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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. I am trying to lose weight, and even though I eat 3 meals a day plus 2 snacks, I still feel so hungry.
  2. I received the letter of acceptance of supervision from my advisor for my PhD !
  3. I finished transcribing all of my interviews and focus group!
  4. I am sorry! You'll do better next time. It's happened to me also a few years ago, but I did an international conference last year and it went well. It's an opportunity to learn and improve.
  5. Ok, so I have a good sense now of how to use NVivo to code. Now that I am coding (I am doing a thematic analysis), I am using a semi-inductive framework (meaning, I have questions/themes that I want to address and I am open to any other themes that may emerge from the data). But I am unsure if I am applying this framework right.
  6. I only have the focus group left to transcribe! So relieved. I did not think I could do it at first, but I feel like I can definetely graduate on time.
  7. The contest will launch on December 3rd!
  8. I finished transcribing another interview today. Two left now and I'm done with this step!
  9. I am only missing a LOR to my application for PhD. But I am done with all the other documents. I'm also an early-bird!
  10. I coded two interviews today. I am almost done with the Methods section of my thesis.
  11. I have met with a research coordinator that works with my supervisor and she has given me really insightful information for my thesis (especially the coding process). On top of that, we had a really informal conversation for like one hour and a half after that, it was great. I feel less anxious.
  12. Yes, its hard to find that balance. I'm an anxious person by nature and I'm a perfectionist and my biggest fear is doing my entire thesis and getting it entirely destroyed by the external examiner. The thing is that my current supervisor always says that everything I do is perfect, she NEVER criticizes me which is a double-edge sword in my opinion. If I don't succeed, I will have to cancel my admission to PhD for Fall 2019 + all the scholarships I have applied to (even if I do get them, I'd have to cancel them because they can't get postponed to another year), etc. I feel a lot of pressure to finish my thesis, especially since my uni told me that I need to finish in April in order for me to graduate on time. If I finish during the summer, I'll graduate too late and won't be able to enter the PhD program next Fall
  13. I think if I was not afraid, I would just do whatever feels right in the moment and then wait for the comments of my advisor AFTER I have tried to produce something of quality. Right now, I'm just blocking trying to get it all perfect from the very start.
  14. Yes, I am very afraid of failing. People in grad school are often over-achievers,type A students & are not used to failing. It's challenging to not have clear guidelines and to do this for the first time, but I guess that's also part of the research process, the ambiguity of it all, especially in qualitative research. I have to say that I have also tried to look for master's thesis in my field using the same kind of methodology that I did and I am struggling to find something that really clears things up for me but I am going to search a bit more.
  15. I have read articles, books on thematic analysis. I have also done a lot of research on Google. It’s clearer in my head but I still feel very insecure about coding. I have little guidance from my supervisor also so I am afraid of doing everything wrong. I realize my supervisor is not the best person for qualitative research. She studies the same research topic as I am, from a slightly different angle ,but she's a quant researcher at heart. I also don't really know what are the expectations for my thesis at this stage also. I have read the elements I will be evaluated for on my uni's website, but I still am afraid of producing something that's not scientific enough and that's not good enough for a master's thesis.
  16. I am starting to feel insecure again about my thesis. I am doing a thematic analysis. The thing is that I don't know how to code my interviews & focus groups and if I should do an intercoder reliability testing before actually starting coding. I don't know what I am doing. This is so confusing.
  17. I'm still working on my app. The research statement is so short compared to other scholarships applications ?
  18. I feel more optimistic about my ability to successfully complete my thesis in early February.
  19. I finished transcribing another interview today. I'm proud because I did that one all day today. I have 4 left to transcribe.
  20. I just wanted to let you know that I also feel isolated. Take care. ❤️
  21. Hello, Ive known my advisor for like 5 years and I get this feeling that she trusts me too much in the research process. I'm pretty much on my own, doing things without being sure that I'm doing them right...it's the first time that I am doing a research project and I don't know how to tell her that I actually need more guidance than what she currently offers me because she trusts me. I know it's a weird issue, but I need supervision, I'm new to the research process...I think it's because I was a A student in undergrad (where she met me) but things are different at the graduate level and I need help and don't know how to tell her.
  22. Amazing! I hope I'll get those next year too!
  23. I finished transcribing a 4th interview. 5 more left till December 7th.
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