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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. I went to writing retreat this weekend with strangers, but mostly PhD students from different backgrounds and universities. When I said that I wanted to pursue a PhD, one of them was kinda paternalistic to me, saying that it's hard to do a PhD, that only a few people end up becoming a professor, etc...and all that stuff. I could sense that she was discouraged about her own situation (and probably thought that I am naive to be wanting to do this). I kinda cut her off and said that I know all of that, I have been told these things many times by again other PhD students who don't really know me and I have read articles about the current state of the job market for PhD graduates. But I still want to try to pursue a PhD. I am not being naive. I am making a choice to go forward DESPITE the job market because I am confident that I can find a job outside of academia if I don't find one within academia. I'm really open to other possibilities. There's nothing that hinders me from trying at this point. I told her that I don't want to condemn myself before having even tried. I like doing research, I feel like I have a good ability to tolerate pressure as I have proven already many times in my life and if it turns out that a PhD is not for me, I can stop. I ended up in grad school by accident, but mostly out of passion. I am not one of those people who wanted to do a PhD as a kid or even as an undergrad. I decided to continue in research because I genuinely enjoy it and could see myself in that field, it fits with my personality and my lifestyle. But if in 5 years, I don't like it anymore, nothing can hinder me from stopping, I am only 26, nothing can stop me from changing my mind. Yes, I would like to teach, but I am open to doing something else (non academic job) if that doesn't happen. I have never been the type of person who lets herself be discouraged by others (especially strangers). Sometimes, when I get that speech about the job market for PhD students, people come back, worried, asking me "Did I discourage you from pursuing a PhD?" and every time my answer is "no". Of course, not. There's a lot of things that I would have never accomplished if I kept listening to people trying to instill their own discouragement into me. Nobody is going to tell me what I am able (or not able) to do, especially complete strangers who don't know how I work under pressure. My supervisor thinks I can do it and I trust her, she's been working with me for the last 5 years. I give a lot more credit to her opinion on my ability to complete a PhD than strangers. /rant
  2. I'm kinda upset. I finished the first draft of my Results section of my master's thesis. But I am very uncertain about if I analyzed my data in the "right" way. I had a lot of trouble summarizing all that's been said in my interviews and focus groups and coming up with themes....I am meeting with my supervisor tomorrow and we'll talk about that.
  3. I finished the first draft of my Results chapter today!
  4. Well, I've decided to refine my codes again. Maybe that's where the issue stems from. It's my 5th round of coding (axial coding), I find it hard to see what to let go of and what's important. Everything they said seems important.
  5. Thank you for the advice! I think I'll just write everything and edit afterwards and see how that would go.
  6. My supervisor offered me another RA opportunity! It's on a really interesting topic!
  7. Hello, I am wirting the results section for my master's thesis (which will be under the format of an article to be submitted for publication to an academic journal) and I am really having a hard time being concise when reporting quotes from my participants. I don't know what to do. I am beginning to tell myself that I should've done a regular thesis, that it'd would've done more justice to the quotations of my participants.
  8. I never said that I would set the bar low. You really don’t know who i am to say something like that. I am enjoying life and have accomplished a lot on my own but I wish to be in a meaningful and positive relationship. It’s not mutually exclusive.
  9. Ok, I applied to both just in case I don't get one of them
  10. Although I have lost hope entirely on finding a romantic partner (and not because of my age, but rather because of the life choices I have made), today was a good day because I did not cry once.
  11. Can you combine Vanier with SSHRC?
  12. Good luck! My application is also under review. It's gonna be hard not to think about it!
  13. My application file for PhD program is complete! It's now under review.
  14. Yes, but they have increased the number of scholarships offered. (20 instead of 15). I feel anxious because universities have to submit their candidates by February 22nd. and my deadline for phd admission is January 15. So I don't know when between January 16 and February 21st I will receive an admission decision because you need to be admitted in order to apply to Trudeau.
  15. I feel like I have good chances for Vanier, but feel insecure about Trudeau.
  16. Yeah, It's a new criteria for 3rd year PhD students, I also noticed.
  17. If you click on the portal, there's a link for doctoral candidates that you can click on and the criteria are there. I don't now what's the process at my current university and prospective university, they haven't received their guidelines yet.
  18. It seems like you need to be already accepted into the program in order to apply. My deadline for application is on January 15...
  19. Applied for a 4th scholarship today, 1 application left. I also finished the first cycle of coding data. I am now doing axial coding.
  20. I want to pursue a PhD at Ottawa in Fall 2019. Which neighborhood from Gatineau/Ottawa should I live in in your opinion?
  21. Yes, I ended up applying to my current university.
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