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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. EDIT : Application submitted tonight.
  2. Being "in between" two degrees during the summer (my master's and my phd) means I probably won't be able to get refunded if I want to attend conferences this summer because I won't be officially registered to an institution this summer. It sucks.
  3. Submitted my application for a scholarship tonight. Got a new hairstyle.
  4. Hello, I'm applying to a scholarship this week. I'm working on a publication that I hope to finish tomorrow if possible. Am I allowed to mention this publication, that it's in preparation (and probably is going to be submitted to a journal tomorrow) even if it hasn't been accepted yet by a journal?
  5. My application file is now complete. I did not submit it yet, I am waiting to submit a first-author article that's almost done tomorrow if possible...and then I am going to submit my application before Friday.
  6. I have similar research interests! I want to study sexual violence against women
  7. Good luck to you too! It's kinda sad that each university can only send 4 files as opposed to 8 like in the past.
  8. Who is Marie Kondo? lol everybody keeps talking about her, I had never heard of her before last week.
  9. Oh ok. But you can definetly explain why it's the case? I don't think you're the first one to whom this happens!
  10. I received just a few minutes ago an acknowledgement of receipt by SSHRC for my Doctoral scholarship app.
  11. Bridge To Nowhere (a song by Sam Roberts band)
  12. I am only missing one LOR to my application. I don't believe I'll get the award but it's still worth trying, who knows.
  13. Hello, turns out I will do a traditional thesis but will try to publish 1 or 2 articles that would stem from my master's thesis.
  14. Thanks! In undergrad and during my master's, I still managed to graduate with Distinction and have a high CGPA while not actually reading every single line of everything that was assigned to me. What I would do was read the abstract, the conclusion, look at the paragraph titles to see what were the main concepts defined or the main point of the article, and reading the first and last sentence of a paragraph. I'll see if I'll be able to keep this strategy during my PhD. I think my biggest struggle is probably finding a way to read "actively" and not "passively" because reading passively is more boring and painful... What's your strategy for taking notes while you're reading?
  15. Hello, should I take a Research Assistantship, OR a Teaching Assistantship OR teach a whole course during my first year as a PhD student ? I am going to have course work during the first year. Would that be too much to handle while having coursework?
  16. Hello, did anyone here applied for a SSHRC Connexion Grant before?
  17. Hello, one question: 1) How many pages per week can I expect to read? I'm assuming it's a lot at the PhD level in the Social Sciences. Any tips on how to make it through?
  18. Okay, so I stopped panicking about my Results chapter. My advisor sent me her comments for the first time today, I have changes to make, but it's an easy-fix she said. The document she sent me back did not have thousands of comments so it's doable. I can submit in three weeks and graduate on time.
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