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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. I am turning 25 tomorrow! I'm also on vacation. It feels nice to have no assignments deadlines hahaha
  2. Hello everyone, I plan on applying to a Ph.D. program away from my hometown. It's my top choice. But I've never lived on my own and I'm afraid that I will end up feeling lonely if I move out. I live with 4 younger siblings and my mother. I also have mental health issues and being with my family has helped me a lot to cope with some of the symptoms of mental illness. I'm turning 25 in a few days, I know that eventually, I will have to leave, but I feel anxious about feeling lonely. I'm not specifically always at home, but I find it reassuring to always have my home to go back to when I am away for work or volunteer opportunities.
  3. I totally understand you! I was applying for a grant of one of my LOR sent their letter a few hours before the deadline, I was so anxious. Glad it all turned out well in the end. I hate when people are last minute too!
  4. Officially on vacation! Yay! I took a loooong nap today.
  5. A stranger asked me, politely, if I have fun in life. I just wanted to tell him "f*ck you" but I didn't do it. Getting those kinds of comments from total strangers is one of my biggest pet peeves. Yes, I am involved in my community. Yes, I am a volunteer. Yes, I prioritize school. Yes, I've won awards for my work and do talks/speeches, etc. But that doesn't mean that I never have fun in life. I do these things because I find them enjoyable. Otherwise, I would not be doing them. Just because I volunteer more in my community than the average person does not mean that the words "pleasure and fun" aren't part of my vocabulary. I hate when people project their own fears, insecurities and expectations on me just because they don't see themselves do the things that I enjoy doing. It makes me feel like an alien and I am not. I am myself. I just which I could be accepted for who I am. I wish people could see more than the tip of the iceberg. They would be surprised how often I laugh in a day. Just because I don't make a Facebook post about it, does not mean that it's non-existent in my life. /endofmyrant
  6. I just handed in my last assignment of the semester.
  7. I just got a 500$ grant for a conference to Paris in August 2018. The other applications will be done in 2018 but I'm really happy to have a little bit of funding secured!
  8. I had the chance of having amazing discussions with people regarding transphobia, racism, islamophobia, classism, and other forms of oppression that are current in our society. It was a deep and thoughtful conversation.
  9. I am just commenting to see everybody's answers. What's the added value of maintaining an academic blog?
  10. They replied back saying that the news has not been posted yet but will be. So basically, I still have no idea if this is positive or negative.
  11. Done. I hope I will be happy with their answer...
  12. I am not a sociology major, but I took a sociology of ethnic relations course in undergrad and I really enjoyed reading Eduardo Bonilla-Silva's book called Racism without Racists.
  13. Still no news. It's been two weeks.
  14. Hello, I am not in the same situation as you, but I've been around trans folks in university and having them as friends and hearing their stories made me realize that to get to university (and even more so in academia) shows just how resilient they are. Just FYI, the University of Ottawa in Canada has just tired their first tenure professor who will teach and do research on trans realities. He is trans. Maybe you could contact him to hear a little bit about his own experience in academia? He teaches in social work.
  15. Hello, it appears that most people on this forum are pursuing MSWs but does anyone here is pursuing a Ph.D. in social work in Canada (or want to apply to Ph.D. programs in social work)?
  16. Hello, How do you know if a research proposal for Ph.D. is too ambitious/not feasible in 5 years full-time?
  17. Does anyone here wants to apply for a Ph.D.?
  18. You should check out this website : https://www.allconferencealert.com It looks really sketchy but it actually is a good resource. You can even set up notifications for new conferences that go to your email account.
  19. Hello, my university is doing this 3 Minute Thesis Contest in which students can present their masters or doctoral thesis topic in only 3 minutes. I just ended my first semester in my master's program. But my research topic is well defined (I was funded by SSHRC for this academic year and am going to do the ethics process next semester). Should I still give it a shot to 3MT even if I haven't started writing my thesis and collecting data?
  20. I bought three new shirts today and paid a portion of my tuition for next term.
  21. First off, I am so sorry for your loss. Second, I would also say that's up to you (in terms of taking a break). Some people still manage to be able to work while grieving while others can't. There is no good or bad way to grieve. Don't let other people's discomfort with the topic of death and dying influence your choice in terms of what you really want to do and what you really need at this moment. As a social worker, I really like what's been said above, take it one day at the time. I can also mention that in my own personal experience, I still cry over the people I've loved and lost even if it's been many years since I've lost them. I don't believe it is possible to grieve 100% and completely heal from the wound caused by losing someone you loved so deeply. You learn to live with it. You can have happy moments and be productive again. I am. But it will always remain with you. It's unrealistic for most people to say that you'll be 100% fine and that you will stop missing your father, especially if you loved him very deeply or have some unresolved issues with him. The scars will remain with you, but you'll learn immensely from them even if the learning side of it does not appear so clear at the moment. Again, I am sorry. Losing the people we love and cherish (and grieving also the relationship we wish we could have with them) is the most difficult thing to overcome in life for me, so I have a lot of empathy for you. Take care of yourself. And surround yourself with people who are willing to listen and be supportive. That's one of the best ways to make it through.
  22. It's really interesting to read all of your perspectives. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge.
  23. Hello everyone, I had a conversation with a current doctoral student who is teaching while working on her research. She teaches feminist theory. In one of her classes, she had an obvious anti-feminist student (he was male) who was trying to discredit her & her knowledge in front of her whole class. Hopefully, the rest of the group were supportive of her as a professor. But it felt like the student took her class only to be argumentative with her and not by real interest in her expertise. After my conversation with her, it left me wondering, how do professors and schools deal with these types of situations? Let's say you've got a student who is giving you back a paper in which there is obvious racism, sexism, hate speech in it, how do you deal with that as an instructor especially in terms of grading? I'm curious to hear what you guys have to say because I am applying to be a TA next year and I honestly do not know how I would handle the situation.
  24. I finished my classes this week. Two assignments to go and I'm on vacation!!! I will be working on two different personal projects during the holidays.
  25. Does anyone have positive (or negative) experiences with the online tutoring website HelpHub?
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