prof in our department. I was discouraged by a past student to take her class, even. But I see this as a learning opportunity because I want to be the best scholar as I can possibly be. And I have a great bound with her in class and I've had a wonderful experience in her class. She has acknowledged multiple times to our group that she was a more difficult prof in the past but that she has evolved, and I genuinely believe her. I also got an A+ in my first assignment with her as well and our views align in terms of the topic we address in class. However, I was told to be careful not to place myself in a situation where I'll be stressed for no valid reason, but I'm still willing to work with her and learn from her because I believe that I can improve as a student, a writer and a scholar with her. But maybe she believes it will be too difficult so I just never followed up on the fact that she never got back to me.
  8. I will do my thesis in form of an article(s). My professor is the one that suggested that I do this, especially since I want to apply to Ph.D. programs.
  9. Hello everyone, so this whole process is taking longer than expected (but it's very normal according to my supervisor and research coordinator) but I feel much better about it all now. I feel less intimidated by the process even if it's taking longer. I feel like I have a better understanding of the topic in itself and of the research process, so I feel less incompetent. My research coordinator told me that she saw a great improvement on my part which is encouraging. I'm glad I did not give up even if I found it very hard in the beginning. It was a big learning curve but I now trust that I can do this.
  10. I don't know which field you're in, but I believe this is okay. I've even had a social work prof make an acknowledgment to her mother who passed away from cancer in a journal article that was specifically about terminal illness. PS : I'm sorry for your losses.
  11. My cohort tell me they envy me, but they say it as a compliment. It's not mean. However, I don't find that flattering. They also refer to me as "a star" and I hate it because it creates a distance between me and them, like I can't just be friends with them. I just wish I could find someone that would treat me like a normal human being with my flaws and strengths because that's what I am after all, a human just like everyone else. And I've already taken some steps to start a family on my own. It's not ideal, but that's what I am considering more and more at this point. I don't think I will find someone eventually, I am starting to lose hope tbh. I've waited my whole life for a miracle to happen and nothing happens.
  12. I'm sorry btw. I just needed to tell someone, somewhere, because everytime I try to open up about things I feel upset about, I am constantly being told how "perfect" my life is...
  13. I'm so tired of having my classmates telling me how jealous of me they are. Because that means that they do not see me as being "one of them". They see me as being at "another level" or belonging to another type of category. And I'm sure it's part of the reasons why I struggle to find a partner. Plus, on top of that, I am in a female-dominated professional field. Which makes it even harder. Even though I constantly meet new people in other contexts, go out, tried online dating and so on. F*ck this. I'm so lucky to have school and interesting projects to be involved in, otherwise, I'd just be depressed and miserable. I'm not optimistic about this. Not at all. I'm so scared of never having a family. I'm going to have a hard time accepting that if it ends up happening to me.
  14. Hello, do you still have those suicidal ideations? Do you have anyone (other than this forum) to whom you can talk to? I've come across research saying that it's common for a lot of graduate students to experience what you are going through. You are not alone.
  15. Hello everyone, I am working on my ethics proposal that I will submit in the following months. I want to interview workers of an organization in my city. In my grant proposals so far, I have always mentioned the name of the organization in question and it's already all over the internet now. But now that I sit down and think about ethics, I wonder if this could cause an issue for confidentiality if my thesis title contains the name of the organization I will be collecting data from... I will ensure confidentiality of the workers through pseudonyms throughout my thesis, but is that enough? What are your thoughts?
  16. I was very involved in extracurricular as an undergraduate student. I started volunteering at the age of 12. So it's very natural for me to keep being involved. I am at the end of my first semester in my master's program, I am a full-time student and I was able to volunteer quite a lot this term along with my courses. I think it depends a lot on your time management skills and your ability to cope with pressure and multiple commitments at once. I won't say it was easy, but I managed to make it through this semester with a perfect average so far (I have 3 assignments left to hand in). I think it's also important to prioritize and say no to things. I've said no to a lot of other commitments I could have. I tried to pick the commitments that would be best for my professional development and a potential Ph.D. application. Two birds one stone, kind of.
  17. Hello, I have a potential research topic for a PhD application next year, however, I am afraid that other applicants might choose the exact same topic since it is very much talked about in the media right now. (I haven't told anyone other than my supervisor and another professor in another departement about my idea). I think it might be a good research topic for me because when I'll apply to do a Ph.D, and suppose I'll be a few years into the program, data for my topic should be available... but I'm afraid my topic won't be original anymore because someone else will decide to work on it. Any thoughts or experiences re: this?
  18. This is so stressful. I feel both relieved (for realizing the mistake) and anxious (because I might still not be eligible or they may not being able to give me a chance for this typo). Wow.
  19. It's my fault. I just took another look at my files to make sure that I have not made a mistake on my side. I wrote the wrong GPA in my file for FRQSC, two points under my real GPA (but the right one appears in the PDF of my transcript). I hope I won't be penalized for this. I wrote to them and told them about it.
  20. I was also told that SSHRC is more prestigious than FRQSC, so I find it strange that I am struggling to get FRQSC now...
  21. I got SSHRC for this academic year. And I have a lot of relevant work and volunteer experience. I also got a lot of smaller scholarships prior to SSHRC. I hope I will make the cut for FRSQC, because my grades are good as a undergrad, but I must be right on the A- in my opinion (and now I'm a master student, I have a perfect average so far).
  22. I'm sure I won't be eligible for this scholarship. I hate that this woman, with whom I have speaking with for many months told me I was eligible. If I'm not, it means, I need to finish my master's thesis asap. Also, do you think not having FRSQC will break my chances for applying for the major doctoral scholarships such as Trudeau and Vanier?
  23. thanks! That's exactly what I told them, I spent a lot of hours on my application...
  24. What kind of non-academic experiences are you referring to?
  25. wow. Just got an email from them saying that I am not eligible because I have not reached the A- average for my undergraduate studies. I got upset with them explaining that this summer, I have exchanged more than 10 emails with the person in charge at FRQSC and she assured me that I was eligible after looking at my transcripts and doing the calculation. I applied to FRQSC because of that email conversation I had with her in the last few months. They said they will revise my application. But that doesn't mean that I will get the scholarship. My hypothesis is that I am on the verge of the A- or they have forgotten to calculate the two external courses I have taken during my undergraduate studies, my university doesn't calculate external courses towards my GPA even if each university has produced a transcript for each course that I have taken elsewhere.
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