I am an our-of-field (music performance) applicant, and I graduated 5.5 years ago. I have taken the pre-reqs required for my top choice (UVM) through their pre-masters program online over the past year. I am having a hard time deciding who to ask for LORs. I have a music history professor from music school who I could get a decent letter from, as well as a more recent chemistry professor, but since all of my in-field classes have been online, even though I received A's in all of the courses, I don't feel super comfortable asking any of those professors as we have never met. Can I ask a professor who I am on good terms with (we've emailed back and forth a couple times since the course ended, and I got an A+ in her class) to write me an LOR? I would resend her a couple of my papers/projects to refresh her memory. Or wouldn't that be a strong letter? Has anyone had success doing this?