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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. I know. It's really hard not to focus on something else.
  2. I got a sore throat.
  3. My thesis supervisor read my entire thesis, there are just little corrections to make but I should be good to graduate this term Yay!
  4. Usually, decisions about scholarships come out in the Spring.
  5. My friend and I are got the idea of organizing a conference on my research topic.
  6. Hello, I am asking the question again. I would love to apply to Fullbright to do a research exchange in the US during my PhD. But I am afraid of being discriminated against when it comes to their health assessment. I live with mental illness, but have been stable for almost 10 years. I have read cases from Canadian students in other types of exchange programs who got their exchanges offers revoked from them after communicating that they had mental health diagnosis. One of those cases is even at the Commission of Rights and Freedoms from my province right now for discrimination.
  7. ❤️❤️❤️
  8. I saw a play today on the topic of residential school survivors in Canada. It was an emotional play, but a great one. Other than that, I am working on the final lines of my master's thesis tonight. Will finish tomorrow the first draft and send it off to my supervisor by tomorrow evening. I'm closer to the end!
  9. I know. It’s infernal. I am waiting for FRQSC, OGS, Vanier, Trudeau and SSHRC. It’s so long to wait like 8 months for an answer.
  10. I applied to be a Lecturer in summer 2019 in my field at another university tonight. But I'm sure I won't get the job. It'd be great experience though before my PhD.
  11. Hello, I feel like I am going to use my laptop and writing on paper for my PhD. But does anyone here have any tips on how to keep track of all the notes and the readings that I will do during my PhD? In my master's, it was a little easier to manage because a systematic review of the literature was not required, but it will be required for a PhD so I will have a lot more reading to do at that point. If you have any blog posts or Youtube videos that talks about a specific system of note-taking while reading, I'd appreciate.
  12. I use Sharpie Pen in Black. love love love them. https://www.amazon.ca/Sharpie-Point-0-8mm-Black-Count/dp/B0027ACOIM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1549069833&sr=8-2&keywords=sharpie+pen
  13. I added a little section of my lit review. I'm getting there, little by little.
  14. Really reassuring! Thanks !!
  15. Yes, it's not for us, it's the winners for 2018-2019.
  16. Yeah, last year the results were released at the end of March (officially) but there was a delay of a few days so results were released in early April. My status is still in Peer Review right now. Good luck to you too!
  17. I was on a panel yesterday on mental health and I feel like my interventions weren’t helpful to the crowd in front of me.
  18. What about having your own website ?
  19. My supervisor and I found the professorwho will be evaluating my masters thesis. She has accepted to take that role. I am getting closer to the end of this journey and closer from the beginning of a new one (PhD).
  20. I saw the announcement online but am unsure of what are the implications for students...
  21. I have a MacBook Air since 2013. I had to do a few repairs on it, but it’s still working beautifully. I use it daily.
  22. I don’t think they’ll annonce the winners, that’s usually in April
  23. I also saw this. Maybe more scholarships for grad students or a new program of scholarships?
  24. Hello, I am considering doing a research exchange in the US during my doctoral studies (I live in Canada). In your opinion, what are the best gender and women's studies department in the US when it comes to the topic of sexual violence (my thesis topic).
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